skeletal muscle Flashcards
what are myofibrils made of
myofilaments made of actin and myosin
what is a unit of muscle
what is a unit of a myofibril
how to actin molecules make up an actin filament
all join to a nebulin rod
what do myosin filaments sit between
Z discs and M line
where is calcium stored
sarcoplasmic reticulum
how does an action potential cause a release of Ca
acetyl choline binds to the receptors of the neuromuscular junction.
this causes an influx of Na which depolarises the cell (T tubules).
Voltage gated Ca2+ channels open
explain the sliding filament model
Ca2+ binds to troponin, leading to a conformational change so tropomysosin moves to expose the actin binding site
myosin head binds to actin and forms a cross bridge
myosin head rotates, pulling actin past myosin
ATP is Hyrolysed from myosin as ADP + Pi causing the mysoin head to bend and do a power stroke
myosin returns to original position
How is rigor mortis caused
no ATP, so ATP dependent pumps stop working so Ca2+ cause actin myosin cross bridges
and then the bridges cannot be broken
describe hypocalcemia in dogs
involuntary contraction as low calcium levels will lead to a spontaneous action potential (due to high natural amount of ACH)
describe hypocalcemia in ruminants
have naturally low ACH levels, so low calcium will prevent an action potential, so no muscle contraction
how is creatine phosphate produced
ATP + Creatine
Catalysed by creatine Kinase