sexuality Flashcards
office for national statistics
3.1% of UK population 16+ identitifies as LGBTQ in 2020
stonewall statistics
family - only half of lesbian, gay and bi people and trans people feel able to be open about their sexual orientation or gender identity to everyone in their family
poverty - 1 in 5 LGBTQ experienced homelessness
ethnicity - half of black, asian and minority ethnic LGBTQ experienced discrimination from others in local LGBTQ community due to ethnicity
work place - more than 1/3rd LGBTQ staff hide at work
hate crime - 2/3rd experience anti-lgbbtq violence or abuse, 9 in 10 experienced verbal abuse
school - 42% bullied, 21% of non lgbtq
international - 70 countries criminalise same-sex relationships
sexuality is a product of biology
belief we are born gay, straight or bisexual
belief that there is a gay gene
sexuality is a social construction
ann cronin
- idea of biology from 17th
- widespread support for idea it is a choice
- sexually attractive in terms of heterosexual men changes over time from culture to culture
19th C - illegal and imprisonable
early 20th c - abnormal sexuality - mental illness
1950s - homosexuality mental illness - shock treatment
1957 - report of departmental committee on homosexual offences and prostitution - advices homosexuality should not be illegal
1970-73 - gay liberation front
1972-83 - gay news - gay newspaper - reported on discrimination and political and social advances
1989 - stonewall
2005 - civil partnerships
2014 - gay marriage
2010 - equality act
where are we now
Taylor - lesbians have much lower profile than men - decriminalisation of sexuality based on gay men
radical - women wanted to bring social change - political lesbian - will never gain true equality
pm - support rise of gay movement - choice, diversity and equality - positive changes but still discrimination
Dorais - many gay men attempted suicide as struggled with own sexual identity
social experience
stigmatised by other members of society
- heteronormative society - labelling
subject to discrimination or stereotyped
- 2010 equality act, rise in labelling
subject to verbal or physical abuse
- hate crime rapidly increasing 41% increase since -2021 and 56% for transgender
different leisure activites
- rise of gay subculture, pink pound
gay people have a relatively low representation in media
- 11.9% representation in TV - harmful stereotypes portrayed - daily mail ‘he’s not only in the wrong body… he’s in the wrong job’ - suicide of trans schoolteacher Lucy Meadows
impact of sexuality on social experience of an individual - positive
increased protection by law - equality act 2010
more cultural acceptance through the rise of choice in contemporary society - pm
rise in gay subculture - new leisure opportunities
increase in media representation - more role models
rise in demonstrations
impact of sexuality on social experience of an individual - negative
rise in hate crime - leads to social experience of fear and anxiety
low media representation - lack of role models
misrepresentation in media leads to stereotypes
stigmatisation of sexual identity
society still based on heteronormative values
discrimination, low-self esteem
rise of gay subculture
1970s - emergence of gay subculture - positive gay identity
gay bars, buying cars
pink pound - spending power for gays
new forms of masculinity
politicised and social identity increased in visibility and political power eg marriage and equal rights
reports - stonewall - campaigning
demonstrations - pride marches
LGBT movement - fight for equality
changes to sexual identity - laws
rise of equal rights legislation, eg equality act - 2010, civil partnerships - 2005, gay marriage - 2014
changes to sexual identities - cultural expectations and cultural acceptance
increasing change in attitudes since 1960s - gay identities more accepted
changes to sexual identities - rise in more choice of masculinity
rise in more choice of masculine identities
men are increasingly more concerned with their body shape, appearance, weight
changes to sexual identities - sexualisation of men’s bodies
moobies - male boobs - 2000s
sun newspaper publishing wall of shape - 2005
changes to sexual identities - role of media in body image portrayal
men’s bodies more sexualised - naked bodies being portrayed in the media eg Torso of the Week
Daniel Craig - James Bond in Casino Royale - more naked than anyone else in the film
changes to sexual identities - physical scrutiny of men
men are now beginning to face the same physical scrutiny as women
McRobbie - beauty stakes have gone up for men, and women have taken up the position of active viewers
changes to sexual identities - leisure and consumption
gay identity led to gay professionals spending pink pound and engaging in different leisure activities to heterosexual males
heterosexuality constructed by culture - sexual attractiveness of female body
18th/19th C - paintings show feminine beauty as plump
1950s - marilyn monroe - fill-figured
2010s - skinny supermodels
heterosexuality constructed by culture - differing body image portrayal in media
criticise fat women - magazines and newspapers
Hunt - media recognises society’s obsession with looking slim - slimness = success - less impact on men
Mulvey - male gaze - sex objects - identity controlled and governed by men eg page 3 of the Sun
heterosexuality constructed by culture - double standards in sexual identity
men and women have different sexual identities
Lees - women who are promiscuous - slags while men are studs
for women - sexual identity carries risks, especially in the stigmatisation of identity
evaluating sexual identities
cultural shift and acceptance 0 changes are small and norms of sexual behaviour and sexual identities still constructed by agents of socialisation - regards homosexuality as deviant
Stonewall report 55% experience homophobic bullying - full acceptance not achieved
PM - labelling and homophobia preventing choice and freedom