Shock Flashcards
Define shock
A clinical condition characterised by a failure to adequately perfuse and oxygenate vital organs
How is shock recognised clinically?
Hypotension: BP <90 systolic
Altered consciousness and fainting
Poor peripheral perfusion: cold, clammy, prolonged cap refill (although in septic shock there may be vasodilation at beginning)
Purpuric rash
Oliguria (<50ml/hr in adults)
Classification of shock
- Hypovolaemic: blood loss, fluid loss, redistribution (third spacing - blood moves into interstitium)
- Cardiogenic:
Primary: MI, arrhythmias, valve dysfunction, myocarditis
Secondary: tamponade, massive PE, tension pneumothorax
- Septic shock
- Anaphylactic shock
- Neurogenic shock: spine and spinal cord injury
*Important to note that the above classification gives the idea that these causes happen in unison but actually mixed aetiologies are common
Management of shock
Venous access: take appropriate bloods
Give fluids where appropriate
Monitor urine output
Look for and treat cause
Inotropic and vasopressor therapy