2015 NRC RO Exam Flashcards
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
• A complete loss of CCP Mini-Loop cooling water to the Instrument Air system occurs.
What is the impact on the Instrument Air Compressors?
The operating Compressor trips on … Backup Compressors …
A. low cooling water flow. are blocked from starting.
B. high outlet air temperature. are blocked from starting.
C. low cooling water flow. start and eventually trip.
D. high outlet air temperature. start and eventually trip.
Proposed Answer: D
Explanation: The compressors trip on high outlet air temperature. There is no interlock to prevent the lagging and backup compressors from starting. The backup air compressors will start and eventually also trip on high outlet air temperature.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
• Annunciator 852108, DIV 1 EMER BUS BYS 002A 125 VDC SYSTEM TROUBLE alarms
• Computer point BYSIC05, 125VDC DIV 1 BAT 2A GROUND, caused the alarm
• The operator taking grounds on the bus places the selector switch to POS then to NEG with the following results:
- POS - 85 Volts
- NEG - 25 Volts
Which ground indication(s), if any, require(s) action in accordance with N2-0P-74A?
A. Positive Bus Only
B. Negative Bus Only
C. Both Positive and Negative Susses
D. Neither Positive or Negative Susses
Proposed Answer: A
Explanation: Annunciator 852108 alarms due to a battery ground at+/- 75 Volts. The associated ARP directs the operator to N2-0P-74A, section H.14. Per section H.14, a value of 75VDC or greater for either positive or negative ground readings indicates a ground exists and action is required.
- The plant is in Mode 4 when 600V distribution panel 2NJS-PNL600 is de-energized.
Which one of the following is the affect of this loss on the Source Range Monitors (SRM)?
A. SRM Channels A and C de-energize immediately.
B. SRM Channels A and C de-energize after several hours.
C. SRM Channels B and D de-energize immediately.
D. SRM Channels B and D de-energize after several hours.
Proposed Answer: D
Explanation: 2NJS-PNL600 powers chargers 2BWSCHGR3B1 and 2BWS-CHGR301. Although both chargers are lost, the SRMs remain energized via 2BWS-BAT3B/30. These batteries are sized to maintain voltage for up to 4 hours before voltage begins to decay. If the chargers are not restored, SRMs will eventually de-energize.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
• A small steam line break in the drywell occurs
• The mode switch is placed in shutdown due to rising drywell pressure
• Simultaneous with the event, a power supply failure occurs that results in the following annunciator:
• When drywell pressure reaches 1.68 psig, Division 1 low pressure EGGS fails to initiate
• LPCI A / LPCS MANUAL INITIATION white initiation light remains extinguished
• RHR ‘A’ is needed for suppression chamber sprays
• 2RHS*P1A is manually started from 2CEC*PNL601 and placed in suppression chamber spray
Which of the following describes the potential source of power that was lost AND with the loss of power, if LPCS injection were to be needed, how can the LPCS system be lined up to inject to
the RPV?
Power source ; Method to lineup the LPCS system for RPV injection
A. 2BYS*PNL201A ; Start 2CSL*P1, PMP 1 by placing the pump control switch to start and manually open 2CSL*MOV104, PMP 1 INJECTION VLV from 2CEC*PNL601
B. 2BYS*PNL201B ; Manually initiate Division 1 Low Pressure EGGS by arming and depressing the LPCI A I LPCS MANUAL INITIATION pushbutton on 2CEC*PNL601 and verify system response
C. 2BYS*PNL201A ; Manually initiate Division 1 Low Pressure EGGS by arming and depressing the LPCI A I LPCS MANUAL INITIATION pushbutton on 2CEC*PNL601 and verify system response
D. 2BYS*PNL201B ; Start 2CSL *P1, PMP 1 by placing the pump control switch to start and manually open 2CSL*MOV104, PMP 1 INJECTION VLV from 2CEC*PNL601
Proposed Answer: A
Explanation: For the first part of the answer, 2BYS*PNL201A (DC Power) supplies power to LPCS system initiation logic. With 2BYS*PNL201A de-energized, no automatic or manual initiation of LPCS will occur. See N2-SOP-04, Attachment 2, section 2BYS*PNL201 A:
See Picture
For the second part of the answer, per N2-SOP-04 attachment 2, manual initiation is not available, so the LPCS system would have to be aligned manually from control room panel 601.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
- A fault occurs on Division I 125 VDC Bus 2BYS*SWG002A
- A coolant leak in Drywell causes Drywell pressure to slowly rise to 8 psig
- Both Feedwater Pumps trip during the scram transient and none can be started
- RPV Pressure is 950 psig and slowly lowering
- RPV water level is 20 inches and lowering
- HPCS Initiation Seal In white light is OFF and pump is NOT running
- RCIC Initiation Seal In light is OFF and system is NOT running
Which one of the following actions is required to prevent RPV water level from lowering to the Top of Active Fuel (TAF) in accordance with N2-EOP-RPV?
