Simmons studying Flashcards
What are the relative contraindications for methotrexate for abortifacient (4)
1) mass >4cm
2) fetal cardiac activity
3) b-hCG >5,000
4) refusal to accept blood products
what are the absolute contraindications for methotrexate use for abortive (10)
1) intrauterine pregnancy
2) elevated liver enzymes
3) decreased renal function
4) breast feeding
5) poor follow up
6) immunocompromise
7) pulmonary disease
8) peptic ulcer
9) ruptured cyst/ ectopic
10) sensitivity to metho
How do we give metho?
single dose IM injection
If ineffective, usually another dose given
if thats ineffective surgery is option
How to follow up with metho treatment for abortive
Need repeat beta in 4 and 7 days. from day 4-7 we expect 15% decrease to claim effectiveness.
What should the patient expect for metho treatment?
nausea, pain at the site of ectopic because of retraction of the mass, vaginal spotting.
what should the patient avoid after given metho treatment
vitamin C/prenatal vitamins and sunlight
Why avoid Folic acid after metho?
what about vitamin C?
The mechanism of action is deplete folic acid. thus it could counteract methotrexate’s mechanism of action.
Vitamin C may increase the metho action making it more toxic.
Discriminatory zone for ultrasound detection of ectopic pregnancy?
b-hCG >2,000
what are the most common causes for fetal meningitis
1) beta-strep
2) listeria
3) E. coli
what is the importance of Rh factor?
Rhesus factor is always tested. If mother is negative then she will produce antibodies to the red blood cell antigen causing hemolysis. If she has a baby that is Rh (+) then the baby will die of hydrops fetalis
increased number of pregnancies puts the mother at risk for what?
hemorrhage and prolapse.
How do we treat Rh negative mothersd
what is rhogam
what is the definition of labor?
cervical change/time
When must you have placental delivery?
within 30 min
what is the normal dose of folic acid
400ug daily
what percentage of pregnancies are unplanned
what age is too old for pregnancies?
34 for multiple pregnancies and 35 for single pregnancy
what is the most accurate way to determine pregnancy?
1st trimester ultrasound
what is the another way to determine pregnancy date?
Neagles rule: last menstrual period. add one week and 1 year and then subtract 3 months
Are serological tests used to determine gestational age?
No. They are GA non-specific
Whats the best indicator of gestational if only doing one test
second trimester ultrasound
What is fundal height
the length in cm from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. Good indicator of the size fo the baby and how far along the pregnancy is.
The fundal height should be +/-2 of the weeks gestation. Thus, if 30 weeks along the fundal height should be 28/32.
what is APGAR
appearance, pulse, grimmace, activity, respiration
what are the causes of AUB?
structural and nonstructural. PALM-COEIN
polyp, adenomyoma, leimyoma, malignancy, cogulopathy, endometrial, iatrogenic, not-yet specified.
When do women feel fetal movements?>
usually around 20 weeks
Decelerations type and causes
variable-cord compression, early-head compression, accelerations-good, late decel-placental insufficiency
define early deceleration
If the decel occurs with contractions.
Variability at gestational ages –what do we expect to see?
28wks–any variability
28-32wks –10sec X 10bpm
>32wks –15sec X 15bpm
prolonged accelerations vs deceleration s
accels good. Decels bad –could indicate cord compression due to oligohydramnios