Skeletal Muscles Flashcards
Muscle types coordination - 4 plus compartment
Prime mover or agonist - moves bone
Antagonist - stretches and yields, on opposite side
Synergist - stabilizes intermediate joints during movement
Fixators - stabilize origin
Compartment - group of muscles, blood vessels, nerves with common function. Ex flexor compartment anterior, extensor posterior.
3 lever classes and examples
First class EFL - head on vertebral column Second class ELF - standing on toes Third class FEL - elbow
Fascicle arrangement - 7
Parallel - sternohyoid
Fusiform - parallel but tapers toward tendon - digastric muscle
Circular - orbicularis oculi
Triangular - pectoralis major
Uni-pennate - fascicles one side of tendon - extensor digitorum longus
Bi-pennate - both sides feather - rectus femoris
Multi-pennate - fascicles from many directions - deltoid
Characteristics used to name muscles - 7
Direction - orientation to midline Size - relative size Shape - relative shape Action - principle action Number of origins Location - near what structure Origin and insertion
Characteristics direction 3
Rectus - parallel to midline
Transverse - perpendicular to midline
Oblique - diagonal to midline
Characteristics size 10
Maximus - largest Minimus - smallest Longus - long Brevis - short Latissimus - widest Longissimus - longest Magnus - large Major - larger Minor - smaller Vastus - huge
Characteristics shape 10
Deltoid - triangular Trapezius - trapezoid Serratus - saw-tooth Rhomboid - diamond shape Orbicularis - circular Pectinate - comblike Piriformis - pear shape Platys - flat Quadratus - square, four sided Gracilis - slender
Characteristics action 11
Flexor - decreases joint angle Extensor - increases joint angle Abductor - moves bone away from midline Adductor - moves bone closer to midline Levator - raises or elevates body part Depressor - lowers or depresses body part Supinator - turns palm anteriorly Pronator - turns palm posteriorly Sphincter - decreases size of an opening Tensor - makes body part rigid Rotator - rotates bone around longitudinal axis
Characteristics number of origins 3
Biceps - two
Triceps - three
Quadriceps - four
Head facial expressions 10
Orbicularis oris - close and protrude lips, kiss
Zygomaticus major - smile
Zygomaticus minor - raise upper lip
Buccinator - cheek against lips, mastication
Occipitofrontalis frontal belly - raises eyebrows
Occipital belly - draws scalp posteriorly
Platysma - depress mandible, draw lower lip inferior, pout
Orbicularis oculi - close eye
Corrugator supercilli - draw eyebrow down, vertical wrinkle forehead, frown
Epicranial aponeurosis / galea aponeurosis - connect epicranial muscles, protect top of head
Head move mandible 3
Masseter - close mouth, chew
Temporalis - close mouth, retract mandible
Lateral pterygoid - open mouth
Neck anterior strap 4 + move head 1
Infrahyoid: strap muscles: Omohyoid - depresses hyoid Sternohyoid - depresses hyoid Sternothyroid - depresses thyroid Thyrohyoid - depresses hyoid
Sternocleidomastoid - flex or laterally flex head, rotate head
Abdomen muscles 5
Rectus abdominis - flex vertebral column, compress abdomen
External oblique - flex vertebral column, compress abdomen
Internal oblique - flex vertebral column, compress abs
Transversus abdominis - compress abdomen
Linea alba
Assist in breathing thorax 3 plus openings 3
Diaphragm - inhale, exhale External intercostals - contract inhale Internal intercostals - contract exhale Aortic hiatus Esophageal hiatus Caval opening
Pelvic floor 2
Levator ani - resist abdomen pressure
External anal sphincter - keeps anal canal closed
Thorax muscles move pectoral girdle 6
Pectoralis minor - abduct and rotate down
Serratus anterior - abduct and rotate up
Trapezius - rotate up, adduct, depress
Levator scapulae - elevates and rotates down
Rhomboid major - elevate, adduct, rotate down
Rhomboid minor - elevate, adduct, rotate down
Scapula movements 6
Elevation - superior movement
Depression - inferior movement
Abduction / protraction - lateral and anterior, as in pushup, punching
Adduction / retraction - medial and posterior, as in rowing
Upward rotation - move inferior angle lateral, so glenoid moves up, as in jumping jack
Downward rotation - move inferior angle medial, so glenoid moves down, as in gymnast on parallel bars
Thorax muscles that move humerus 7
Pectoralis major - adducts and medially rotates arm
Latissimus dorsi - swimmer, extends arm, adducts, medially rotates
Deltoid - abduct arm
Suprasinatus - assist deltoid in abduct arm
Infraspinatus - laterally rotate arm
Teres major - extend arm, assist in adduction
Teres minor - laterally rotate and extend arm
Rotator cuff 4
Teres minor
Arm muscles move radius and ulna 4
Biceps brachii - flex arm and forearm, supinate forearm
Brachialis - flex forearm
Brachioradialis - flex, supinate, pronate forearm
Triceps brachii - extend forearm and arm
Wrist tendon 2, thumb and little finger muscles 7
Flexor retinaculum - carpal tunnel - medial nerve Extensor retinaculum Thenar - thumb Abductor pollicis brevis Opponens pollicis Flexor pollicis brevis Adductor pollicis Hypothenar - little finger Abductor digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi brevis Opponens digiti minimi
Back muscle - largest
Erector spinae
Gluteal region, move femur 5
Gluteus maximus - extend thigh, laterally rotate thigh
Gluteus medius - abduct thigh, medially rotate
Adductor longus - adducts, flexes, rotates thigh
Gracilis - adducts thigh, medially rotates, flexes leg
Tensor fasciae latae
Femoral triangle contains 3
Femoral nerve - lateral
Femoral artery
Femoral vein
Bounded by inguinal ligament, adductor longus, sartorius
Anterior thigh muscles 6 + ligament
Quadriceps femoris- extend leg Rectus femoris - also flex thigh Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Tendon of quads to patella to patellar ligament
Sartorius - tailor’s muscle - weakly flex leg, weakly flex, abducts, laterally rotates thigh
Posterior thigh muscles 3
Hamstrings - flex leg and extend thigh
Biceps femoris
Lower leg 5
Anterior - tibialis anterior - dorsiflex foot, inverts foot supinate
Posterior Gastrocnemius - plantar flex foot, flex knee Soleus - plantar flex foot Plantaris - plantar flex foot, flex knee Calcaneal tendon - achilles