Session 7-Anatomy Of Foot And Ankle Flashcards
What is another name for the ankle joint?
Talocrural joint
What type of joint is the ankle joint?
Hinge joint
Where is the ankle joint located?
Between the distal end of tibia, lateral surface of medial malleolus of the tibia and the medial surface of the lateral malleolus of the fibula with the trochlear of the talus
When is the ankle joint the least stable?
In plantarflexion
What is the lateral ligament of the ankle joint formed by? (3)
1) anterior talofibular ligament
2) posterior talofibular ligament
3) calcaneofibular ligament
Where is the anterior talofibular joint located?
Between lateral malleolus and neck of talus
Where is the posterior talofibular ligament located?
Between malleolar fossa to lateral tubercle of talus
Where is the calcaneofibular ligament located?
Between the tip of the lateral malleolus and the lateral surface of the calcaneus
What is the function of the lateral ligament of the ankle joint?
Resist inversion of the foot
What is the function of the medial, or deltoid, ligament of the ankle joint?
Resists excessive eversion of the foot
The fibres of the medial ligament fan out from the medial malleolus to attach to what?
Talus, calcaneus and navicular
What forms the medial ligament of the ankle joint? (3)
1) Tibionavicular ligament
2) Anterior and posterior tibiotalar ligaments
3) Tibiocalcaneal ligament
Which bones make up the subtalar joint?
Inferior surface of body of talus and superior surface of calcaneus
Which bones make up the calcaneocuboid joint?
Anterior end of calcaneus and posterior surface of cuboid
Which bones make up the talocalcaneonavicular joint?
Head of talus, calcaneus and navicular
What are the main movements at the ankle joint?
What limits the range of dorsiflexion?
Passive resistance in muscles of posterior compartment
What is the function of the foot?
1) support body weight
2) propulsion