Gastrointestinal Flashcards
50yo male presents with burning, intermittent retrosternal pain that is partially relieved by antacids
Reflux oesophagitis
20yo male presents with difficulty swallowing food. It is worse when he eats certain foods and is not relieved by antacids. He has a history of asthma and eczema
Eosinophilic oesophagitis
45yo obese male presents with burning retrosternal pain after meals. It is worse when lying down or leaning forward
66yo patient presents with dysphagia to solids and liquids. This is aided by postural change. Associated history of mild, ongoing weight loss and regurgitation
60yo male with long-standing GORD and progressive dysphagia. Most likely pathology seen on endoscopy?
Barrett’s oesophagus
75yo male with heavy smoking and alcohol histories presents with progressive dysphagia and weight loss
Oesophageal cancer (SCC)
75yo obese male with long-standing GORD presents with progressive dysphagia and weight loss
Oesophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma)
55yo woman with chronic hepatitis C infection presents with haematemesis and melaena. She later becomes hypotensive and tachycardic
Oesophageal varices
60yo patient with burning epigastric pain, relieved by antacids. She has a history of arthritis for which she takes an NSAID daily
60yo patient with history of burning epigastric pain presents with acute onset sharp epigastric pain, that is worse on movement and is associated with melaena and haematemesis
Ruptured peptic ulcer
55yo male presents with persistent, vague epigastric pain for many months. Associated with this is nausea and weight loss. He has a history of H. pylori infection
Stomach cancer (adenocarcinoma shown)
22yo woman travelling in Thailand presents with 4 hours of vomiting and diarrhoea, associated with crampy abdominal pain
Infectious enterocolitis
65yo patient who has been in hospital and on broad spectrum antibiotics complains of new onset diarrhoea, abdominal pain and fever
Pseudomembranous colitis
33yo patient presents with diarrhoea associated with crampy abdominal pain localised to the RLQ. Associated with this is a fever and mild arthralgia
Crohn’s disease
45yo male presents with two months of faecal frequency with loose stools, urgency and tenesmus. Associated with this is abdominal pain prior to defaecating and rectal bleeding
Ulcerative colitis
22yo patient presents with a chronic history of diarrhoea, bloating, flatulence and abdominal cramps. The patient is HLA DQ2 positive
Coeliac disease
80yo male with CVD risk factors presents with sudden onset periumbilical pain and tenderness. This pain appears out of proportion to the perceived pain
Ischaemic bowel disease
Other causes: arterial compromise (embolus, thrombus, vasculitis, external compression), venous thrombosis, shock or hypotension
55yo patient presents with LLQ pain and fever. They describe a past history of bloating and constipation (with occasional intermittent diarrhoea)