Glands Flashcards
What are the x2 types of glands?
What are endocrine glands?
Secrete hormones directly into bloodstream
What are exocrine glands?
Release their substances either:
-Directly onto an ep surface
-Via duct systems
Name some endocrine glands.
-Pituitary *
-Thyroid *
-Adrenal *
-Pancreas (part of it is endo & part is exo) *
Name some exocrine glands.
-Salivary (x3 parts: parotid, submandibular & sublingual)
-Pancreas (part of it is endo & part is exo) *
Structure of thyroid gland?
-Cells arranged into follicles (spherical shaped)
-Follicles - lined w/ single follicular ep = cuboidal ep
-Follicles - surrounded by reticular fibres
-Follicle cavity - filled w/ colloid ==> follicular cells synthesise & secrete colloid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (& thyroid hormones)
–> colloid is made up of thyroid hormones
-CT septa from thyroid gland caspule - extends into gland’s interior -> divides gland into lobules
-Capillary network surrounds follicles -> as endocrine glands release secretions (thryoid hormones) directly into blood
-Gland also contains parafollicular/C cells
–> found peripehrally in basal lamina of follicular ep OR as clusters between follicular cells - contain secretory granules containing calcitonin hormone
–> synthesise & secretes calcitonin
What is colloid made up of?
Thyroglobulin = iodinated glycoprotein - is inactive storage form of thyroid hormones (T3 & T4)
What colour does colloid (cavity of follicles) show up as?
Stain pink - eosinophilic
-As is basic
What colour do C cells show up as?
Stain lighter than follicular cells - pink - eosinophilic
Role of calcitonin secreted by C cells?
When conc of Ca2+ in blood increases -> transports Ca2+ from blood into bone -> makes bone stronger/denser
(Parathyroid hormone does the opposite)
Describe how thyroid hormones are secreted?
- Follicular cells take up stored thyroglobulin
- Transport thyroglobulin across follicular ep
- Release thyroid hormones into capillaries surrounding follicle
Where is the pituitary gland in the skull?
Surrounded by sellae turcica
-> in which the hypophyseal fossa is where pituitary gland sits
Give the embryonic origin terminology, pituitary subdivision & clinical terminology for the pituitary gland.
-Adenohypophysis = ant. pit - x3 subdivisions
-Neurohypophysis = post. pit - x2 subdivisions
(Infundibulum = pit. stalk)
What are the 3 subdivisions of the adenohypophysis?
-Pars distalis
-Pars intermedia
-Pars tuberalis
Describe the structure of pituitary gland?
-Pars distalis (A) -> forms from ant. wall of Rathke’s pouch
-Pars intermedia (A) -> forms from post. wall of Rathke’s pouch - along with <- pars nervosa (N)
-Pars tuberalis (A) -> forms collar of cells/surrounds infundibulum (N)
-Pars distalis = largest
-Pars intermedia = thin cell layer between distalis & neurohypophysis
A = adenohypophysis = ant. pit - green on diagram
N = neurohypophysis = post. pit - grey on diagram
Blood vs (IN PARS NERVOSA!!!) -> hormones enter
-Paraventricular nucleus - contains ADH/vasopressin synthesising neurones
-Supraoptic nucleus - contains oxytocin synthesising neurones
–> these hormones bound to glycoprots pass down axons of hypothalamopituitary tract through pit. stalk to post. pit. - where are stored in distended terminal axon parts
–> hormones released from post. pit - controlled by nervous impulses passing down axons from hypothalamus (= neurosecretion)
PP = post. pit. –> lighter/pink stained
AP = ant. pit. –> darker/purple stained
P = pit. stalk/infundibulum
H = hypothalamus
V = ventricle (lateral)
O = optic chiasm
Explain the difference in the staining (H&E) between the posterior & anterior pituitary.
Posterior = Neurohypophysis -> lighter staining:
-Contains non-myelinated axons = neurosecretory cells
-Contains glial cells & axons whose cell bodies are in hypothalamus
Anterior = Adenohypophysis -> darker staining:
-Pars distalis - contains x2 cell types:
Chromophobe -> do NOT take up H&E stain
Chromophil cells -> divided into acidophils (stain orange/red) & basophils (stain blue/purple)
–> & ant. pit. comntains more cells
For the 3 subdivisions of the adenohypophysis - what cells do they contain?
Pars distalis = all x5
Pars tuberalis = gonadotropes (as basophils)
Pars intermedia = basophils (unclear which ones)