Religious experience Flashcards
that one with no order
What is Mystical experience
Experiences of God or of the supernatural which go beyond everyday sense experience
Conversion experience means what
An experience which produces a radical change in someone’s belief system
What is a corporate religious experience
Religious experiences which happen to a group of people as a ‘body’
What is a numinous experience
An indescribable experience which invokes feeling of awe, worship and fascination
Principle of credulity is what
Swinburne’s principle that we should usually believe what our senses tell us we are perceiving
Principle of testimony has what definition
Swinburne principle that we should usually trust that other people are telling the truth
Naturalistic explanation
An explanation referring to natural rather than supernatural causes
Neurophysiology is what
an area of science which studies the brain and the nervous system
What is Thomas hobbes interpretation
What is difference between a man saying that Gd spoke to him in a dream, and a man dreaming that God has spoken to him
What is Bertrand Russell ops
Suggested that some people drink to much and see snakes, while others fast too much and see God.
what is Wittgenstein interpretation
Developed the idea that we all see things in a particular way, if you think of the picture, it just depends on which way we look at it
what is Vincent Brummer interpretations of the duck or rabbit picture
Pointed out that the problem with the duck/rabbit picture is that what is truly is, is a line drawing
What is Vincent Brummer problem with religious experience
Its when people start to claim that they have interpreted the event correctly, and assert truth when they attach a religious element to it. Should it be left down to a matter of interpretation?
How is times we interpreting things wrong be a problem of interpretation
People can hear and see things that aren’t there. (E.G we hear our names be shouted, hearing the door knock, something wasn’t there)
how can mystical experience be a problem for interpretation
People use Ouija boards
how can conversion experience be a problem for interpretation
A man was on his own went blind and turned Christian because he thought God blinded him
How can numinous experience a problem of interpretation
People visit lona will feel a sense of awe and remote
How can corporate experience cause a problem for interpretation
Cult believing the world was going to end and so they all poisoned themselves and all died
What type of experience is Lourders ST Bernadette
Give a brief summary of what ST Bernadette saw at Lourdes
Saw a vision of the virgin Mary at the grotto. It angered her parents when she said this and said that she was craxy and banned her from going again. One of the times she went back Virgin mary told her to break a certain part and water will come out. It was cared for and became clear. This time the village saw the water change and someone got healed by the water. The church says miracles can still happen today
How many times is St Bernadette go back to the grotto after she was banned