sexual ethics Flashcards
What is Cohabitation
An unmarried couple living together in a sexual active relationship
What is consent
Freely agreeing to engage in sexual activities with another person
Premarital sex, explain what it is
sex before marriage
what is extramarital sex
Sex beyonds the confines of marriage
What is Betrothal
Traditional exchange of promises, which in earlier times marked the point at which sex was permitted
What is consummation
an act of sexual intercourse the indicates in some traditions the finalisation of the marriage
What is meant by the term exclusive
a commitment to be in a sexual relationship with a person to exclusion of others
sexual attraction between two people of the same sex
Why has cohabitation changed since 1960
It may have changed due to the contraceptive pill in 1960 and how it got rid of the fear of unwanted pregnancies.
How have the statistics about cohabitation switched since 1960
1 in 20 UK cohabited in 1960 but in modern time it is about 50% and could be higher
Why did the definition change since 1960
1960 - short time where a coupled live together before marriage
Modern - long-lasting alternative to marriage
What is the christian traditional views on sex before/outside of marriage
It is sinful. It is a bond of marriage. Premarital sex indicates lack of moral discipline and threat to the institution of marriage and family
Who said “free from sexual immorality” and what does it mean
Corinthians and it means avoid inappropriate sexual behaviour (including sex before marriage)
The quote by Casti Connubi that goes “every sexual act must be within the framework of marriage” means what
you should only have sex with your spouse, cheating and premarital sex aren’t allowed
“this is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh” is a quote from what bible story and what does it mean
It is a quote from genesis which shows how marriage unifies and bonds with one person and sex is a physical symbol of this.
“this love is above all fully human, and compound sense and spirit. It is not them, merely, a question of natural instinct or emotional drive. It is also, and above all, and act of the free will, whose trust is such that it is meant not only to survive the joys and sorrows of daily life, but also grows, so that the husband and wife become in a way one heart and one soul, and together attain the human fulfilment” - means what
sexs connect a husband and wife as one. Not just about natural instinct and that promiscuous sex is bad cause it connects people
“some today claim a ‘right to a trial marriage’ where there is an intention of getting married later. However, firm the purpose of those who engage in premature sexual relations may be, ‘the fact is such liaisons an scarcely endure mutual sincerity and fidelity in a relationship between a a man and a women’ … human love does not tolerate ‘trial marriage. It demands total definitive gift of persons to one another” means what
Couples should not cohabit or have premarital sex. Sex is special and so couples should wait to be married
“The wisest and the most practical way forward therefore may be fore Christians both to hold fast to the centrality of marriage and at the same time to accept that cohabitation is, for many people, a step along the way towards that fuller and more complete commitment. Such an approach has much to be said it its favour.” is supposed to mean what
cohabitation is a natural step towards marriage. And how a couple develops their commitment to each other
What is the catholic opinion on cohabitation
That if you get caught you couldnt do holy communion (the eating and drinking of the bread and the wine)
Arian thatcher ideas went to CofE (church of England) but what was his ideas
That Christians who believe pre-ceremonial sex is immoral have wrongly assumed the ceremony is required. he also came up with the idea of betrothal.
Why have religious marriage gone down
Due to the country becoming more Secular (less religious) and civil marriages goes up. The view of sex and living together before marriage have also gone up due to religion not being pushed as heavy
What are the two diffrent branches of extra marital sex
-> married person having intercourse with someone who isnt their spouse
-> single person having coitus with a married person
What is catholic view on divorce and how it links to extra marital sex
two baptised Christians in marriage have been consummated and mean that it excludes from communion with those who are divorced or remarried
what is the church of England view on divorce and extra marital sex
That even if you get remarried they are having extramarital sex with their husband or wife. This is due to them forbidding a divorce
How has non religious views towards extra marital sex changed over the last 25 years
due to peoples more secular mindset. This hasn’t affected the amount of people having sex under the age of 16 but the opinion on adultery.
