Jainism Flashcards
According to our classroom discussion, “Jainism” is a Sanskrit word, which means what?
To conquer
Rather than a traditional religion, Jainism is more of a what?
More of an ethical belief system concerned with morality
Actions performed out of desire do what to one’s soul, according to Jain thinking?
Karma matter builds up and sinks the soul into the universe
In class, we spoke of “Five Principles” or “Five Vows” of Jain monasticism. What are they?
- Ahimsa— Protect ALL life
- Satya— speak truth
- Asteya— avoid theft, greed, exploitation
- Aparigraha— detachment from material things
- Brahmacharya— chastity
What does Jainism believe about God?
Rejects any belief in a supreme god or deity
What do the statues in Jain temples depict?
The founder of Jainism was whom?
Vardhamana Mahavira
What does the term “Digambara” mean?
The founder of Jainism’s given name was “Nataputta,” but he was given a title by which he is commonly known. What does that title mean? And what does it imply about the founder?
“great hero”
Jainism is a break off of what world religion?
What are Jain trying to overcome?
Material needs
According to tradition, the founder of Jainism died how?
Died in the town of Pawapuri
Approximately when was Jainism founded
600 BCE
What was the childhood of the founder of Jainism like?
Rich, pampered, ruling caste
What significant religious figures lived around the same time as the founder of Jainism?
Confucius, Buddha, Zarathustra
How old was the founder of Jainism when he began his quest for enlightenment? How old was he when he was actually enlightened?
Left at 30 years old, claims enlightenment at 42 years old
What had recently happened that likely sent Mahavira into the practice of asceticism?
The death of his parents
What Jain holiday expects you to confess sins/offenses, and seek forgiveness?
According to our classroom discussion, how popular is Jainism in the West?
Never really transitioned to the West
Is Jainism an independent religion, completely separate from Hinduism; or simply a sub denomination of Hinduism?
Completely different from Hinduism
When the founder of Jainism began his quest for enlightenment, what did he do about his hair?
Ripped it all out
What are Tirthankaras and what do they do?
Help us get off the cosmic cycle, completely free from defects of human existence
Who is the most important Jain Tirthankara?
Mahavira or Rishabhanatha
What are the main denominations of Jainism
Digambaras and Svetambaras
What are the Jain “ethical tools” that are used by practicing Jains to escape the wheel of transmigration?
- Right knowledge
- Right faith
- Right conduct
How old was the founder of Jainism when he died?
Died at 72
What is the two-fold purpose of life in Jainism, according to what we discussed in class?
- To renounce materialistic needs
- Ahimsa– never kill ANYTHING
What is “mental ahimsa”?
Violent thoughts are just as bad or worse than violent actions
What does the term “Svetambara” mean?
What is the major difference between the Jain and Hindu understandings of the nature of Nirvana?
Individuality is retained in Nirvana, after you die your soul still exists, continue to be you in the eternities
Are Jains more inclined to “blue-collar” or “white-collar” jobs?
White-collared jobs to avoid harming animals
In class we listed “5 principles” or “5 vows.” What were they?
- Ahimsa: protect ALL life
- Satya: speak truth
- Asteya: avoid theft, greed, exploitation
- Aparigraha: detachment from material things
- Brahmacharya: chastity
What is the “official” Jain position on scripture?
Any text is really accepted
In class we talked about four different kinds of scriptural text. What were they?
Literal, allusive, allegorical, mystical
Who is the source of Jain scriptural texts?
Mahavira let out a “sacred sound” that contained all his teachings
Which denominations of Jains walk around nude?
What is the name of the Jain wedding canopy?
Why do Jains not worship in their temples?
They don’t believe in God
According to our classroom discussion, what are the two most important holidays in Jainism?
Paryushan and Das Lakshan
What is Paryushan?
Time for spiritual growth
What does the swastika symbolize in Jainism?
“all is well”
What does the hand symbolize in Jainism?
Do not use your hand for violence; stop and think before you act
Why do many Jain temples often have sexual symbols as part of their architecture?
Reminder of chastity
When Hindus see cows as symbols of the divine, what is the cow a symbol of in Jainism?
Symbolized independence, we take care of cow, cow provides for me
What are elongated earlobes a symbol of in Jainism?
“supernatural status”, wisdom
How common is vegetarianism in Jainism?
Extremely common
Why do observant Jains not eat root vegetables?
Cooperative existence, eating the root will kill the vegetable
Why do many Jain monastics not eat after sunset?
Bacteria grows after sunset, avoid killing microorganisms
Which Jain denomination is most accepting of women?
Which group of Jains wore a 3-piece robe?
How do they feel about the caste system?
Result from karma
About how old was Jainism when it first split into denominations?
Split 4th and 3rd century BCE