A. Manually initiate RCIC and recover level using RCIC injection.
B. Manually initiate HPCS and recover level using HPCS injection.
C. Lower RPV pressure to 500 to 600 psig using SRV keylock switches on 2CEC*PNL601, then recover level with Condensate Booster Pump injection.
D. WAIT until level drops to 17.8 inches, then open 7 ADS valves at 2CEC*PNL601 or 2CEC*PNL628 and recover level using Low Pressure ECCS injection.
Proposed Answer: B
There are no conditions provided in the question that would prevent a successful HPCS injection, except that the pump is not running. The pump can be started, which will inject immediately and prevent level from lowering to TAF. The loss/malfunction of ADS is the loss of power to ADS logic and solenoids for Division I.
Loss or malfunction of this system will have the following effects on the following parameters:
Restoration of reactor water level after a break that does not depressurize the reactor when required. With the RPV pressurized water level control would be completely dependent on high pressure injection sources such as Feedwater, CSH, RCIC, and RDS. If the MSIVs are open, or can be opened, consideration can also be given to depressurizing using the bypass valves.
- A LOCA is in progress with the following:
- The reactor is scrammed and all control rods are inserted
- RCIC and Division 2 low pressure ECCS pumps failed to initiate and cannot be started manually
- All Division 1 low pressure ECCS pumps have responded as designed
- RPV pressure is 100 psig following an RPV blowdown.
- No other systems are available to inject
Using the given fuel zone correction curve and control room panel indications, which one of the following describes the current method and mechanism of adequate core cooling?
Method ; Mechanism
A. Core Spray Cooling ; Boiling heat transfer only
B. Core Spray Cooling , Submergence and spray flow
C. Steam Cooling ; Boiling heat transfer only
D. Steam Cooling ; Submergence and spray flow
Proposed Answer: B
Explanation: Per NER-2M-039, Rev 8.0, section 2.0 Definitions; Adequate Core Cooling is heat removal from the reactor sufficient to prevent rupturing the fuel clad. Three viable mechanisms for establishing adequate core cooling are used in the EOPs-core submergence, core spray cooling, and steam cooling.
Submergence is the preferred method of core cooling and exists when RPV water level is above the top of the active fuel (TAF). In this state heat removal is by boiling heat transfer. Core Spray Cooling is provided when design core spray flow requirements are satisfied (at least design core spray flow from either HPCS or LPCS) and RPV water level is at or above the elevation of the jet pump suctions. The covered portion of the core is then cooled by
submergence while the uncovered portion is cooled by the spray flow.
Steam cooling is the third method of core cooling and exists when RPV water level is below TAF and steam flow production in the covered portion of the fuel bundle is sufficient to cool the
uncovered portion of the fuel bundle.
Steam cooling is relied upon only if RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above TAF, cannot be determined, or must be intentionally lowered below TAF. The core is adequately
cooled by steam if the steam flow across the uncovered length of each fuel bundle is sufficient to maintain the hottest peak clad temperature below the appropriate limiting value-1500°F if
makeup can be injected, 1800°F if makeup cannot be injected. The covered portion of the core remains cooled by boiling heat transfer and generates the steam which cools the uncovered
When RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above TAF in EOP-RPV and when RPV water level is intentionally lowered to TAF in EOP-CS, adequate steam flow is established by maintaining RPV water level above the Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level (MSCRWL).
In this question, RPV level can be read on the fuel zone level indicator as -60 inches, Using the fuel zone level correction curve with reactor pressure given at 100 psig, actual RPV level is between -39 and -58 inches, but above -62 inches. This is below the Minimum Steam Cooling Water Level. LPCS spray flow can be read on E12-R600 meter as 6800 gpm which meets N2-
EOP-RPV step L-17 requirements for adequate core cooling.
- 2SLS*P1A, “PMP 1A” control switch on 2CEC*PNL601 is taken to the ‘PUMP A RUN’ position.
Which one of the following describes the SLS and WCS System response?
Suction Valve, 2SLS*MOV1A, receives an open signal, …
A. Squib Valve 2SLS*VEX3A fires, RWCU Outboard Isolation valve receives a close signal, 2SLS*P1A starts when suction valve is full open. Boron is injected inside of the shroud and is sprayed across the core region.
B. Squib Valve 2SLS*VEX3A fires, RWCU Inboard Isolation valve receives a close signal, 2SLS*P1A starts when suction valve is full open. Boron is injected into the down comer area and is mixed with reactor coolant.
