2nd Stage of Labour Flashcards
What should contractions be like in the 2nd stage?
4:10 lasting approx. 1 minute
What is the mechanism of delivery?
- Descent
- Flexion
- Internal rotation of head
- Crowning
- Extension of head
- Restitution
- Internal rotation of shoulders
- Lateral flexion
What are the 2 powers used to delivery the baby?
- Primary power (involuntary contractions)
2. Secondary power (voluntary urge to push)
What can delay/obstruct foetal descent?
A full bladder
What cardiovascular changes occur in 2nd stage?
- Compression of the aorta and iliac arteries
- Cardiac output increases due to adrenaline and shifts to upper extremities
- Increased HR
What respiratory changes occur in 2nd stage?
- Increased RR
- Hyperventilation common
What GI changes occur in 2nd stage?
- Decreased motility and absorption
- Delayed emptying time
- Dehydration
What are the 2 phases of 2nd stage of labour?
Passive = full dilation of cervix before involuntary expulsive contractions Active = baby visible, expulsive contractions, full dilation, active maternal effort
What is the average duration of 2nd stage?
Primip = 2 hours
Multip = 1 hour
(after 1 hour of passive descent once fully dilated)
What are the recommended interventions for delayed 2nd stage?
- Empty bladder
- Synto
- Position change
- Instrumental delivery
What can cause a delay in labour?
3 Ps / 4 Fs
What are the 3 Ps?
Power (contractions)
Passages (pelvis)
Passenger (baby)
What are the 4 Fs?
Full bladder
What are some of the signs of delay/obstruction of labour?
- Maternal concern
- Contractions stopped
- Lack of progress felt on VE
- Haematuria
- Bandl’s ring
What is a lotus birth?
Placenta is left attached to the baby until the cord separates naturally
What does APGAR stand for?
A - Appearance P- Pulse G - Grimace A - Activity R - Resps