national identities Flashcards
not important - globalisation
Bauman - PM - identities no longer has a stable base and merely result of ongoing choices
- citizens of the world rather than being based on national identities
Globalisation theorists argue that national identity has changed because of 3 main challenges posed by globalisation
- political and economic unions, immigration and cultural processes
Hall - one negative consequence of globalisation is that national cultures will decline - new hybrid cultures leading to hybrid identities
important - globalisation
The British National Party - negative identities - ORR
- people define themselves by what they are not
- the growth of these groups in recent years might be seen as an attempt to reassrt national identity
Defensive mechanism - Hall - absolutism and nationalism have been response to this threat eg immigration
Pilkington - little englanders - are a response to the process of cultural homogeneity caused by globalisation - culturally racist view of British as while English-speaking culture
not important - multiculturalism
Waters - rise in multiculturalism leads to the declining importance of national identities
Modood - second gen ethnic minorities saw themelves as mostly culturally and socially british
- national identity of origins nation has declined
Postmodernists - our identity is now based on a variety of different factors and are chosen individually - we may want to identify with our national identity as certain times but not at others
Multiculturalism - consequence of globalisation and has increased the fragmentation and fluidity within identity
important - multiculturalism
Durkheim - socialisation through ceremonies and ritual are important integrating mechanisms that contribute to the creation and recreation of national identities
the purpose of this is to create social solidarity - the general belief that people share a bond uniting them - provides a sense of social cohesion
not important - crisis of british national identity
Waters - 3 reasons that are causing british identity to weak
Rise of Celtic identity - devolution of Scotland and Wales have strengthened a long-held sense of regional identity that overpowers the British identity eg British Attitudes survey - 69% scottish 20% british
Multiculturalism - Modood found that Asians and African-Caribbeans do not feel comfortable with a British identity because they do not feel accepted as truly British
English identity - increasing numbers of people are likely to identify themselves as english rather than british (little englanders - pilkington)
important - crisis of british national identity
Guibernau and Goldblatt - british identity started after 1707 Act of Union - sense of british national identity created around 5 key themes
british empire