C. Squib Valves 2SLS*VEX3A and 2SLS*VEX3B fire, RWCU Outboard Isolation valve closes, 2SLS*P1A starts when suction valve full open. Boron is injected inside of the shroud and is sprayed across the core region.
D. Squib Valves 2SLS*VEX3A and 2SLS*VEX3B fire, RWCU Inboard Isolation valve closes, 2SLS*P1A starts when suction valve full open. Boron is injected into the down comer area and is mixed with reactor coolant.
Proposed Answer: A
Explanation: The “A” squib fire, RWCU isolates and the “A” pump starts when the suction valve is fully open. Per USAR section, “The liquid is pumped into the HPCS line downstream
of the inboard containment isolation check valve. The sodium pentaborate solution is discharged radially over the top of the core through the HPCS sparger.
- A plant scram has occurred from rated conditions with the following:
- RPV water level dropped below Level 2, then recovered.
- Subsequently, RPV water level has exceeded the Level 8 setpoint and is rising slowly.
Which of the following indicates the current status of the HPCS system?
HPCS Pump ; Injection Valve ; Minimum Flow Valve
A. Running ; Open ; Closed
B. Running ; Closed ; Open
C. Off ; Closed ; Closed
D. Off ; Closed ; Open
Proposed Answer: B
Explanation: HPCS will initiate on Level 2 resulting in pump running and injection valve opening. When level 8 is reached, the pump will continue running, the injection valve will go closed, and the min flow valve will open, allowing flow to the suppression pool.
- A reactor startup is in progress with the following:
- All Intermediate Range Monitors (IRMs) fully inserted and on range 5.
- Then, IRM channel “B” fails downscale.
Which one of the following is true if IRM “B” is bypassed?
A. All trips (rod blocks, scram signals, and annunciator inputs) associated with IRM “B” will be defeated.
B. The IRM “B” detector will not be able to be withdrawn.
C. The IRM “B” detector can be withdrawn but will result in a rod block unless the reactor mode switch is first placed in RUN.
D. The IRM “B” downscale rod block will continue to be in effect until IRM “B” is placed in range 1.
Proposed Answer: A
Explanation: USAR paragraph 4.11 section states “The NMS system is designed to permit a channel to be bypassed for maintenance or calibration without initiating protective action at the system level. Four IRMs supply RPS trip signals to RPS Division 1 or 3, and the four other IRMs supply scram trips to RPS Division 2 or 4. (A trip of Division 1 or 3 coincident with a trip of Division 2 or 4 will result in a full scram.) One IRM in each set of four may be bypassed. Removing more than one from each set of four will result in an IRM INOP condition, which is an automatic trip of the related RPS logic.”
USAR paragraph 4.7, section states that ‘With one IRM channel bypassed in the group of IRM channels feeding RPS Division 1 or 3, one channel bypassed in the group of IRM channels feeding RPS Division 2 or 4, or one APRM/OPRM channel bypassed, and an additional single random failure in a control system requiring protective action, the remaining redundant protection channels (six IRM or three APRM/OPRM) will provide protective action with one-out-of-two twice logic for the IRMs.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the Div I EDG INOPERABLE due to maintenance when the following occurs:
Time(mm:ss) ; Event
00:00 A loss of 115KV Line 6 occurs.
00:45 A LOCA in the drywell causes drywell pressure to rise above 1.68 psig.
Which one of the following identifies proper sequencing for 2RHS*P1A and 2RHS*P1B with the conditions listed above?
2RHS*P1A starts at time … 2RHS*P1 B starts at time …
A. 00:46 ; 00:46
B. 00:46 ; 00:50
C. 00:50 ; 00:46
D. 00:50 ; 00:50
Proposed Answer: C
Explanation: The question stem states that the division 1 EDG is inoperable due to maintenance. With the division 1 EDG inoperable and out of service, the only impact of this would be if there was a loss of Line 5. At time 00:00 when the loss of line 6 occurs, the division II EDG immediately starts, comes up to speed and closes its output breaker at 00:10. At time 00:45 the LOCA event occurs. The LOOP signal for division II is still sealed in so the LOCA signal causes essentially a LOOP/LOCA signal which results in the following sequencing {T =0 is when the LOCA signal occurs):
• T =1 second, RHS*P1B starts (for this question the time would be 00:46)
For division I, there was no loss of power signal so, the LOCA signal alone will cause the following sequencing (T =0 is when the LOCA signal occurs):
• T =5 seconds, RHS*P1A starts (for this question the time would be 00:50)
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
- Scram Pilot Valve (2RDS*SOV139) for fully withdrawn control rod 10-15 is stuck and will not reposition during a scram.
- Division II emergency DC bus 2BYS*SWG002B is de-energized.
- A full reactor scram occurs.
