Sexually Transmitted Infections Flashcards
What is HSV?
Herpes simplex virus
What are the characteristics of Herpes?
- Ulcers in mouth/genital area
- Often asymptomatic
What is the most common treatment for Herpes?
How is Herpes transmitted?
- Unprotected sex
- To the baby during birth
- Contact with ulcers (e.g. kissing with mouth ulcer)
How does Herpes affect breastfeeding?
- Should not feed from affected breast
- Express milk and discard EBM to maintain supply
What are the characteristics of Syphilis?
- Genital ulcers which are usually painless
- Blotchy red rash on hands/feet
- Can cause tiredness, headaches, joint pain, fever
What are the 3 types of Syphilis?
Primary = painless sores present Secondary = variety of symptoms (including rash) Tertiary = no treatment can lead to heart abnormalities, lesions in bones and organs and can affect the NS
What are the complications of neonatal Syphilis?
- Stillbirth
- Miscarriage
- NN death
- Neurological problems
- Organ damage
How is Syphilis transmitted?
- Unprotected sex
- Contact with lesions
- Through the placenta
- During delivery
How is Syphilis treated?
Antibiotics (most commonly a penicillin injection into the buttocks)
How does Syphilis affect breastfeeding?
Does not affect BF as sores are on genitals and rarely on mouth/ breasts
What is bacterial vaginosis?
- Not an STI
- Infection caused by bacteria in the vagina
- Causes include sex, perfumed products, antibiotics, IUD
What are the characteristics of BV?
White-grey discharge that has an unpleasant smell which may be more noticeable during/ after sex
What is the treatment for BV?
Antibiotics (commonly Metronidazole)
What is HIV?
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- Virus that attacks the immune system
- Incurable virus
- Can lead to AIDS
What are the symptoms of HIV?
Flu-like symptoms (e.g. fever, headache, muscle aches)
How is HIV transmitted?
- Unprotected sex
- Sharing needles
- During delivery (if no ART)
What is ART?
Anti-retroviral Therapy
How does ART work?
Prevent the virus from replicating, allowing the immune system to repair itself
How does HIV affect breastfeeding?
- Should advise against BF as it can pass through breastmilk to the baby
- If the mother wants to BF, baby must also be given ART
- Transmission more likely with mastitis/ cracked nipples
Which STIs are tested for routinely at booking?
- Hepatitis B
- Syphilis
What is Hepatitis B?
Infection of the liver caused by an STI
What are the symptoms of Hepatitis B?
- Flu-like symptoms
- Loss of appetite
- N+V
- Diarrhoea
- Abdominal pain
- Jaundice
What is the treatment for Hepatitis B?
Antiviral treatment
baby should be given vaccine and immunoglobulin within first 24 hours and then at 1, 2 and 12 months
How does Hepatitis B affect breastfeeding?
Women can still BF as long as the baby has had the immunisations
What must be considered for a baby who has a Hepatitis vaccine?
They must wait 3 months before having a BCG vaccine (if applicable)