Single Word Def Sport Society Flashcards
Organised group of people associated with a shared common interest
Members of society learn its norms, values and ideas in order to take their place in that society
Learning of values or attitudes that are incorporated within yourself
Unfair situation where resources are distributed unevenly within a society
Established organisation
Social control
Concept that refers to way in which people thoughts and feelings are regulated in social systems
Social stratification
Type of social inequality where society is divided into different levels on basis of social characteristic, wealth or status
Two tier system
Social clas
Term used to define social inequalities, certain groups have more access to wealth, income and power
Social action theory
Way of viewing socialisation
Interactionist approach
Study of how individuals behave within a society
Form an unfavourable opinion of an individual, often based on inadequate facts
Discrimination, overt / covert example
Unfair treatment of person to make a distinction and act on a prejudice
Can be overt (being racist) or covert (non selection of captain bc of race)
Is a simple generalisation about how a group behave which allows others to categorise and treat them accordingly
Set of beliefs based on assumption that races have distinct hereditary characteristics that give some races an intrinsic superiority over others
Lack of ethnic minorities in certain positions in a sports team, tends to be based on stereotype that they are more valuable physically than decision making
Ethnic minorities may be pushed into certain sports/positions based on assumptions about them
Rooney rule
Requires National football teams in USA to interview minority candidates for head coaching
Whole sport plan
Business plan submitted to Sport England outlining each NGB’s strategies to grow participation and enhance talent over 4 year period