Control rod 10-15 …
A. will NOT insert.
B. will insert simultaneously with the other control rods at normal speed.
C. will insert simultaneously with the other control rods at slower than normal speed.
D. insertion will be delayed, once insertion commences rod will insert at normal speed.
Proposed Answer: D
Explanation: The loss of DC will still leave one backup scram valve available to depressurize the header. Normally the scram pilot just has to depressurize a small segment of pipe at each HCU. The backup scram valve needs to depressurize the entire header. This will result in a delay in commencing rod motion. Once the scram inlet and outlet reposition, the rod will insert at normal speed
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
- RCIC is in a standby condition.
- Leaking valves cause Suppression Pool Level to increase such that annunciator 601717, “SUPPRESSION POOL LEVEL HIGH” alarms.
Which one of the following describes the response of the RCIC system to these conditions?
• 21CS*MOV129, ICS Pump Suction Isolation from CST
• 21CS*MOV136, ICS Pump Suction Isolation from Suppression Pool
A. Upon receipt of the High Suppression Pool Water Level alarm, 21CS*MOV129 from the CST will close, and then 21CS*MOV136 from the Suppression Pool will open.
B. Upon receipt of the High Suppression Pool Water Level alarm, 21CS*MOV136 from the Suppression Pool will open, and then 21CS*MOV129 from CST will close.
C. RCIC suctions will remain in standby configuration until a low CST Level condition occurs. The RCIC suctions will then transfer with 21CS*MOV136 from the Suppression Pool opening, followed by the 21CS*MOV129 from the CST closing.
D. RCIC suctions will remain in standby configuration until a low CST Level condition occurs. The RCIC suctions will then transfer with 21CS*MOV129 from CST closing followed by the 21CS*MOV136 from the Suppression Pool opening.
Proposed Answer: C
Explanation: RCIC suctions will remain in standby configuration until a low CST Level condition occurs. The RCIC suctions will then transfer with 2ICS*MOV136 from the Suppression Pool opening, followed by the 2ICS*MOV129 from the CST closing.
The correct answer properly describes that RCIC will not realign for the given conditions until a CST low level condition is detected, then 2ICS*MOV136 from the Suppression Pool opening followed by 2ICS*MOV129 from the CST closing.
USAR section, ll.K.3.22 “RCIC SUCTION SOURCE,” The modification of the RCIC system allows automatic switchover of pump suction from the CST to the suppression pool if the RCIC pump suction pressure falls to a preset low level. Two pressure transmitters are used to detect low pressure at the RCIC pump suction. If either transmitter senses low pressure (indicating low CST level), pump suction is automatically transferred to the suppression pool. These are different transmitters/trip units from those that activate switchover for the HPCS system. The CST suction valve will be signaled to close upon opening of the suppression pool suction valve.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
- Reactor water level is 183” and stable.
- The Feedwater master controller, 2FWS-HIC1600, is in AUTO.
- The individual Feedwater level control valve controllers, 2FWS-HIC1010A and 2FWS-HIC1010B, are in AUTO.
Then, Reactor power is lowered to 90% and plant conditions stabilize.
Which one of the following describes the effect of depressing the Feedwater master controller, 2FWS-HIC1600, MAN pushbutton at this time?
Feedwater flow will (1) . Feedwater flow may be adjusted by depressing the (2) OPEN/CLOSE pushbuttons.
A. (1) rapidly rise
(2) 2FWS-HIC1600
B. (1) rapidly rise
(2) 2FWS-HIC1010A or 2FWS-HIC1010B
C. (1) remain near the current value
(2) 2FWS-HIC1600
D. (1) remain near the current value
(2) 2FWS-HIC1010A or 2FWS-HIC1010B
Proposed Answer: C
Explanation: Although Reactor power has been lowered by 10%, 2FWS-HIC1600 manual signal automatically tracks the current Feedwater flow. This feature allows a smooth transfer while placing the controller in MAN without any need for controller nulling. A small mismatch between steam and feed flow at the time of transfer may necessitate manual adjustments. In the given conditions, this would be performed by depressing the OPEN/CLOSE pushbuttons on 2FWS-HIC1600. The OPEN/CLOSE pushbuttons on 2FWS-HIC1010A or 2FWS-HIC1010B will not cause a flow change while those controllers are still in AUTO.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
- Circ. Water tempering of Service Water is in progress per N2-OP-11, SERVICE WATER SYSTEM
- Chemistry determines that intake bay temperature is too warm and wants operations to LOWER intake bay temperature
- Indications on 2CEC*PNL601 for Service Water tempering are as follows:
-See Picture
Which one of the following correctly completes the following statement?
