Christian moral actions Flashcards
defo not principles
What is meant by discipleship
Following the life, example and teaching of Jesus
What is cheap grace
Grace that is offered freely, but is received without any change in the recipient, ultimately is false as it does not save
What is costly grace
Grace followed by obedience to god’s command and discipleship
what is passion
Jesus suffering at the end of his life
What is solidarity (Not the youtuber)
An altruistic commitment to stand alongside and be with those less fortunate, the oppressed, those who suffer
What year did Bonhoeffer become a German Lutheran Pastor
What church was je a key founding member of
confessing church
In Christian ethics was responsible for who
Who did Bonhoeffer go against and what did this inspire
went against Hitler and inspired and challenged Christians in what discipleship really entails
German Christians got divided in 1934 and split the the German protestant church into what
Nazi controlled German church which built Nazism into their creed
Confessing church who sought to be authentically Christians and separate from political ideology
What colour did the German church leaders wear
Brown uniforms linking themselves to national socialism
What did adding Ayran to German churches mean
Prohibited minister that had Jewish ancestry
Some people wanted the old or new testament removed from the German church
Old testament
A long side Jesus who else was the leader of Christianity in the German church
What did the confessing church reject
Reject anti Jewish rules and Nazis influence over German Churches
What’s a fundamental for Bonhoeffer
that the leaders you obey
“a testimony to the absolute, direct and unaccountable authority of Jesus. There is no need for any preliminaries, and no other consequences but obedience to the call… there is no road to faith or discipleship, no other road-only obedience to the call of Jesus”
“only obedience to the call of Jesus”
“No other significance is possible, since Jesus is the only significance. Beside Jesus nothing has any significance. He alone matters”
“Beside Jesus nothing has any significance. He only matters”
What does being a Discipleship entail and why is it controversial
Obedience to the leadership of God and all other legal ties are burnt. Controversial as in places discipleship is above the law and any human leadership, above responsibilities of citizenship
What quote shows that following God might sometimes be inconvenient
“no one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is for fit for service in the kingdom of gods”
What was Bonhoeffer trying to say with “Only he who believes in obedience, and only he is obedient believers”
That the road to faith passes through obedience to the call of Jesus and the serving of all earthly ties
What was Bonhoeffer mean when he said “It is no use asking questions; for it is only through obedience that you come to learn the truth”
we must have single minded obedience
To Bonhoeffer what’s more important Duty to God or state
Duty to God. Love requires injustice to be actively challenged
What did Bonhoeffer do against the German sate that lead to him being banned from public speaking in Gestapo.
Spoke out in both his universities that he taught at and at public lectures about that Nazis and confessing Church for crumbling under the pressure.
What actions did Bonhoeffer take to lead to his arrest
when he worked in the German military intelligence he became a double agent and used his links to work with the resistance and used his links to work with the resistance and the Allies in which he smuggled Jews to Switzerland
In what quote shows that the Church is a visible community and a sign for others
“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your Good deeds and glorify your father in heaven”
What assertions does the declaration make?
Asserted the centrality of Jesus Christ as only way to God whilst rejecting other worldly leaders (e.g. Hitler) and asserted Jesus authority over the whole of a persons life and rejected the idea of another authority could have authority over a persons life, rather than God
Which oath did Bonhoeffer refuse to take
whilst Hitler was in the confessing church the Civil oath to Hitler was being said. Bonhoeffer refused to take it.
What is the christian community a source of
Source of renewal of all other spiritual damaged or drained and should be refuse for the persecuted. Source of spiritual discipline, offending the life pf prayer and caring service of the church as a sign and expression of Christ being present in the community. Bonhoeffer came to see, was what it meant to live under the word of God.
why would Bonhoeffer refer to Psalm 31:8
He became bitter about the Bishops failure to stand up to tyranny. He would quote “Who will speak up for those who are voiceless” and ask “Where is Abel your brother” in synod meetings when they would avoid the difficult topic of the jews or other persecuted groups.
“When Jesus calls a man, he bids him come and die…
suffering then is the badge of true discipleship”
Why would suffering and sacrifice be inherent for discipleships
For anyone who follows Jesus because they must pick up his cross and follow the path of suffering that Jesus walks
What quote shows that Christians would have to suffer to follow follow Jesus
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me”
Jesus therefore make it clear beyond all doubt that the ‘must’ of suffering applies to who
Suffering applies to his disciple no less than himself
Life of Christian is a life of suffering of Christ. It is suffering and rejection but what’s costly grace ops on it
Costly grace entails self-denial and endurance of the cross
The cross is laid on every Christian. How does this link to the first Christ-suffering
Every man must experience is the call to abandon the attachments of this world
What are the 3 burdens a Christian life involves
Avoiding/ overcoming temptation
bearing the sins of others
What key quote did Bonhoeffer say that describes cheap grace
“cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our church”
What key quote did Bonhoeffer say that describes Costly Grace
“it us costly because it costs a man his life, and is grace because it gives a man the only true life”
What is the key theological idea behind Cheap grace
Gods love and mercy is given freely to people which includes the forgiveness of sins and offer of eternal life
What does Cheap grace attack
Churches that don’t place any expectations that people should be Good Christians
How could Jesus dying on the cross be troubling for cheap Grace
Christ paid the price so the church could give grace out of free, God loves everyone so much that they don’t need to notice him and can now preach forgiveness without requiring repentance.
What did Bonhoeffer think knowledge of forgiveness could lead to
Could mislead people into thinking they do not have to make any changes to their lives
What could you compare Costly Grace to
‘treasure hidden in a field’ and is something that a person would gladly sell or sacrifice everything for.
Why could cost be costly
AS it calls us to follow Jesus and that means making changes to our live and decisions
What does the Bonhoeffer about the church
That it became to secular and lost it sense of costly grace due to the pressure of the modern world.
What does Monastic movement mean
That religion was part of lived ordinary life and created a sense for select few that sains had to be disciples whilst many didn’t need to follow that way.
What did Bonhoeffer thought Luther did when he saw the Monastic movement
has seen this and sought to take up costly grace
What did Luther proclaim about grace
that Grace alone is needed for salvation