Session 7 - Infertility Flashcards
Define infertility
is the failure to conceive within 1 year
How many couples does infertility effect?
What is primary infertility?
No previous pregnancy
What is secondary infertility?
Previous pregnancy, successful or not
How often is infertility the mans fault?
20-25% cases
How often is infertility the woman’s fault?
45-60% cases
What is a normal semen analysis? Volume Sperm count Motility Morphology
Volume >2ml
Sperm count >20 million/ml
Motility >50%
Morphology >50%
What are three main causes of male infertility?
o Abnormal sperm production Testicular disease o Obstruction of ducts Infection, vasectomy o Hypothalmic / Pituitary dysfunction
What are the three main causes of anovulation in females?
o Hypothalmic
Hyperprolactinaemia, weight loss, exercise, stress
o Pituitary
Pituitary tumours, necrosis
o Ovarian
Ovarian failure, menopause, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
How can you differentiate between causes of anovulation?
Hormone levels
Give hormone levels in menopause
Give hormone levels in
LH high
FSH high
Oestrogen low
Give hormone levels in ovarian failure
Give hormone levels in
LH high
FSH high
Oestrogen low
Give hormone levels in
Give hormone levels in
LH low
FSH low
Oestrogen low
Give hormone levels in
Give hormone levels in
LH increased ratio
FSH increased ratio
Oestrogen normal
Give three ways in which ovulation can be induced
o Anti-oestrogen Reduce negative feedback to hypothalamus / pituitary Increase GnRH Increase FSH o Gonadotrophins FSH administration o GnRH Agonists Pulsatile to mimic secretion
Give two causes of tubal occlusion
Give two methods of diagnosing tubal occlusion
Give two treatments for tubal occlusion
Tubal surgery
Assisted conception
Give four main features of polycystic ovarian syndrome
o Increased androgen secretion
o Raised LH/FSH ratio
o Insulin resistance
o Multiple small ovarian cysts
Give four major questions to be asked of couple presenting with infertility
o Regular, unprotected intercourse? o Ovulating? Regular menstrual cycle? Day 21 Progesterone? o Patent Tubes History of infection / sterilisation Hysterosalpingogram o Adequate sperm count?
Give three treatments for anovulation
o Induce ovulation o Overcome tubal occlusion by surgery or IVF o If inadequate sperm then Artificial insemination by donor Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection