Skilled Performace Flashcards
Definition of skill
The learned ability to bring about predetermined results with maximum certainty and efficiently
Main features of a skill
🍒objective- goal direction and pre determined. Ie have an outcome want to achieve
🍒Leaned- not innate, go through same stages of learning as everyone but make it look easy
🍒Movement efficient- don’t waste energy, easy minimum effort, action performed fluently
🍒Aesthetically pleasing
🍒consistently successful
🍒recognisable it linked to technical model- compared to ‘full marks model’ ie sequence of movement allows skill performed efficiently, effectively, with accuracy. Covers positioning, technique, timing, recovery
Basic skills
🍒Form the foundation of more complex skills.
🍒Don’t include complicated movement.
🍒often generic to many sports
🍒sports people need to master these first before attempting complex skills
🍒eg running, jumping, throwing
Complex skills
🍒more difficult
🍒complicated movements require high levels of coordination and control
🍒usually sports specific
🍒eg serve in tennis, throwing a discus
The discrete, serial, continuous continuum
Concerned with whether or not an observer can see a definite beginning or end to the movement, whether it is composed of a number of separate elements, or whether movement has no clear beginning or end
🍒well defined beginning and end
🍒usually a brief single specific skill
🍒skill repeated just start at beginning
🍒eg basketball free throw, golf shot
🍒number of discrete skills in a sequence
🍒order is important
🍒each movement has a stimulus and response
🍒eg triple jump
🍒poorly defined beginning and end
🍒activity is ongoing
🍒end of movement is the beginning of next
🍒eg cycling, running, swimming
Open skills
🍒affected by the environment or performed in a dynamic changing situation or environment
🍒predominantly perceptual with no clear beginning or end
🍒long pass in soccer
🍒performed in a stable, unchanging environment, where environment had little or no impact on the performance
🍒predominantly habitual with a clear beginning and end little decision making required
🍒eg forward roll in gymnastic
Different types of skills
🍒Cognitive- involves 🧠 working eg reading coaching points or eg reading instructions over and over to learn how to serve in badminton.
🍒perceptual- involves interpretation of info and making divisions on it. Eg in badminton you look which area of court to serve too
🍒motor- involve control of muscles in carrying out movements eg forward roll
🍒perceptual motor- involves perceptual, motor and cognitive skills. Involve knowing what to do, behind able to interpret and make right decision for the situation and behind able to execute skill efficiently.
Eg I’m badminton seeing the shuttlecock cove over net and knowing what shot could be played, deciding on the best option and then performing the shot effectively with sound technique.
Cognitive skills
🍒Cognitive- involves 🧠 working eg reading coaching points or eg reading instructions over and over to learn how to serve in badminton.
Perceptual skills
🍒perceptual- involves interpretation of info and making divisions on it. Eg in badminton you look which area of court to serve too
Motor skills
🍒motor- involve control of muscles in carrying out movements eg forward roll
Perceptual motor skill
🍒perceptual motor- involves perceptual, motor and cognitive skills. Involve knowing what to do, behind able to interpret and make right decision for the situation and behind able to execute skill efficiently.
Eg I’m badminton seeing the shuttlecock cove over net and knowing what shot could be played, deciding on the best option and then performing the shot effectively with sound technique
Coordination definition
Ability of the brain and muscle to work together to perform smooth accurate movements.
Test for co ordination
Alternative Hand Wall Toss- Hand-eye coordination
🍒mark a certain distance from wall usually 2 meters
🍒stand behind line facing wall
🍒ball thrown underarm off wall with left hand and caught with right hand then vice versa.
🍒Usually continues for a set time period with number of successful catches counted
Balance definition
The ability to be in a state of equilibrium whether static or moving. About being in a position to be able to perform the sequence of movements of a skill under control
Test for balance
Stork stand
🍒stand on both feet with hands on hips.
🍒lift one leg. Toes of this leg placed against knee of standing leg
🍒you then raise heel of standing leg and stand on toes
🍒watch starts and stops is 1) lose balance 2) hell touches floor 3) foot comes away from knee
Reaction time
Time taken for the body (or part) yo respond to a stimulus. Time lapses from the presentation of stimulus to start of response
Eg time taken from shut gun at 100 m spring
React to opponents shot in badminton
Test for reaction time
Ruler drop test
🍭a 1m in help by tester between outstretched index finger and thumb of the performers dominant hand.
🍭performers thumb level with 0 on ruler
🍭ruler then dropped by tester and performer must catch ASAP
🍭read off the ruler how many cm took to catch. Lower number better reaction time
Agility definition
Ability to change direction efficiently and effectively when moving at speed. About being able to start, stop or change from forwards or backwards or to sideways quickly and with CONTROL.
Consistently good more likely regarded as skilled
Test for agility
Illinois agility test
🍭lye down in front with hands by shoulder. When instructed to start get to feet and complete marked course in shortest time possible. Final time compared against scoring chats
Factors that unpin a skilled performance
🍭specificity 🍭validly -test what you want to test 🍭reliable- same every time 🍭conditions and environment 🍭protocol 🍭accuracy of measurement 🍭athlete emotions, motivation and state of readiness 🍭athlete state of heath and hydration
Main reasons for fitness testing
🍭provides a baseline or starting point 🍭identifies talent 🍭identifies strengths and weaknesses 🍭provides incentives 🍭helps motivate 🍭monitors progress 🍭helps set goals and targets
Specificity SP
Fitness tests must asses an individual as fitness for the activity or sport in question.
Eg little point using running endurance test to assess athletes improvement in cycling endurance
Validity SP
Testing is concerned with whether the test measures exactly what it sets out to.
Reliability SP
Accuracy of results
Test reliable it should be possible to gain same or similar results in a report test.