Shoulder Joint Ch 10 Flashcards
What type of joint is the shoulder?
Ball and socket joint w/ movement in all 3 planes and axes of
Sagittal, frontal, transverse
What movements occur at the shoulder joint?
Flexion/extension/hyperextension Internal (medial)/External (lateral) rotation Adduction/Abduction Horizontal Adduction/Abduction Scaption
Occurs in the scapular plane not in the sagittal or frontal plane.
Allows the shoulder to move in 180 degrees upward/downward directions.
30 degrees forward of the frontal plane
Most common functional activities occur in this plane of motion.
Give an example of arthrokinematics in the body?
Humeral head moving in the glenoid fossa
Femoral head moving in the acetabulum
Give an example of osteokinematics in the body?
Radius articulating around the capitulum of the humerus-supination/pronation
Glenohumeral Rotation
IR- the humeral head glides posteriorly
ER- the humeral head glides anteriorly.
Humeral head moves in the opposite direction of the body segment
End Feel: Soft tissue stretch/firm secondary to the tension of the ligaments/ muscles/joint capsule; -all shoulder movements
ROM at Shoulder
Flexion- 0 to 180_
Extension 0 to (returning to anatomical position)_
Hyperextension-0 to 45_
Medial (internal) rotation 0 to 70__ (move from neutral position)
Lateral (external) rotation 0 to 90_
Horizontal abduction 0 to 45(Clarkson, 2013)
Horizontal adduction 0 to 135 (Clarkson, 2013)
Scaption-0 to 30
Glenoid Labrum
Fibrocartilanginous ring attached to the rim of the glenoid fossa; glenoid fossa deepens the articular cavity
Subscapular fossa
Anterior (costal) surface / attachment for the subscapularis muscle
Infraspinous fossa
below the spine of the scapula/attachment for the infraspinatus muscle
Supraspinous fossa
above the spine of the scapula/attachment for the supraspinatus muscle
Acromion process
broad, flat area located on the superior lateral aspect /attachment for the middle deltoid
Thoracolumbar fascia
Superficial fibrous sheet attaching to:
Spinous processes of the lower thoracic and lumbar vertebra
Supraspinal ligament
Posterior part of the iliac crest
Covering the sacrospinalis muscle
Provides a broad attachment for the latissimus dorsi
Where is the subdeltoid bursa located?
located between deltoid muscle and the joint capsule
Where is the subacromial bursa located?
located below the acromion and coracoacromional ligament continuous with the subdeltoid bursa
Rotator cuff
tendinous band formed by blending together from tendinous insertions of the
Teres Minor
Muscles assist keeping the head of the humerus “rotating” against the glenoid fossa during joint motion