2005 NRC SRO Exam Flashcards


The plant is operating at 100% power, with the following:

12: OO on May 1 : Line 5 is declared INOP.
08: OO on May 3: Div 1 DG is declared INOP.
12: OO on May 3: Line 5 is declared OPERABLE
16: OO on May 4: Div 3 DG is declared INOP
14: OO on May 5: Div 1 DG is declared OPERABLE.
06: OO on May 6: Line 5 is declared INOP.
08: OO on May 6: Div 3 DG is declared OPERABLE (delay in obtaining parts).

Which one of the following describes correct implementation of Tech Specs for this sequence of

A. Entry into REQUIRED ACTION requiring a plant shutdown existed at NO TIME during this sequence of events. Restore line 5 to operable status no later than
06:OO on May 9.
B. Entry into REQUIRED ACTION requiring a plant shutdown existed at NO TIME during this sequence of events. Restore line 5 to operable status no later than
12:OO on May 7.
C. At 18:OO on May 4, TS 3.8.1, REQUIRED ACTION F.l was required to be entered but this action was exited as permitted by LCO 3.0.2 before the shutdown was required to be initiated. Restore line 5 to operable status no later than 06:OO on May 9.
D. At 16:OO on May 4, TS 3.8.1 REQUIRED ACTION G.l was required to be entered and the plant was required to be placed into MODE 3 but this action was not completed. Restore line 5 to operable status no later than 12:OO on May 7.

References Provided: TS 3.8.1 (ALL, do not provide
the TS bases).

B is correct. Correctly applying the
modified time zero on initial entry into
CONDITION A when Line 5 is declared
inoperable at 12:OO on May 1 results in
Line 5 restoration with completion time
6 days later on May 7 at 12:OO. The
completion time of 72 hours which
started on 06:OO on May 6 (last Line 5
inop condition results in completion
time is 06:OO on May 9) is limited to
less time because of the “modified time
zero - 6 days from discovery of failure
to meet the LCO” which IS
TS BASES 83.8.1, RA A.3
DISCUSSION: the third completion
time for required action A.3 established
a limit on the maximum time allowed
for any combination of required AC
sources to be inoperable during any
single contiguous occurrence of failing
to meet the LCO. The 6 day
completion time provides a limit on the
time allowed in a specified condition
after discovery of failure to meet the
LCO. The ‘‘W connector between
the 72 hours and 6 day completion
times apply simultaneously, and the
more restrictive must be met. The
completion time of required action A.3
allows for an exception to the normal
“time zero” for beginning the allowed
outage time clock. This exception
results in establishing the “time zero” at
the time the LCO was INITIALLY NOT
MET, instead of at the time Condition A
was re-entered . Therefore, Line 5
must be operable no later than 6 days
from declaring the LCO statement not
met (which was 12:OO on May 1) which
means that Line 5 must be operable by
12:OO on May 7 to avoid entering
Condition F which is a
Condition/Required Action for a plant
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The plant is operating at 100% power, with the following:

06: 00:00 - High Pressure Core Spray System is out of service with RED clearance applied to CSH Pump breaker
08: 00:00 - A Control Room Evacuation is directed
08: 00:15 - RO scrams the reactor and all control rods insert
08: 00:25 - A Loss of Offsite Power occurs
08: 01:00 - The MSlVs are closed and the remaining immediate operator actions are completed
08: 04:00 - It is determined that RClC cannot be started and the actions to perform Pseudo-LPCI are directed
08: 06:00: Started RHS’P1A
08: 07:00: Opened 4 ADS valves
08: 08:00: RHS A flow at about 7400 gpm

Which one of the following identifies the station procedure used to lineup injection AND the correct interpretation and action with regards to RPV water level at 08:08:30?

A. N2-SOP-78 is used. Level is above TAF, and will remain above TAF without starting additional RHS pumps.
B. N2-SOP-78 is used. Level is below TAF, and will not be restored above TAF until after RHS B loop injection is established.
C. N2-EOP-6 Attachment 30 is used. Level is above TAF, and will remain above TAF without starting additional RHS pumps.
D. N2-EOP-6 Attachment 30 is used. Level is below TAF, and will not be restored above TAF until after RHS B loop injection is established.

