Set 5 Flashcards
- Conduct of Operations*
- *
When can a SRO perform control board manipulations?
When directed by SM during POP04s, POP05s, POP09s, or SAMGs
Taking Action to save a life
Designated as RO in logbook

- Conduct of Operations*
- *
When performing a controlled shutdown for a LCO action statement, how long does it take to shutdown the plant?
- 100% - 20%:*
- *40%/hr (2 hrs)**
- 20% - 3%:*
- *15%/hr (≈ 1 hr)**
- 3% - MODE 3:*
- *Remaining time on LCO**
Should start shutting down as soon as you know you will not be able to fix the problem.
Adjusted to coincide with Tech Spec action times.
- Conduct of Operations*
- *
When conditions make an alarm expected?
Caused By:
Current Operations
Known Issues
Direct Operator Actions
- Conduct of Operations*
- *
When multiple alarms are received (≥ 3) due to a plant transient, normal alarm response is suspended. When is it reinstated?
US / SM using a crew update
- Conduct of Operations*
- *
When should peer checks be used?
- Should:*
- *Error likely situation**
Risk important actions of medium risk procedures
- *Operations in the control room**
- if available*
- Shall:*
- *High risk evolutions**
Supervision cannot perform peer checks.
Peer checks not required for POP04s and POP05s.
- Conduct of Operations*
- *
When must you notify the FAA that the aviation lights are not working?
Lights not working for > 30 mins
- Conduct of Operations*
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Operability calls based on chemistry samples should be made after a backup sample is taken. When does the LCO clock begin if deemed inoperable?
Starts when initial sample was taken
- Conduct of Operations*
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What is the minimum shift complement?
SM (2)
US (2)
STA (1)
RO (4)
ENS Communicator (1)
Safe S/D Plant Operators (4)
- *Fire Brigade Members (5)**
- 1 Qualified Fire Brigade Leader*
State / County Communicator (1)
- Conduct of Operations*
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When should outdoor cranes be secured?
Wind Speeds > 30 mph
- Conduct of Operations*
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Who must be notified if a licensed operator fails a random breathalyzer test?
Unit Operations Manager
- Conduct of Operations*
- *
When is climbing authorized to reach a component?
Designed access system is not feasible / practical
Need approval of the supervisor
- Conduct of Operations*
- *
According to 10CFR50.72, Immediate Notification Requirements for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors, what situations require the NRC to be notified within 1 hour?
Emergency Class Declared
Deviation from Tech Specs
Safety Limit / T.S. Section 2.0 Exceeded
Unplanned Criticality
Radiological, Security, Environmental Events
- Conduct of Operations*
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When performing a critical step, what is required by the conduct of operations?
Supervisory Oversight
Peer Check OR Dual Verification
- Conduct of Operations*
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When a safety-related MOV is manually manipulated, what is required by the conduct of operations?
Shall be evaluated for OPERABILITY by US/SM
- Conduct of Operations*
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How long can minimum crew staffing be violated?
2 hrs

- Conduct of Operations*
- *
How many plant operators are required for shift manning to satisfy tech specs?
- MODES 1 -4:*
- *2 / Unit**
- At all Times:*
- *3 Total**
- At least 1 / Unit*

- Conduct of Operations*
- *
When must a RP technician be on site?
When fuel is in the reactor