In order to lower the intake bay temperature, the RO should (1) the INTAKE TEMPERING FLOW by taking the SLIDER on 2SWP*TIK512 to the (2)
A. Raise ; Left
B. Raise ; Right
C. Lower ; Left
D. Lower ; Right
Proposed Answer: D
Explanation: Per N2-0P-11, Section F.9.0, the notes within the section indicate that the 2SWP-TIK512 controller works in reverse of most controllers. In this case, 100% output is a fully closed tempering valve. When the controller output is at 0%, then the valve is fully open. In order to get the valve to go farther closed, you have to take the controller slider to the right. The more tempering flow you have, the warmer the intake bay will be. Since the question stem wants you to lower the intake bay temperature, then you have to lower the tempering flow.
- The plant has scrammed from rated conditions with the following:
- There is a small LOCA in the DRYWELL.
- Drywell pressure indication is unavailable.
- There is no indication of a bypass path in the containment.
- Suppression chamber pressure is 1.7 psig
Based on the above information, DRYWELL pressure is approximately (1) AND The Stand-by Gas Treatment system (2), per N2-EOP-PC.
A. (1)1.7psig
(2) is running in the desired containment venting lineup
B. (1) 6.7 psig
(2) is running in the desired containment venting lineup
C. (1) 1.7 psig
(2) requires operator action to establish a containment venting lineup
D. (1) 6.7 psig
(2) requires operator action to establish a containment venting lineup
Proposed Answer: D
Explanation: There is differential of approximately 5 psig between drywell and suppression chamber pressure due to the submergence of the downcomers. Suppression chamber pressure of 1.7 psig correlates to approximately 6.7 psig, which is above the isolation setpoint for Reactor
Building Ventilation. When RB Vent isolates, SBGT starts automatically. Even though GTS automatically initiates, N2-EOP-PC directs the use of OP-61A, section H.1 to use GTS to vent the containment to try to maintain primary containment pressure. This requires manual operator action.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
- Safety Relief Valve (SRV) 2MSS*PSV120 inadvertently opens.
- All fuses are removed for the affected SRV, per N2-SOP-34, Stuck Open Safety Relief Valve.
Assuming the SRV shuts, what is the effect on Total Steam Flow INDICATION and an acceptable method to confirm the SRV is shut, per N2-SOP-34?
Total Steam Flow Indication ; Method to Confirm SRV is Shut
A. Lowers ; Closed indication on ERF computer
B. Rises ; Closed indication on ERF computer
C. Lowers ; Closed indication on panel P601
D. Rises ; Closed indication on panel P601
Proposed Answer: B
Explanation: Initially with the SRV open, total steam flow leaving the reactor remains the same as EHC closes down on the control valves an equivalent amount to control pressure. This causes a drop in total steam flow indication since the SRVs are upstream of the flow transmitters. When the SRV shuts total steam flow will rise and per USAR, section 11.D.3, “Unit 2 has two means of SRV position indication. The primary means is an acoustic monitoring system that monitors SRV tailpipe noise. This system is IE and is qualified for in-containment use. Valve position is indicated in the control room and is entered into the Emergency Response Facility (ERF) computer. The secondary means of valve lift monitoring is non-IE thermocouples on the SRV tailpipe. This monitoring means is only a backup/verification of valve lift. The output of the
acoustic monitoring system drives individual valve open/closed indications on control boards. The system also drives sequence of events (SOE) input computer points. When a valve lifts, the Operator is alerted via the alarm cathode ray tube (CRT) and alarm printer in the main control
room.” N2-SOP-34 directs the operator to confirm the SRV is shut using indications in Detail 1.
- Given the following circuit breakers:
(1) 1-3, Supply to 2NPS-SWG001 from Normal Station Transformer
(2) 1-1, Supply to 2NPS-SWG001 from Reserve Station Transformer A
(3) 3-14, Supply to 2NPS-SWG003 from Normal Station Transformer
(4) 3-1, Supply to 2NPS-SWG003 from Reserve Station Transformer B
(5) 13-6, Supply to 2NNS-SWG014 from 2NPS-SWG001
(6) 15-3, Supply to 2NNS-SWG015 from 2NPS-SWG003
Which one of the following indicates the circuit breakers that are expected to automatically OPEN following a Main Generator trip (Generator Lockout Trip) from rated conditions?
A. (1 ), (3)
B. (2), (4)
C. (1 ), (3), (5), (6)
D. (2), (4), (5), (6)
Proposed Answer: A
Explanation: On a main generator trip, a fast transfer occurs, transferring 2NPS-SWG001 (003) from the Normal Station Transformer to the Reserve Station Transformers. Supply Breakers from the normal Station Transformer will automatically open.
- A manual scram has been attempted. Given the following three separate sets of conditions:
(1) All control rod position indication is lost on the full core display. All APRMs indicate downscale.
