Shopping 6 Flashcards
You are a shop clerk. When the customer A comes, please welcome him/her and ask what s/he is looking for.
You want to buy a nice thin(薄うすい)sweater.When you are asked, tell the clerk you are looking for a thin soft sweater that is very comfortable to put on.
Tell the customer that striped sweaters are popular this winter, and those striped sweaters are very soft and comfortable to put on.
Tell the clerk that you want to see the ones s/herecommends
Show them and tell the customer that they are in various colors. Ask him/her which color s/he likes. Ask if s/he wants to tryit on.
いろいろな色がありますが、どれがよろしいですか。 ちょっとご試着(しちゃく)してみますか。
When you are asked, tell the clerkthat theone with red & white stripeslook nice. Answer tothe clerkthat you want to try it on and ask where the fitting room is.
Tell the customer that fitting room is just over there. After a while, ask him/her how it fits on him/her.
Tell the clerkthat you feel the M size is too big because the sleeves(そで)are too long. Ask the clerkif there is S size.
When you are asked, go get theS size give it to him/her.
Tell the clerkthat S sizefits well so you want to buy it.
Ask the customer to come to the casher. Tell him/her that it costs 8000 yen. Ask him/her how s/he wants to pay (by cash or by card.)
Goto the casher and tell the clerkthat you want to pay by credit card with one-time payment.
Ask him/her to sign on the receipt. Give a receipt to the customer and thank him/her for coming