Single, Bi-directional lines & Pilotman Working Flashcards
Define a bi-directional line?
A line signalled in both directions with no priority over direction
Define a single line?
A line available for movement in both directions basically a bi-directional line.
What is the overall principle of a single line?
Only one train on the line at any time.
What is the principal risk of a hazardous event on a single line?
Collision of trains
What does a train staff look like?
Wooden shaft
Brass plate with details of route
Ground frame key at one end
On a one train working line where a train staff is provided, what is your authority to enter the single line?
The train staff and entrance signal showing a proceed aspect.
Where must the train staff be kept when the train is in motion?
In the leading cab (at all times)
In what four circumstances would you not need the train staff in order to enter the single line?
P - Pilot-man working
A - Assisting a failed train
L - Line under procession
M - Modified working
On a one train working line where a staff is not provided, what is your authority to enter the single line?
The entrance signal showing a proceed aspect.
Give two ways you can that check you have received or released the correct token for the single line?
Colour of token (for line)
Stamp on token with entrance/exit details
When working on single lines with a token, what is your authority to enter the single line?
The correct token (in your procession) and entrance signal showing a proceed aspect.
Where is the token kept when the train is on a single line?
In the leading (train) cab at all times
If there are more than one locomotive, at the leading end of the train, what rule applies with regard to the token?
Show the token to all other drivers
Kept the token in the leading cab (at all times)
On electric token block lines, when may you enter the single line without a token?
P - Pilot-man working
A - Assisting a failed train
L - Line under procession
M - Modified working
S - Electric train shunting purposes
If a portion of a divided train is to be left on a single line and you are taking the front portion forward, who must you contact prior to leaving the single line?
The controlling signaller
Your train has failed on a,
no signaller token line, and the assisting train requires the token, to release a ground frame. You must take the token to the ground frame. What do you do when you arrive at the ground frame?
Contact the signaller
Do not put the token into the ground frame
Come to a clear understanding with the assisting driver
Hand over the token to the assisting driver
There are two degraded circumstances where trains can be operated under one train working regulations. What are they?
1. Operating one side of an obstruction (you have token - treat it as a staff)
2. Token machine faulty (you have token - treat as a staff)
Under what circumstances must PILOTMAN working of a single / Bi-directional line be introduced?
T - token lost
O - obstruction
S - signal cannot be cleared
D - disconnected or defective signal
E - equipment faulty
L - level crossing equipment faulty / failed
T - token machine faulty/failed
How is a pilotman identified?
The pilot-man will wear a red armband on the left arm with the word pilot-man written in white.
Give an example of when pilotman working is not necessary?
Modified working eg signals have just failed and signaller ops for modified working until pilotman can attend
When pilot-man working is in operation, you will be given a RT3156 ticket. Give 5 instructions or pieces of information that will be included on the ticket.
- Lines affected
- Signals to ignore
- Speeds of different from normal
- Start and ending points (signals)
- Details of any level crossings
- Any other necessary information.
How can you ensure that you fully understand all the instructions the pilot-man has given you?
Read the ticket
Repeat back the ticket
Question any concerns
Repeat back again
Confirm all is understood - come to clear understanding
As well as the ticket RT3156, what else do you need to get from the pilot-man in order to enter the single line?
The pilot-man’s personal authority
What speeds must you travel over the single line?
Permissible line speed unless instructed differently
15mph over points
When will the pilot-man NOT travel with the driver?
- When travelling in another train
- When the token is available
Give two examples of when the Pilot-Man WILL accompany the driver?
- Working to/from an obstruction
- One train working line
When will the pilot-man NOT issue you with a ticket?
R - removing a portion of a failed train
E - evacuating a failed train
A - assisting a failed train
R - removing a train that has proceeded without authority
O - one train working
O - obstruction - working to/from
If your train fails on a single line, what type of protection must you lay?
Assistance protection (300 mtrs) if poor weather, unable to contact signaller or assisting driver.
If your train fails on the single line and the pilot-man is with you, who is responsible for organising assistance?
The pilot-man
In the case of train failure, when will the pilot-man travel with the assisting train?
- When the assisting train is approaching from the rear
- When the failed train will be removed to the rear.
If you are laying protection, who must you tell prior to leaving the train?
The controlling signaller
The guard (if one is onboard)
What type of working can be implemented as an interim measure prior to pilot-man working taking place?
Modified working
During this type of working, what is the maximum speed on a single line?
50 mph unless informed otherwise by the signaller
15 mph over points
What is the main risk associated with pilot-man working of single lines?
Proceeding without permission