References Provided: None

A. Per N2-SOP-78; step 5.1 1:
Control of RCIC, ADS and RHS will be
transferred to the RSS immediately
upon evacuation of the Control Room.
These actions are performed as
quickly as possible to allow a
determination of the availability of
RCIC. If RCIC is not available, a
contingency for the use of LPCl as an
injection source is provided. This
contingency will direct the operator to
place RHS pump A or B into service
and then open all four remote
shutdown ADS valves. To avoid
lowering level below the top of active
fuel, the ADS valves must be opened
within (9) minutes of the Scram and
MSlV isolation. RHS will then be used
to refill the Reactor and maintain
normal Reactor level.
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The plant is operating at 100% power, with the following:

  • All drywell cooling is lost due to an inadvertent Division 1 Containment isolation signal
  • Drywell pressure is 0.70 psig and rising slowly
  • Drywell absolute pressure is 15.4 psia
  • Drywell temperature is 151F and rising slowly
    Which one of the following is the maximum time allowed by Technical Specifications before the plant is required to be in MODE 3?

A. 4 hours
B. 13 hours
C. 16 hours
D. 20 hours

References Provided: Tech Spec,,


D is correct. Per LCO, Drywell
temperature is above the LCO limit.
Required Action A.l. Eight (8) hours to
restore, then 12 hour to be in Mode 3

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The plant is experiencing a transient, with the following:

  • One (1) control rod is at position 48, all other control rods are fully inserted
  • RPV pressure is 750 psig and lowering 50 psig per minute
  • RPV level is -70 inches (Fuel Zone) and lowering eight (8) inches per minute
  • Preferred injection systems cannot be started
  • Alignment of alternate injection systems has been directed but none of the these systems are reported as aligned
  • RHS Service Water Crosstie will be aligned and available for injection in five (5) minutes

Which one of the following is the correct EOP action to be executed at this time based on the above conditions?

A. EOP-RPV is required.
B. EOP-C4 is required
C. EOP-C2 is required
D. EOP-C3 is required

References Provided: EOP-RPV, EOP-C5, EOP-C4, EOP-C2

D. Under the conditions presented,
steam cooling (EOP-C3) is required
(EOP-RPV L-12 and L-13). In the
steam cooling EOP RPV blowdown will
be required in the next 2 minutes (-55
inches) before the alternate injection
system is aligned.
A. EOP-RPV is exited because no
injection sources are aligned with a
pump running. EOP-C3 is entered.
Plausible because the candidate may
determine that it is okay to defer
blowdown and steam cooling while the
alternate injection system is aligned.
Also plausible because EOP-C2
requires re-entry into EOP-RPV after
the blowdown is performed.
8. EOP-C4, RPV flooding is not
required because there is no reason to
believe that RPV water level is not
known. The indicated RPV water level
is valid and even if in EOP-C5 (ATWS)
RPV level is still valid since reactor
power level would be less than 4% for
the control rod position specified.
C. If it is determined that EOP-C5 is
appropriate and EOP-RPV is exited
based on the control rod positions then
RPV blowdown is appropriate.
However, EOP-C5 is not entered
because the reactor will remain
shutdown under all conditions without
boron based on the shutdown margin
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An ATWS is in progress. Following the actions to terminate and prevent injection the following conditions exist:

  • Bypass valves failed to open and cannot be opened
  • Reactor pressure is being maintained 800-1 000 psig; 2 SRVs are open
  • Suppression Pool average water temperature is 120°F
  • Suppression Pool level is 199.8 feet
  • Control rod insertion has not been established
  • SLS failed to inject and cannot be started
  • No alternate boron injection system is injecting
  • When indicated level reaches -40 inches (FZ), direction is given to reestablish injection and maintain indicated level -70 to -40 inches (FZ)
  • With indicated water level at -40 inches (FZ),RPV injection is re-established
  • Ten (10) seconds later indicated water level is -10 inches (FZ);reactor power is 5%

Which one of the following is the correct action in response to this transient?

A. Terminate and prevent injection again.
B. Perform a RPV Blowdown per EOP-C2.
C. Direct a new level control band of -70 to -10 inches (FZ).
D. Reduce the injection rate until in the assigned -70 to -40 inches band.

References Provided: EOP-C5

Correct: A. Level rise will cause reactor power
to increase and exceed 4%. Override
conditions are met to terminate and
prevent injection until reactor power
lowers below 4% or level is at TAF(-52”
FZ at 800 psig).
Distractor: B. There is initially a 20°F margin to
HCTL, and rise in suppression pool
temperature will not require RPV
Blowdown at this time. Reactor
pressure will be reduced in a controlled
manner to stay within the HCTL if it is
being challenged, and then if
exceeded and cannot restore within
HCTL a blowdown would be
Distractor: C. Level rise will cause reactor power
to increase and exceed 4%. Override
conditions are met to terminate and
prevent injection until reactor power
lowers below 4% or level is at TAF(-52
FZ at 800 psig).
Distractor: D. Restoring to the directed level
control band is not appropriate,
Override conditions are met to
terminate and prevent injection again.
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The plant is experiencing a transient, with the following:

  • A primary system leak has occurred in the secondary containment
  • Attempts to isolate the leak have been successful
  • Highest Secondary Containment temperature is 165’ F and temperatures have been stabilized
  • Field Survey at the site boundary indicate TEDE dose of 50 mRem
  • EDAMS TEDE dose projection is reported as 120 mRem at the site boundary

Which one of the following actions is required based on these radiological conditions?