(2) Three control rods remain at position 02 and all other control rods fully insert. All APRMs indicate downscale.
(3) All control rods indicate fully inserted on the full core display. All APRM indications are lost.
Which one of the following describes the ability of an Operator to determine that the Reactor will remain shutdown without boron in these conditions, in accordance with EOP Bases and OPNM-101-111-1001, Transient Mitigation Guidelines (TMG)?
An Operator can make the determination that the Reactor will remain shutdown without boron …
A. in condition (2) only.
B. in condition (3) only.
C. in conditions (1) and (2) only.
D. in conditions (2) and (3) only.
Proposed Answer: B
Explanation: OP-NM-101-111-1001, Transient Mitigation Guidelines (TMG) provides two situations where an Operator is empowered to determine that the Reactor will remain shutdown without boron:
• All rods are fully inserted (position 00) or
• Only 1 rod is withdrawn beyond position 00 AND All other rods are fully inserted APRMs being downscale are not enough information to make this determination. Neither condition (1) or (2) fit the allowed situations to determine the Reactor will remain shutdown without boron.
- The plant is starting up during the winter months with the following:
• RPV pressure is 850 psig and stable.
• Main Steam tunnel temperatures are:
-See Picture
Which one of the following describes the expected alarms and indications on the 2CEC*PNL602 panel?
Annunciator (1) will be in alarm. Inboard and Outboard MSIVs, 2MSS*AOV6A-D and 2MSS*AOV7A-D will indicate (2) Inboard MSL Drain 2MSS*MOV111 AND/OR Outboard MSL Drains (2MSS*MOV112 AND
MOV208) will indicate (3)
(2) SHUT
(3) OPEN
(2) SHUT
(3) SHUT
(2) OPEN
(3) SHUT
(2) OPEN
(3) SHUT
Proposed Answer: A
Explanation: Annunciator 602228 alarms when a Trip Unit E31-N604A- D exceeds 163°F. The differential temperature high annunciator uses a different temperature sensor and would only cause an alarm (E31-N615 set for 56°F). With Logic inputs A and B tripped, ONLY the MSIVs will isolate, the MSL drains would remain open.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
- Annunciator 852503, UPS 1A SYSTEM TROUBLE, alarms in the Control Room.
- Approximately thirty (30) seconds later, annunciator 852503 clears.
- The Control Room Operators determined the alarm was due to a large 50 amp load being started on 2VBB-UPS1A.
Which one of the following describes the electrical supply currently supplying power to 2VBB-UPS1A and the required operator actions, per N2-ARP-852500?
Electrical Bus Supplying Power Required ; Operator Actions
A. Normal ; Secure the large load
B. Alternate ; Secure the large load
C. Normal ; Clear local alarms
D. Alternate ; Clear local alarms
Proposed Answer: C
Explanation: ARP 852503 has a note that states when a large load (40 amps) is started on UPS 1A, the UPS may transfer to its maintenance supply until current stabilizes. The UPS will then automatically transfer back to its normal power supply. If a system trouble alarm is annunciated and then clears AND it is known that a large load has been added to or removed from the UPS, no action would be required except the clearing of local alarms.
- The reactor is in Mode 4 with the following:
- RHR Loop “A” is in Shutdown Cooling
- RHR Loop “B” is in Suppression Pool Cooling
Then a LOCA causes RPV level to lower to Level 1.
Which of the following describes the RHR system response?
A. RHR Loop A continues to operate in shutdown cooling and RHR B pumps trips.
B. RHR Loop A continues to operate in shutdown cooling and RHR Loop B realigns to the injection mode.
C. RHR pump A trips. RHR Loop B realigns to the injection mode and RHR B pump continues to run.
D. RHR pumps A and B trip. RHR Loop B realigns to the injection mode and RHR pump B restarts.
Proposed Answer: C
Explanation: A RPV level 159.3 will cause a group 5 isolation. A group 5 isolation will cause the RHR Shutdown cooling valves to close. Without a suction source the “A” pump will trip. The 2RHS*MOV38B will go shut on a LOCA signal (Level 1) and the “B” RHR pump will continue to run and will inject when the 2RHS*MOV24B permissives are met.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions. During a panel walkdown, the following conditions are observed:
- Instrument Air Compressor 2IAS-C3A is operating
- Instrument Air Header Pressure is 110 psig and slowly lowering
- Instrument Air Compressor amperage indications are as follows:
-See Picture
Which one of the following identifies the status of 21AS-C3A and the required actions?
A. 2IAS-C3A is fully LOADED. Start 2IAS-C3B then place INSTRUMENT AIR COMPRESSOR SELECTOR switch in BCA position.
B. 2IAS-C3A is fully LOADED. Place INSTRUMENT AIR COMPRESSOR SELECTOR switch in BCA position then start 2IAS-C3B.
COMPRESSOR SELECTOR switch in BCA position.
