Set 1 Flashcards
- LOT 201.43,44,45 Refueling Operations*
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What conditions will make the operator secure a core alteration?
Loss of communications with the MCR
Loss of audible count rate in the MCR or RCB
SR NI counts double on both
SR NI Counts ↑ 5x on 1 SR Detector
RHR changes by 10 ˚F or 25 ppm boron
- *RCS < 2800 ppm boron**
- Systems that are connected to RCS (Cavity/SFP/RHR)*
Water not clear enough
- *High SFP Temperature**
- Plant Curve Book (118 ˚F)*
Load Limits on Refueling Machine/Aux Hoist exceeded
Communications between FHB/RCB control consoles, Refueling Machine, Fuel Handling Machine, and Rx Engineer in MCR required.
- LOT 201.43,44,45 Refueling Operations*
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What is the definition of core alterations?
- Movement of:*
- *Fuel**
- *Sources**
- *Reactivity Control Components**
- Excludes RCCAs attached to integrated head*
- Applicable:*
- *Head Removed**
- *Fuel in Core**
- LOT 201.43,44,45 Refueling Operations*
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What is the minimum water level of the SFP?
- *23 ft**
- Above the top of fuel assemblies in racks*

Basis: Iodine removal of the assumed 99% of the iodine gap activity from a ruptured irradiated Fuel Assembly.
Must secure fuel movements at 62 ft (22.25 ft above fuel racks).
- Note:*
- Top of fuel racks is 39.75’. Fuel sits ≈ 12” farther down.*
- LOT 201.43,44,45 Refueling Operations*
- *
What must the boron concentration of the SFP be if fuel is stored in the SFP?
≥ 2500 ppm

LCO 3.9.13 SFP Minimum Boron Concentration
Applicability: ≥ 1 fuel assembly stored in the SFP racks.
- 0POP08-FH-0003 Fuel Transfer System*
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Who authorizes the operation of the bypass switches on the RFM and FHM?
Core Load Supervisor
If Fuel is attached, he must have permission from reactor engineering and the SM.
- 0POP08-FH-0009 Core Refueling*
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What is the only form of communication that meets the requirements 0POP08-FH-0009 when moving fuel?
A dedicated headset
If the dedicated headset were to fail, even if other forms of communication exist, movement of fuel must be stopped.
- 0POP04-FH-0001 Fuel Handling Accident*
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What are the operator actions for a Fuel Handling Accident?
- RCB:*
- *Evacuate Containment**
Check Equipment Hatch closed with ≥ 4 bolts
≥ 1 door in each PAL Closed
- FHB:*
- *Evacuate the FHB**
- LOT 201.43,44,45 Refueling Operations*
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What must the boron concentration of the RCS and the SFP be in MODE 6?
≥ 2800 ppm

- LOT 201.43,44,45 Refueling Operations*
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How long must the reactor be shutdown prior to removing fuel?
100 hrs

TRM 3.9.3 Decay Time
Applicable: During movement of irradiated fuel in the Rx Vessel
- LOT 201.43,44,45 Refueling Operations*
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How many SR detectors must be operable while in MODE 6?
2 SR Detectors
Both with visual indication
One with audio for MCR and Containment
1 Extended Range may be substituted for 1 SR if remaining SR provides audible count rate.

- 0POP08-FH-0003 Fuel Transfer System*
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When conducting refueling operations, who must be on communications?
Refueling Machine
Fuel Handling Machine
FHB Console
RCB Console
Control Room Operator
Rx Engineer

- 0POP08-FH-0009 Core Refueling*
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Which radiation detectors should be functional for moving irradiated fuel?
RT-8050 OR RT-8051