Rogers Flashcards
Built his theory on his experiences as a therapist
Carl rogers
This approach was formerly known as “nondirective”
Person-centered theory
Tendency for all matter, both organic and inorganic, to evolve from simpler to more complex forms
Formative tendency
Tendency within all humans to move toward completion or fulfillment of potentials
Actualizing tendency
Tendency to resist change and to seek status quo; basic needs
2 basic human needs
maintenance an enhancement
Needs to grow and to realize one’s full human potential
___ arises when there is a discrepancy between people’s organismic experiences and their view of self.
All aspects of one’s being and one’s experiences that are perceived in awareness by the individual
Experienced when basic organismic needs are denied or distorted in favor of needs to be loved or accepted.
3 levels of awareness
- ignored or denied
- accurately symbolized
- distorted form
wide gap between self-concept and ideal self
Symbolic representation of some portion of our experience
Awareness: many stimuli but cannot attend all of them
awareness: true feelings are hidden
awareness: consistent with existing self-concept
accurately symbolized
awareness: experience not consistent with self-concept, thus reshape the experience to assimilate wtih existing view of self
distorted form
Becoming a person characteristics
- individual must make contact, 2. have positive regard, 3. have positive self-regard
Feel that they are loved and accepted only when and if they meet the conditions set by others
conditions of worth
Source of psychological disorders
incongruence between self-concept and organismic experience
the greater the incongruence, the more vulnerable
State of uneasiness or tension whose cause is unknown
Awareness that our self is no longer whole or congruent
protection of the self-concept against anxiety and threat by denial or distortion of experiences inconsistent with it
defensiveness: misinterpret an experience in order to fit into some aspect of self-concept
defensiveness: refuse to perceive an experience in awareness
When incongruence between perceived self and organismic experience is either too obvious or occurs too suddenly to be denied or distorted
Happens when defenses fail and behavior becomes psychotic
Therapist accept and prize their clients w/o any restrictions or reservation
unconditional positive regard
therapist accurately sense the feelings of their clients and able to communicate perceptions without judgment
empathic listening
Conditions crucial to client-centered therapy
counselor congruence, unconditional positive regard and empathic listening
goal of client-centered therapy
clients become more congruent, more open to experience and more realistic
Psychologically healthy person or fully functioning person
person of tomorrow
A study conducted by Rogers and his colleagues to investigate both the process and outcomes of his therapy
Chicago studies
Natural instinct directing us toward the most fulfilling pursuits
organismic valuing process
Experience of being fully immersed and engaged in an experience to the point of losing track of time and one’s sense of self