Skin Flashcards
A 3yo boy presents with dry pruritic skin particularly on the cheeks, scalp and extensor surfaces. He has an older brother who also had a similar rash
A 15yo boy presents with pruritic pink swellings on the superficial dermis after coming into contact with a new cat. The lesions are small and blanch on full pressure
Urticaria (allergic)
A 30yo patient presents with erythematous, scaly papules on the extensor surfaces around the elbow. There is also some evidence of a similar rash in the scalp
A patient presents with scaly annular lesions with central clearing. The lesions are gradually enlarging. Scrapings confirm a fungal infection
Tinea corpis
A child presents crops of papules, vesicles and pustules which later crust; the trunk and head are affected more than the limbs. Patient has a fever
VZV (chicken pox)
A patient with a history of herpes zoster presents with a dermatomal, unilateral rash which consists of eruptions of papules, vesicles and crusts
What is this skin condition?
Tinea pedis
What is this skin condition?
Tinea unguium
What is this skin condition?
Tinea cruris
What is this skin condition?
Tinea capitus
What is this skin condition?
What is this skin condition?
What is this skin condition?
Molloscum contagiosum
What is this skin condition?
What is this skin condition?
What is this skin condition?
What is this skin condition?
Congenital naevus
What is this skin condition that typically appears in childhood?
Benign junctional naevi
What is the skin condition? Cells are in the dermis and epidermis
Benign compound naevi
What is this skin condition?
Intradermal naevi