General Safety Responsibilities Flashcards
Walt must always be your first concern on the railway?
Your safety
The safety of others
Who is the first person to whom you would report a trespasser?
The controlling signaller
Give two reasons why it is important to report a trespasser?
Vandalism of railway property.
Theft for example: cable theft.
Potential Suicide
In terms of; slips, trips, and falls, resulting in personal injury, how can you ensure your safety, when climbing into or out of a train?
Follow the three points of contact rules.
Place your bag inside first (before you climb in)
collect your bag (exiting train) when both feet are safely on the ground
Are you allowed to ride on the steps of a locomotive or any moving vehicle?
If employed as a driver
What features of a passing train would cause you enough concern, to report them to the signaller?
T. Tail lamp missing or not lit
H. Hazard warning, lights flashing
I. Insecure load
R. Driver/guard displaying a red hand signal.
D. Door not closed properly.
H. Indication light not lit (BIL)
A. A vehicle and/or axle box fire
N. Headlamp NOT lit.
D. Train in distress horn. (Continuous long blasts (high loud tone))
Use THIRDHAND (1st letter to remember)
What could cause danger to an oncoming train?
A track defect.
A flood.
An obstruction.
A fire.
Damage to structures or earthworks above or below the line.
Any light which is out at an emergency indicator.
A cow, bull or other large animal within the boundary fence (even if it is not an immediate danger to trains).
Any other animals on or near the line.
You need to stop a train in an emergency situation from the line side, but have no means of contacting the signaller. What would you do?
A: in daylight
B: in darkness
You must show a red flag.
If you do not have a red flag, raise both arms above your head.
If you are riding on a vehicle, raise one arm held out horizontally.
You must show a red light to the driver
or wave any light violently.
What information would you find on a dangerous goods, large hazard warning panel?
You are walking on the line side and observe a train carrying petrol tanks, derailed and fowling another line. You contact the signaller, what is the first thing you MUST say?
This is a Rail Dangerous Goods Emergency Call
What personal safety precautions must you take, to stay safe, in an emergency scenario involving dangerous goods?
- Call the emergency services
- Try to put out or contain any fire, but only if you are trained and competent to do so
- Isolate all affected vehicles or packages from the rest of the train
- On electrified lines, asking for the electricity supply to be switched off
- Act on advice from Operations Control
- Keep well clear
- Keep the wind behind you when you face affected vehicles or packages
- Avoiding low-lying places
- Keep any unauthorised person well clear.
- Do not use any mobile phone when near
What communications are regarded as safety critical?
All operational communications by front line staff.
What are we agreeing to each time we have a safety critical communication?
A verbal contract.
Who has responsibility for safety critical communications?
Everyone including you.
You are due to relieve a driver at an intermediate station. The train arrives late and the dispatch process has begun when you try to have a handover discussion with the other driver. What must you ensure?
Safety over performance
Any traction issues
Any information from signaller
How do you ensure a clear understanding has been reached, as part of safety critical communications?
If unsure. Stop ask them to repeat.
Repeat back to clarify.
What TWO (2) phrases must not be used during safety critical communications?
1: Over and out
2: Never use the words ‘not clear’ to describe a line that is obstructed, always use ‘line blocked’.
Write down the complete phonetic alphabet.
What is the purpose of a train head code and what do the numbers and letters mean?
All trains which run on the UK Rail Network are allocated a headcode – a 4 digit alphanumeric code used to identify a train service.
The first digit is the train class category.
The second digit is route identifier.
The last two digits just identify the service on that day.
What methods of communication are available with the signaller?
Direct - face to face
Direct - telephone / radio eg. Signal Post Telephone, Line side Telephone, GSM-R, Mobile phone
In-direct - via hand-signaller, Pilot-man, anyone authorised within the rulebook
Who would you report an accident of you require a block of a running line?
The controlling signaller
You are reporting an emergency to the signaller, what MUST you say first?
This is an Emergency Call.
Outline the structure of an emergency call - in the correct order.
- This is an emergency call
- My name is ** I work for ** my role ***
3a. My location
3b. Location of incident (if different) - Describe incident and actions eg.
*I need lines blocked
*Emergency switch off (if in area with electricity)
*Emergency services - Repeat back
Praise - this is an emergency
I - identify (who are you)
L - location
L - location if different
A - Actions
R - Repeat back
When are you considered to be, ‘on or near the line?’
On the line itself or within 3 meters of a running line
Note: 1.25mtrs if working on a platform
What is the 5 & 10 rule?
You must look up every 5 seconds
You must be in a place of safety 10 seconds before a train passes
What authority must you have in your procession when walking on or near the line, or on the line-side (when not on a station platform)?
Your company ID card
Driver licence and paper counterpart (valid PTS certificate in date)
Detail what equipment you require when walking on or near the line, or on the line-side (when not on a station platform)?
Hi visibility clothing (jacket) - must be clean, with company logo visible, and worn correctly
Safety footwear
A torch
What must you consider before and during the crossing of running lines?
Direction of trains
Speed of trains
Any hazards
Limited clearance areas
Locations of safety
Trips / fail risks
Most convenient point and quickest- with good visibility
What does a yellow diamond with a cross mean when associated with a Signal Post Telephone?
This telephone is in an area of limited clearance.
What does a blue and white chequered sign denote?
If you are travelling as a passenger on an empty coaching stock movement (ECS) what part of the train MUST you NOT sit in?
The active driving cab
If you are travelling as a passenger on an empty coaching stock movement, who must you tell and what must you tell them?
Tell the driver and reason for travel (authority)
What actions would you take of you were travelling as a passenger and noticed an insecure door?
- Arrange for the train to be stopped immediately
- Speak or arrange for someone to speak to the guard or driver
- Protect the doorway ensuring nobody can access
- Pull passcom
Aside from the technical means of enabling them, how must buzzer codes be transmitted?
Carefully, with pauses between
Acknowledging any in reply except, 3 - 2 - 1 (testing doors)
What are the main buzzer codes used (some TOCS use additional codes)
Code & Meaning
1 Stop
1-2 Close power-operated doors
2 Ready to start
2-2 Do not open doors (driver and guard to speak to one another)
3 Set back
3-1 Lock central door locking
3-2-1 Testing doors
3-3 Guard required by driver, or guard or driver to speak on the telephone
3-3-1 Release central door locking
4 Slow down
6 Draw forward
9 Police assistance required
If you require clarification of a rule or instruction, who would you contact?
DI - Driving instructor
LD - Lead driver
DSM - Driver Standards Manager
DLM - Driver Learning Manager
DDM - Depot Driver Manager
What must you do in a situation where there is no rule that allows or prevents you doing something you believe must be done?
Preform the action in the safest possible way following, assessing the situation and if possible seeking clarification.