Embryology Flashcards
What two periods is embryogenesis split into?
- Embryonic period (first 8 weeks)
2. Foetal period (final 32 weeks)
How does fertilisation occur?
- Sperm cell meets corona radiata of egg
- Acrosome release enzymes that break down the zona pellucida
- Sperm and egg membranes fuse
Name the different stages of development of the embryo
- Fertilised ovum (up to 24 hrs)
- Cleavage (up to day 3)
- Morula (up to day 4)
- Blastocyst (up to day 5)
What is the blastocystic stage?
On days 7-8, the syncytiotrophoblast secretes enzymes that allow implantation
What is gastrulation?
Formation of 3 germ layers at end of week 2
What is the neural tube?
The beginning of the CNS
Name 2 neural tube defects
- Spina bifida
- Anencephaly
What is the usual dose of folic acid?
5mg if risk factors present
Give some risk factors for NTDs
- Family/personal history
- Diabetes
- BMI >35
- Anti-epilepsy medication
- Coeliac disease
What are some other ways of intaking folate?
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Legumes
- Cereal
- Nuts
- Yeast extracts
What is a teratogen? Give 2 examples
Something that causes congenital malformations during embryonic development
- Accutane
- Thalidomide
What does the neural tube close?
Between weeks 3 and 4
What hormone indicates pregnancy and where is it produced?
- hCG
- Syncytiotrophoblast
When does the heart generally start beating?
Week 4-5
What does the blastocyst split into?
- Trophoblast (forms placenta and chorion)
- Inner Cell Mass/Embryoblast (forms foetus, umbilical cord and amnion)
What processes happen to produce a female foetus?
- Oestrogen causes formation of external genitalia
- Walffian ducts passively regress
- Mullerian ducts passively develop into internal genitalia
What processes happen to produce a male foetus?
- SRY gene activated which forms the testis
- MIH is released which causes the active regression of Mullerian ducts
- Testosterone causes active development of Walffian ducts into internal genitalia and releases 5 aDHT which causes active development of external genitalia