Sequence of Startup Events Flashcards
What is done prior to 180F?
Prior to 180F, line up CNM to RPV - One condensate pump and one booster pump.
What is done prior to 325F?
R\Prior to 325F, verify WCS is lined up to reduce FWS stratification - Required anytime above 325F when below 20% power.
What is done at 5psig?
-Verify open all MSIVs
What is done at 60psig?
- Turbine Shell/Chest Warming
- Place RCIC in standby when isolation signal clears (75PSIA)
What is done at 100psig?
-RCIC piping fill, downstream of MOV126
What is done at 150psig?
- Perform RCIC Flow testing if Req’d
- Verify Turbine Bypass Valves are controlling pressure
- Initiate Condenser Neck Spray
What is done at 250psig?
-Prior to LV137 being greater than 40% open and place LV55A/B in service
What is done at 500psig?
- Place SJAEs and OFG in service
- Start First FW Pump
What is done at 766psig?
-Verify MSL Low Pressure isolation clears
What is done at 925psig?
-APRM Gain Adjustments
What is done at 960psig?
- Raise EHC pressure setpoint to 960psig.
- Open MOV47’s for non operating feed pumps
What is done at 1.5 to 2 Bypasses Open?
- Transfer level control from LV55 to LV10
- Verify Shell/Chest warming complete
What is done at 2.5 to 3 Bypasses Open?
- Verify Turbine reset and roll Turbine
- Synch Generator to Grid
- Transfer House Loads
What is done at 15-19% power?
-Transfer FWLC to Master Manual
What is done at 20-25% power?
- Return WCS to Feedwater
- Prior to 25% power, perform APRM Gain adjustments
What is done at 25% power?
- Place FWLC in 3 element control
- Verify Thermal Limits within 12 hours of 25%(TS is 23%)
- Verify Jet Pump operability within 24 hours of 25%
What is done at 35% power?
-Verify Scram timing is complete prior to 40% power and Upshift RCS Pumps to Fast Speed
What is done at 45% power?
-Start HDL Pumps on min-flow
What is done at 55% power?
START standby Condensate AND Condensate Booster pumps
What is done between 45-65% power?
- Start a second Feed Pump
- Place 4th point Heater drain pumps in service
What should happen automatically at ~65% power?
-WHEN Reactor power is approximately 65%,
THEN VERIFY Clean Steam Reboiler Steam Supply auto transfer to Extraction Steam
-WHEN Reactor power is greater than 65%,
THEN VERIFY the following Reheat Steam Load Control Valves are full open(PV28/29s)
What should be done prior to reaching 70% power?
BEFORE reaching 70% Reactor Thermal Power, VERIFY Offgas System Charcoal Adsorbers are in service PER N2 OP 42.
When do we place the Mode Switch to RUN?
Placed in run between 5-11% power on the APRMs.
OP-101A E.3.9