sit to stand - thighs off impairments Flashcards
Extends knees very quickly using back of
bed to assist
Weakness concentrically of quads from 110/120
degrees flexion to full extension (failed to pass 20
degrees off full extension)
Lack of final knee extension – 20 degrees
Weakness concentrically of quads from 110/120 degrees flexion to full extension (failed to pass 20 degrees off full extension),
Lack of final hip extension – 20 degress
Weakness concentrically hip extensors and or tight hip flexors. Lacked final 20 degrees hip extension
Weight still on right side when standing
Weakness in glut med concentrically to assist in weight bearing to the left.
Sitting down
No anterior translation of knees, simply
flexed at hips , no control
Sitting down weakness eccentrically of quad and hip extensors from -20 degrees off full extension to 90 degrees flexion.
left leg lifts up off floor on sitting.
Noted weakness of hamstrings to stabilise left foot on ground with concentric control as into final sitting.
additional observations
neck position = Noted excessive neck flexion
- No right hand use on sitting down.
- weight distribution: Decreased weight on the left through all phases
left hemi additions
Sensory loss on the left Inattention or neglect Visual loss on the left Lack of insight, impulsivity Fear
levels of dependance:
• requires supervision – close / distance
• requires verbal cuing
• requires minimal physical assistance x 1
• requires moderate physical assistance x 1
• requires physical assistance x 2
• unable to perform even with maximal