With the change in peoples opinion of adultery how have genders changed their ops
Men gone from 45-63% thinking its wrong
Women gone from 53-70% thinking its wrong
what is the church thoughts on consent
Consent in an important factor. Even when getting married everything must be consential. We can see this in the ceremony when the catholic priest asks both partners if they want to get married
What does the quote “every sexual act must be within the framework of marriage” have to do with extra marital sex and the catholic church
That the extra marital sex is wrong due to sex should only be for marriage. Catholic church believes if you are married you are married for life. Therefore even if you get remarried the church still sees you as married to your previous spouse.
“that is why a man leaves his father and mother is united to his wife, and they become one flesh”. What does this quote have to do with extra marital sex and which part of the quote is the most important
“United to his wife, and they become one flesh” shows that what is bond together cannot be unbonded. Due to sex being a sacred act that units spouses
“Do not commit adultery” is one of what
One of the ten commandments and which is an expression of moral faith
What are two country can you still get punished by death if your a homosexual
Yemen, Iran
What do most of the countries with the death penalty’s have in common
Most of them are strictly religious (not just Christianity)
what happened 1885 for homosexuality couples
homosexual couples are illegal
What happened in 1967 for homosexual couples
homosexual act are now illegal for people over 21, but its legal for armed forces
What happened in 1994 for homosexual couples
Acts for homosexuals is now 18
What happened in 2000 for homosexuals
Homosexuals are allowed in the arm forces
What happened in 2001 for homosexuals
the age of consent becomes the same as heterosexuals couples at 16
what happened to homosexuals in 2004
civil partnerships are recognised in the law
What happened in 2013 for homosexual couples
Same-sex marriage is recognised in the law
although people are having an increased tolerance towards homosexuality in Britain. why could their still be a plurality to society’s response
It COULD because of migrations from cultures with different attitudes
How many members of the LGBT people have experienced hate crimes because of this
One in Five (20%)
What does Homosexuality have to do with marriage in the church
No possible recreation, so this undermines the traditional purpose of marriage
“Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a women; this is detestable” according to the Christian church affects homosexuality how
That being in same-sex relationships is disgusting and sinful
“if a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a women, both of them have done what is detestable. they are to be put to death; their blood will be on their hand”
Which part of this quote is important and what does it mean
“they are to be put to death”
that due to homosexuality being disgusting and sinful and so the only acceptable punishment is death
“dont do wicked things” is important to the story how
That we know that wicked is bad and sinful
“i have two daughter who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them”
That homosexuality is so bad that his daughters getting raped is a better choice than seeing men have sex
“Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of god?”
Which part of the quote is important and why
“will not inherit the kingdom of God?”
homosexuals couples wont go to heaven
“Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations to unnatural ones”
“Men committed shameful with other men”
What does this tell us about Homosexual relationships between women - women to men- men
its alright for women but bad for men
What type of men commonly have sex with other men as well as their wives
Ancient Greece men
What was Gareth Moore thoughts on scriptures
That its being inconsistently to reinforce prejudice. We can see this in the old testament as people no longer enforce them due to them being inconvenient and so they can use this to attack minorities
What was vardy argument back to Gareth Moore
Jesus demanded high standards of morality and would not have tolerated liberal attitude towards homosexuality
What does the church of England requires of Clergy who identify as gay or lesbian?
They must remain celibate. the term was made in issues in human sexuality bit the church were later acknowledged in a report of the house of bishops, working party on human sexuality
give a brief explain Gene Robinson and his experience with homosexuality
When he was elected as bishop of diocese of new Hampshire in episcopal church (USA 2024) would have made him the firs priest in an openly Gay relationship
Explain Jeffery John experience with the church of England
2003 Jeffery John was the first person in an openly Gay relationship to be nominated as a church of England bishop. However due to all the problems he caused meant that he ended up denying it
Although the church of England minister cant perform same sex marriages what can they do?