D. 2IAS-C3A is UNLOADED. Place INSTRUMENT AIR COMPRESSOR SELECTOR switch in BCA position then start 2IAS-C3B.
Proposed Answer: D
The compressor is loaded and unloaded by discharge air pressure signal, which changes based on the rate of air consumption, and maintains the air pressure within a pre-selected band (115 psig - 125 psig). With IAS pressure below 115 psig, the operating compressor should be loaded and running current should be at about 170 amps. Since pressure is low and the compressor is unloaded, as indicated by a current reading of only 30 amps, action is needed to restore IAS header pressure. Entry into N2-SOP-19 is required and for a degraded compressor, another compressor is manually started by repositioning the selector switch and starting the compressor at P851. If the selector switch is not selected to the correct position, the compressor will not start when control switch is placed in start position.
- The plant is in a reactor startup with the following:
- Reactor power is 4%
- Reactor mode switch is in “Startup”
- IRM ‘E’ is bypassed due to equipment malfunction
- APRM #2 is bypassed due to a critical self test fault
In the event of a power excursion, which one of the following describes the neutron monitoring system(s) that will generate a scram signal that will trip RPS?
IRM’s ; APRM’s
A. Yes ; Yes
B. No ; No
C. No ; Yes
D. Yes ; No
Proposed Answer: A
Explanation: NMP2 USAR section states that the reactor mode switch determines whether IRM trips are effective in initiating a reactor scram. With the reactor mode switch in REFUEL, STARTUP, or SHUTDOWN, an IRM upscale or inoperative trip signal actuates a NMS trip of the RPS. Only one of the IRM channels must trip to initiate a NMS trip of the associated RPS trip channel.
Additionally it states that in addition to the IRM upscale trip, an APRM trip function with a setpoint of 15-percent power is active when the reactor mode switch is in the STARTUP position.
- The Standby Liquid Control System (SLS) quarterly operability test on 2SLS*P1A is about to be performed.
Which one of the following identifies how the automatic Reactor Water Cleanup System (WCS) isolation is avoided during this test?
A. WCS isolation signal is bypassed when using the SLS pump TEST switch to start the SLS pump.
B. WCS isolation bypass switches are placed in the BYPASS position prior to starting the SLS pump.
C. WCS system is shutdown and containment isolation valves closed prior to starting the SLS pump.
D. WCS containment isolation valve power supply breakers are opened prior to starting the SLS pump.
Proposed Answer: A
Explanation: Initiation of SLS would normally cause a group 7 isolation. Use of the TEST Switch for either pump bypasses the interlocks that open the MOV1 A/B valves, fire the squibs, and isolate the respective divisional WCS isolation valve. This allows operation of the pump to circulate the contents of the test tank for surveillance testing.
- The plant is performing a reactor startup with the following:
- Preparations are underway for rolling the main turbine
- 2ARC-P1A, “AIR REMOVAL PMP 1A” is in service
- It is desired to make 2ARC-MOV15A throttleable for rub mitigation concerns
- An Equipment Operator is in the field performing the actions to make 2ARC-MOV15A throttleable
Per N2-0P-9 Attachment 4, “Making 2ARC-MOV15A(B) Throttleable”, which one of the following describes the correct control room indications for 2ARC-MOV15A during this evolution?
Control room light indication while lead lifting evolution is being conducted ; Control Room light indication when lead
lifting evolution is complete
A. Green light OFF Red light ON ; Green light OFF Red light ON
B. Green light OFF Red light ON ; Green light ON Red light ON
C. Green light OFF Red light OFF ; Green light OFF Red light ON
D. Green light OFF Red light OFF ; Green light ON Red light ON
Proposed Answer: C
Explanation: Per N2-0P-9 Attachment 4, for making making 2ARC-MOV15A(B) Throttleable the first step is to open the power supply breaker for 2ARC-MOV15A, then lift and tape seal in circuitry leads, and then the final step is to reclose the power supply breaker. While the power supply breaker is opened, no light indication will be present for 2ARC-MOV15A on control room panel 851. All breaker light indication will remain off until the power supply breaker is reclosed at which point the red light indication only will illuminate since 2ARC-P1A was in service prior to the performance of attachment 4.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
• 2NJS-US5 de-energizes due to a bus fault.
Which one of the following describes (1) the RPS component which de-energizes and (2) the effect of the bus fault on RPS?
