Maslow Flashcards
Maslow held that lower needs have prepotency over higher level needs
Hierarchy of needs
Conative needs
physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, self-actualization
Assumes that the whole person is constantly being motivated by one need or another and that people have the potential to grow toward psychological health
holistic-dynamic theory
Need that if not satisfied result in basic anxiety
safety needs
Realization of one’s potential and desire to become creative in the full sense of the world
Motivated by the need for beauty and aesthetically pleasing experiences
Aesthetic needs
Deprivation of aesthetic and cognitive needs result to …
The desire to know, understand and be curious; when blocked all needs are threatened
Cognitive needs
A desire to dominate, inflict pain or to subject oneself to the will of another person; serve as a compensation for unsatisfied basic needs
neurotic needs
Often an end itself and serves no other purpose than to be expressed
Expressive behavior
Ordinarily conscious, effortful, learned and determined by external environment
coping behavior
An absence of values, lack of fulfillment, loss of meaning in life; result of deprivation of needs
Needs that are innately determined even though they can be modified by learning
instinctoid needs
Also called “metaneeds”
Experiences that are mystical in nature and somehow a feeling of transcendence
Peak experiences