Skin System Flashcards
What is the function of the skin?
Produces Vitamin D
What are the 3 layers to the skin?
Subcutaneous layer
What is the function of the epidermis?
Protects body
Produces new skin cells
What is the function of the dermis?
Acts as a supporting framework to the tissues-strength and elasticity
Removes waste products from epidermis
Provides nourishment to epidermis
Made up of collagen and connective tissues
What is the function of the subcutaneous layer?
Consists mainly of fat which keeps body warm
Helps absorb shock damage
Supports nerve endings and blood vessels
What are the 4 stages pf wound healing?
- Haemostasis
- Inflammation
- Proliferation
- Maturation
What are the 3 parts to a hair structure?
- Hair shaft
- Hair root
- Hair bulb
What are the 3 different types of sweat glands?
- Eccrine
- Apocrine
- Sebaceous
What function does the Erector Pili muscle have?
It contracts to make hair stand erect in response to cold or emotional responses such as fright.
What is the function of the eccrine gland?
Regulates body temperature and helps eliminate waste products. Found all over body.
What is the function of the apocrine gland?
Found in skin, breast, eyelid and ear. Is a sweat gland in skin and ear. Begins to function during puberty
What is the function of the sebaceous gland?
Produces oily substance made of fat, cholesterol and cellular debris. Mildly antibiotic and antifungal. Lubricates skin to prevent it getting dry.
What happens during Homostasis stage of wound healing?
Blood clotting system activates. Platelets & collagen come in contact with thrombin at centre. This initiates fibrin mesh.
What happens during Inflammatory phase of wound healing?
White blood cells enter to destroy bacteria and remove debris. Specialised cells then arrive to clear further debris. These cells also secrete growth factors and proteins which attract immune system cells to facilitate tissue repair.
What happens during the Proliferative phase?
- Filling wound with connective tissue
- Contraction of wound margins
- Epithelial cells begin covering wound