They can pray with the couple after a state ceremony
In 2023 what are services like for same sex couples
not formal weddings but are able to wear rings, have prayers read out, get confetti and blessing from the priest
“place unions between homosexual persons” and “remotely analogous to gods plan for marriage and family” was said by which pope and what do they mean
Said by Pope Francis
Gods plan for marriage means homosexuals relations doesn’t equal those of heterosexual as they wont be able to fulfil gods instructions to procreate/ increase in numbers
“If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?” - Pope Francis
Which part of the quote is the most important and why
“Who am i to judge”
The idea God is the ultimate judge and even if someone is gay or homosexual can have a good and loving nature and worship God
What country is Cardinal glemp from and what did he say
“backyard mongrels” refering to homosexuals being dirty and animalistic
How many men are killed to their sexual orientation in Italy
Why isnt it wrong to have inclinations towards the same sex
that it is not freely chosen and its a trial
Only way to fail the trial is by acting on the desires
How is Genesis import for homosexuality
That due to use all being made in the image of god and so you aree suggesting God intentionally creates “disordered beings”
What does Gareth Moore think that Christianity should promote
What is B A Robinson state about liberal Christians
Methodist church consider ordination and marriage a civil right and should therefore be available to people of all sexual orientation
When looking at ethical issues what do indivduals need to protect themselves from
Tyranny of political power and tyranny of the majority
Whats J S Mill quote about tyranny
“the tyranny of the prevailing opinion”
whats do we need to consider so we can be able to behave as we wish
That we can as long as no one else is harmed from our behaviour
Whats the res tof Mills quote that ends with “is to prevent them to others”
“that the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others”
Where would you use J S Mill
when talking about extra marital sex
Whats Mills opinion on marriage
Not opposed to marriage but felt more needs to be done to make marriage more fair
what did J S Mill write about in 1869
subjection of women that through the institution of marriage women are being relegated to the status of slave
Having bodily integrity, including the opportunity for sexual satisfaction
How does this affect Extra marital sex, premarital sex and homosexuality
EM sex – can be justified if marriage is abusive
PM sex – don’t need to be married to make the choice to be sexually satisfied
Homo – same sex couples can enjoy pleasure
What must a relationship be so that people shouldn’t be able to judge others
that it must be consensual
Why is compassion and respect a strength
Allows for nuance + complexity for individuals
Whats natural law thoughts about morality
It is objective and absolute fixed
How does something need to be good in natural law theory
That it helps human flourish as well as achieving its purpose
How do we judge what is right and wrong in natural law theory
It requires the use of reason. We can do reason because of the fact that we are made in the image of God
who made the five primary precepts in NLT
What are the two most important precepts for sexual ethics
Human procreation
Living in a peaceful and harmonious community
What are primary precepts in NLT
They are descriptive and tell us what to do
How does sexual ethics draw heavily to natural law
That the idea that procreation is central to the purpose of sex and marriage
Sex must have an unifying purpose and it mustnt be separated from procreation
“the fundamental nature of the marriage act, whilst uniting husband and wife in the closest intimacy, also renders them capable of generating new life- and this as a result of laws written into the actual nature of man and women”
Was said by who and what is it trying to get across
Pope Paul
the fact that sexual relations and cant bring new life can have their morality questioned
What is the criticism that involves women living longer
That due to women living longer and spending more time being non fertile than fertile. Are they only allowed to have sex in their “fertile prime”?
Do we judge heterosexual couples with fertility problems as immoral?
No, therefore should we rethink the condemnation of homosexual couples who are seemed as sinful as they cannot procreate
What is Burton M Leiser thought on the multiple purpose
We do not simultaneously fulfil all purposes at once
What is Burton M Leiser thoughts on orgasms
Due to sexual organs are suited to reproduction doesn’t means its their only purpose and is suited for producing pleasure
Now Sarai Abrams’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar, so she said to Abram, “the lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Abram agreed to what Saria said. So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. He slept with Hagar, and she conceived.”
is a story from genesis which wants to get what idea across
That it could lead to inconsistent applications of natural law theory and could result in some upsetting but still morally ‘justified’ actions.