Skin Flashcards
What is the integumentary system?
-Skin, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair, nails
-Physical barrier between ext & int env
What are the functions of integumentary system?
-Prevent water loss
-Protect from harm & bacteria
-Immunity (Langerhans cells)
-Regulates body temp
-Synthesises vitamin D in sunlight
What are the basic layers of the skin?
-Epidermal ridge & dermal papillae = junctions
-Hypodermis (fat/adipose tissue) - i.e., subcutaneous tissue
Role of dermal ridges
Holds epidermis & dermis together
Role of epidermal ridges/dermal papillae?
Supplies nutrients & O2 to epidermis
What are the layers within the epidermis superficial to deep?
-Stratum corneum (COME)
-Stratum lucidum (LETS)
-Stratum granulosum (GET)
-Stratum spinosum (SUN)
-Stratum basale (BURNT)
Structure of the stratum corneum (epidermis)?
-Dead cells made of keratinocyte cells (keratin - the cells will desquamate & be replaced by lower down cells regularly)
-No nuclei (anucleated)
-Flat cells
-Prevents water loss
-Protects from friction, microbial invasion
-Cells = terminally differentiated or squames = slowly lost
Role of keratinocyte cells in stratum corneum of epidermis?
Here = dead cells - keratin layer - protection
Structure of the stratum lucidum (epidermis)?
-Thin - only in thick skin - palms of feet, hands
Structure of stratum granulosum (epidermis)?
-3-5 cells thick
-Flat cells
-Central nuclei
-Most = basophilic –> as have keratohyalin granules (help w/ keratinisation of skin at top)
-Thinner keratinocyte layer
-Keratinocyte layer contains = keratohyaline granules containing filaggrin & other prots binding the tonofibrils
-Granules combine w/ tonofilaments (keratin intermediate filaments) = keratin
-Cells here degenerate -> keratinized scales forms corneum
Structure of stratum spinosum (epidermis)?
-Polyhedral cells
-Contains Langerhans cells (immunity)
-Thickest layer
-Central nuclei
-Contains keratinocyte cells
-Contain bundles of intermediate filaments (tonofibrils) containing keratin tonofilaments
Role of Langerhans cells in stratum spinosum of epidermis?
= APCs - detect foreign/harm causing antigens = take up & presents to B-cells to antibody so will be phagocytosed
-Prevent antigens moving to LNs
-Langerhans cells = type of peripheral DC
—> migrate to LN to present antigens to T cells - to initiate response against foreign antigens
Role of keratinocyte cells in stratum spinosum of epidermis?
Undergo keratinization (differentiation) = to form keratin layer on top
-Migrate upwards
How are the cells of stratum spinosum attached to each other?
By desmosomes at the tips of short projections containing bundled keratin, or tonofibrils.
Structure of stratum basale (epidermis)?
-High rate of mitosis
-Where stem cells are
-All cells originate here (& migrate upwards)
-Cuboidal/columnar cells
-Melanocyte cells found here
-Merkel cells here
Role of Merkel cells in stratum basale of epidermis?
Receptor - detects light sensation touches
-Has nerve attached which will send signal to brain
Role of melanocyte cells in stratum basale of epidermis?
-Makes dark melanin pigment synthesised by melanocytes - moves to keratinocytes
–> protects nuclear DNA from UV damage
How are cells of stratum basale attached to BM & each other?
-BM = by hemidesmosomes & integrins
-Other cells = by desmosomes
What is vitiligo?
-Destruction of melanocytes (melanin producing cells)
-Autoimmune condition
-Symmetrical depigmentation
What does hyperkeratosis mean?
-Thickening of stratum corneum of epidermis
-Orthokeratosis hyperkeratosis = hyperkeratosis w/ no nuclei