Sikhism Flashcards
What does the name “Sikh” mean?
What does “Sikh Dharma” mean?
“Disciplined path”
Where was the founder of Sikhism born?
Born to Pakistani Hindu family
Who is the most important Sikh guru? Second?
- Nanak
- Ghobind Singh
What religion was the founder of Sikhism prior to starting the Sikh tradition?
What is symbolized by the little comb that some Sikhs wear in their hair?
Controlling the mind and body
What is meant by the sikh saying that “all religions are an expression of God’s white light?”
White light has all the colors of the rainbow, every religion is valid
As a child, the founder of Sikhism was different from other children. How so?
By the age of five, he just wanted to focus on spiritual things and talk doctrine
What is the Khalsa and who founded it?
Gobind Singh
How long was the founder of Sikhism immersed in the water?
Three days
When the founder of Sikhism entered God’s presence, what did God give him to drink?
A cup of nectar
The founder of Sikhism was commanded to do what?
Rejoice in God’s name and teach others to do the same
When the founder of Sikhism emerged from the river in which he had immersed himself, he didn’t speak for how long? When he finally did speak, what did he say?
Immersed for three days, didn’t speak after 24 hours, “there is neither hindu nor muslim”
At approximately what age did the founder of Sikhism leave his wife and kids to preach the truths revealed to him by God?
30 years old
During the 24 years of Sikhism, what method did the faith’s founder use to spread the message of the new faith?
Nanak and his friends go around singing songs
The founder of Sikhism chose who to be his successor?
What does the name “Angad” mean?
“Of my own body”
How did the founder of Sikhism “ordain” his successor?
Had him sit in a chair and put gold stuff on his forehead. Placed fice peaches before him and bowed
What did the founder of Sikhism have his followers place along side of him prior to his death?
Fresh flowers
When Sikhs use the term “Guru” without a name attached, to whom are they referring?
“Teacher”, usually referring to God
Who is the only dispeller of darkness?
What is the two-fold purpose of life in Sikhism?
- Overcome the cycle of reincarnation
- Achieve union- you can become one with God in mortality
How does one shed karma?
Love god more than you love this world
Sikhs think of heaven as what?
A state of mind, listen to what is in your heart and conscience and you will be led to Heaven
When one achieves “release” and enters heaven, what happens to the person?
Absorbed into God
What are the 3 S’s of Sikhism?
- Meditation (Simran)
- Service (Seva)
Following the guidance of advanced teachers (Sangat)
What does “Waheguru” mean?
Chant, guru mantra
When would a Sikh recite “Waheguru”?
Whenever (praying, saying thanks, etc.)
The Sikh canon is primarily made up of what genre of literature?
Who was the successor to the 10 mortal Gurus?
The Guru Granth and the Dasam Granth
Before you enter a Sikh temple, what 3 things should you do?
Cover your head, wash your hands and feet, make offerings to the scriptures
What is the Sikh Langar and what does it symbolize?
COmmunal meal, eat whenever you want, sense of equality and acceptance
What are the 5 Ks of Sikhism?
Military class wear them:
1. Kirpan
2. Kara
3. Kesh
4. Kanga
5. Kachera
What is the most important temple in Sikhism?
The golden temple
How many times a day does a faithful Sikh pray?
Five times a day
What is “mala” in Sikhism?
Prayer beads- keeps track of how many prayers, hymns, and mantras
Sikh Khanda:
Inner ring: God and truth are without beginning or end
Two swords: combination of spiritual and temporal power
Sword: Live a life of righteousness, be able to stand up against wickedness
Mortal gurus:
- Nanak- founder of Sikhism
- Angad- invented the script of the scriptures
- Amar Das- begins collecting hymns
- Ram Das- Construction on Golden temple
- Arjan- completed the golden temple, first start to see persecution against sikhism
- Har Gobind- introduced 2 swords, began resistance
- Har Rai- provided free health care
- Har Krishan- The “boy guru”
- Tegh Bahadur- fought emperor
- Gobind Singh- 2nd most important, founded the Khalsa
What is the name of the script in which the Sikh scriptures are written?
Sanskrit- Gurmukhi
At what point does succession become hereditary?
During the time of Arjan
What does the name “Tegh Bahadur” mean?
Brave sword
What dietary restrictions do Sikh’s have?
Frown on alcohol and tobacco, some don’t eat mean, if killed badly no
What was the founder of Sikhism’s view of women?
Legitimate equality
What is the primary difference between Singhs and Nanak-panthis?
Nanak are more pacifistic, Singhs defend the faith
What are the three major stages of Sikh development?
Founding of the faith
Period of persecution
The founding of the Khalsa
What does the term “Khalsa” mean?
Pure ones
What does the term “SIngh” mean?
Lion- men
Rules of the Khalsa:
Drink nectar, be baptized, join quorum of five, monotheism, no castes, scripture sacred, defend faith, honest income, tithing, bro and sis, no stealing, no gambling, no tobacco, no alcohol, marry in the faith, repentance
What does the term “Kaur” mean?
Princess- women
Where in India is the largest population of Sikhs found?
Punjab region