random notes Flashcards
High level Mobility Assessment Tool
• Designed for higher functioning brain injured adults (ie
91/91 on COVS but not fully functioning / co-ordinated)
• 11 different walking, running, hopping, skipping, jumping
and stair items.
• Measure with a stopwatch or tape measure
• Inter-rater reliability of 3 PTs on 17 TBI patients -
ICC=0.99 (Williams, 2006)
• Testretest reliability of 1 PTs on 20 TBI patients -
ICC=0.99 (Williams, 2006)
• Patients perform each task at their maximum safe speed
(except for bounding and stair items)
• Results are recorded on 5 point scales
• Items are then summed for a total score.
• Norms
– Chronic TBI 32.6 (+/-13) (Williams, 2006)
– MDC and MCID not established
types of cerebral artery deficitis
- MCA = more loss to arm rather than leg
- ACA = more loss in LL
- If loss of blood/mvmt to cerebellar = ataxia, but won’t be weak or have sensory loss
- PCA Posterior cerebral artery = will have significant speech issues
- Difficulty preshaping in grasp
o Hand may not open or open excessively
o Hand/thumb/finger not orientated for object size, shape, weight
o Not smooth or coordinated closure or appropriate force
o Difficulty building up force and susataining force
o Fluctuation is force
- Common adaptive features in grasp
o forearm pronation
o Wrist flexion and ulnar deviation
o Thumb add, limited abd/F to open hand
o Fingers flex all at once
- In hand manipulation skills
o Translation – fingers to palm to fingers
o Shift – move fingers up and down an obkect
o Rotation – simple and complex
- Post stroke hand
o Difficulty releasing objects cause weak ex and overactive flexors
o Clumsiness
o Loss of movement synsergies between fingers and thumb
walking - inconsistent step length
When walking = inconsistency in length/steps is a co-contraction issue not length (length is consistent)
Tight posterior capsule
blocks hip extension however won’t get hypextension and is consistent
= due to poor hip ext or PF in pre swing – don’t have enough push through so hip flexors compensate
Flexor spasticity (gait)
- can’t extend hips or knees due to involuntary flexion of hips and knees = spasticity of hammies
Extensor spasticity –
can’t flex hips or knees due to involuntary ext./straightening of the leg= spasticity involves the quadriceps and adductors