Shapland Flashcards
Technique to address model risk
weight multiple models
Error distributions (4)
- normal, z = 0
- Poisson, z = 1
- Gamma, z = 2
- inverse Gaussian, z = 3
Variance of incremental claims
var(q(w,d)) = phi * m^z
m is fitted incremental loss
Linear predictor GLM parameters (4)
- c = constant level parameter
- alpha = AY adjustments to constant level parameter
- beta = development period parameter
- gamma = CY trend parameter
Consequences of ODP fitted incremental claims = CL incremental claims (3)
- simple link ratio algorithm can be used w/in GLM framework
- use of age-to-age factors allows the model to be easily explained
- allows for negative incremental claims (which would be a problem to model)
Unscaled (aka normalized) residual
r_p = (q - m) / sqrt(m^z)
q = actual incremental losses
m = fitted incremental losses
z = 1 for ODP
Scale parameter formula
sum(r^2) / (N - p)
where N = # data cells and p = # parameters
**should always be calculated from unscaled residuals
Number of parameters
= 2 * # AYs - 1
or with additional development period/adjustment parameters:
= # AYs
+ (# development period parameters - 1)
+ (# hetero adjustment groups - 1)
Scaled residuals and what scaling accounts for
scaled residual = unscaled residual * DOF adj. factor
DOF adj. factor = sqrt ( N / (N - p))
> > corrects for bias/over-dispersion in residuals
Standardized residuals and what standardization accounts for
standardized residuals = unscaled residual * hat matrix adjustment factor
hat matrix adjustment factor = sqrt ( 1 / (1 - ith position on diagonal of hat matrix) )
> > ensures residuals have constant variance
Scale parameter approximation using standardized residuals
scale parameter = sum (squared standardized residuals) / N
How to incorporate process variance into incremental claims estimates
assume each future incremental value is the mean and each variance(fitted incremental value) the variance of a gamma distribution and simulate future incremental losses
Outcomes when modeling paid vs. incurred data
paid data - outcomes represent total unpaid
incurred data - outcomes represent IBNR
Common problem with ODP bootstrap model
most recent AYs have more variance than expected b/c more age-to-age factors are used to extrapolate the sample values
> > correct for this by using BF/CC method
Limitations of the ODP bootstrap model (2)
- does not account for CY effects
- tends to over-parameterize the model
Drawbacks to the GLM bootstrap model (2)
- GLM must be solved with every iteration, which slows down simulation
- model is no longer directly explainable with age-to-age factors