A. (1) 2RPM-MG1A
(2) “A” logic de-energizes
B. (1) 2RPM-MG1A
(2) “A” scram solenoids de-energize
C. (1) 2VBB-UPS3A
(2) “A” logic de-energizes
D. (1) 2VBB-UPS3A
(2) “A” scram solenoids de-energize
Proposed Answer: B
Explanation: 2RPM-MG 1 A is powered from 2NJS-US5 and will lose power on a bus fault.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
- Reheater Drain Receiver TK6A level determined to be greater than 8 inches above centerline
- Reheater Drain Receiver TK6A level determined to be greater than 18 inches above centerline (TK6A WATER LEVEL HIGH-HIGH)
Which one of the following describes the response of the Moisture Separator Reheat steam supply valves below?
2MSS-AOV92A, “Reheater 1 A Steam Supply Valve”
2MSS-AOV92B, “Reheater 1 B Steam Supply Valve”
2MSS-MOV9A, “Reheater Steam Control Valve PV28A Drain Valve”
2MSS-MOV9B, “Reheater Steam Control Valve PV28B Drain Valve”
A. Closed ; Open ; Closed ; Closed
B. Closed ; Closed ; Closed ; Closed
C. Closed ; Closed ; Open ; Open
D. Open ; Open ; Open ; Closed
Proposed Answer: C
Explanation: On a Hi Hi level in EITHER drain tank, the steam supplies are isolated and the drain valves are opened to both reheaters (prevents unbalancing the LP turbines.
- The plant is operating at rated conditions with the following:
- All three Condensate Booster Pumps are in service
- A bus fault occurs on 2NPS-SWG003
- Annunciator 852530, 13.8 KV NPS 003 Electrical Fault, is in alarm
Which one of the following describes (1) which Condensate Booster Pump(s) remain(s) available for use and (2) the required operator action in accordance with N2-SOP-29?
A. (1) 2CNM-P2A, only
(2) Perform a manual reactor scram
B. (1) 2CNM-P2A and 2CNM-P2C, only
(2) Perform a manual reactor scram
C. (1) 2CNM-P2A, only
(2) Insert the first 4 CRAM rods
D. (1) 2CNM-P2A and 2CNM-P2C, only
(2) Insert the first 4 CRAM rods
Proposed Answer: D
Explanation: P2A is powered from 2NPS-SWG001. P2C can be powered from either 2NPSSWG001 or 2NPS-SWG003, therefore both pumps remain available for use. When 2NPSSWG003 is lost, the ‘B’ reactor recirculation pump will trip (‘A’ RCS Pump will remain running). This will require ent into N2-SOP-29, “Sudden Reduction in Core Flow’’
- One zone (loop) of Relay Room Underfloor Area fire detection is inoperable and has been placed in Alarm Only at 2CEC-PNL849. This area is protected by cross zone (two loop) detection.
Which one of the following identifies the impact of this failure if an actual fire occurs in the room?
The remaining zone (loop) will ……….. .
A. ONLY actuate control room alarms. Fire suppression must be manually actuated.
B. actuate local AND control room alarms. Fire suppression must be manually actuated.
C. ONLY actuate control room alarms. Fire suppression will be automatically actuated.
D. actuate local AND control room alarms. Fire suppression will be automatically actuated.
Proposed Answer: B
Explanation: Per N2-0P-47, Section B, page 14 (system description), If a fire occurs in a zone and the fire is determined to be an actual fire but the zone is in Alarm Only, the suppressant may be discharged manually from the control room or locally. Also, this zone is designated a cross zone area and N2-0P-47 states that “Zones designated by X are cross zones which contain two fire detection loops. One detector sensing a fire will bring in an alarm and no suppression. When a detector from the other loop senses a fire it will bring in an alarm and activate the fire suppression system.” In this case with one of the cross zones in alarm only, you will not be able to get one detector in each loop to sense the fire and will therefore not get automatic suppression.
- A plant startup is in progress with the following:
- Main Turbine SHELL WARMING is in progress
- Turbine Steam Chest Pressure is 109 psia and rising slowly
Which one of the following actions is required to restore Steam Chest Pressure to within shell warming limits and the basis for this action per N2-0P-21, Main Turbine?
A. INCREASE pushbutton to prevent lengthening required soak time.
B. INCREASE pushbutton to prevent an automatic reactor scram.
C. DECREASE pushbutton to prevent lengthening required soak time.
D. DECREASE pushbutton to prevent an automatic reactor scram.
Proposed Answer: D
Explanation: Per N2-0P-21, E.3.0 Shell Warming. Per step E.3.19 pressure is to be maintained between 75 and 100 psia. 109 psia must be recognized as being above the high end limit and that the DECREASE pushbutton is used to throttle less steam flow through MSV #2 to restore pressure to the proper band.
A. Plausible - INCREASE will result in pressure approaching and exceeding the first stage pressure that will un-bypass the reactor scram on MSV position.