A. Declare an ALERT. Entry into EOP-C2 is required.
B. Declare an ALERT. Entry into EOP-C2 is NOT required.
C. Declare a SITE AREA EMERGENCY. Entry into EOP-C2 is required.
D. Declare a SITE AREA EMERGENCY. Entry into EOP-C2 is NOT required.

References Provided: EPIP-EPP-02 Attachment 1

B is correct. ACTUAL field survey data
indicates conditions are above the
ALERT value of 10 mRem. EDAMS
dose projection is above the SAE level
of 100 rnRem, the correct classification
is SAE 5.2.4. ACTUAL field survey
data is used over the projected.
A is incorrect. Dose is significantly
below the GE level requiring Blowdown
per EOP-RR step RR-1, entry into
EOP-C2 is not required. With the
temperatures stabilized below 21 2" F
RPV Blowdown is also not warranted
by EOP-SC. Conditions are not going
to reach the GE values because the
leak is isolated.
C and D are incorrect. ALERT is
classified based on ACTUAL plant data
and not the projected data when
ACTUAL data is available.
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The plant is experiencing an ATWS transient, with the following:

  • An Alert was declared 65 minutes ago
  • Emergency response facilities are activated
  • 849127, FIRE DETECTED PNL128 W WALL / 261, alarms
  • Computer Point Fire Detection:
    +00-061-1-5, 333XL E261 Div 1 SWGR
    +00-061-1-7, 333XL E261 Div 1 SWGR
  • Discharge Light for Zone 333XL indicates 2FPL-AOV106 is open

Which one of the following is the correct action at this time in response to the above conditions?

A. Per EPIP-EPP-5A, direct an announcement for the fire brigade to report to the fire location.
8. Per EPIP-EPP-SA, direct an announcement for the fire brigade to report to the alarming fire panel.
C. Per EPIP-EPP-28, direct an announcement for the fire brigade to report the fire location.
D. Per EPIP-EPP-28, direct an announcement for the fire brigade to report to the osc.

References Provided: None

D. When credible evidence exists of a
fire condition within the protected area,
then per EPIP-EPP-28, direct the CSO
to implement the CSO fire fighting
The definition of CONFIRMED FIRE is
a condition in which credible evidence
exists that a fire is actually occurring. A
fire may be considered as confirmed
given any of the following: fire
alarm/annunciator AND suppression
system activation accompanied by
actual flow or discharge, or Fire
BrigadelLeader report, or SSS
Per the fire fighting checklist, EPIPEPP-
28, Attachment 1 :
If the OSC has not been activated then
the fire brigade shall report to the fire
location. If the OSC is activated, the
fire brigade shall report to the OSC. If
the location of the alarm is a C02
protected area, immediately evacuate
all personnel from the fire location and
all areas adjacent to and below this
This area is a C02 area as identified
by the "L" in the computer printout.
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The plant is operating at 100% power, with the following:

  • Annunciator 603103, RPS A REACTOR PRESSURE HIGH TRIP, alarms
  • Computer Point, ISCUC05 RPS A1 RX PRESS HI TR, alarms
  • I&C reports instrument 2ISCPIS1678 (B22-N678A RPV HIGH PRESS, 2CECPNL609) is failed high
  • The plant responded per design

Which one of the following is the correct action in response to the above conditions?

A. Maintain the half scram on RPS Channel A. The ATWS RPT function remains operable.
B. Initiate actions to be in MODE 3 within 12 hours. The ATWS RPT function remains operable.
C. Maintain the half scram on RPS Channel A and trip the associated ATWS RPT channel within 14 days.
D. Initiate actions to be in MODE 2 within 6 hours because of the inoperable ATWS RPT function.

References Provided: P&ID 28A (already provided for
RO) and JUST TS 3.3.1 .I pages -1, 2, 3 and 9
(includes Table 3.3.1 .l-1 page 2 of 3). Must leave
allowable values column intact because this is required
BASES allowed, TS (NO SURV
BASES for these two specs ( and
because they could provide the answer other question
intended to be answered from memory.

A. There are four instruments (2 per
channel) for the Reactor Vessel Steam
Dome Pressure High function of RPS
Instrumentation. Refer to TS Table
3.3.1 .l-1, Function 3. With one of the
instruments inoperable, place the
associated channel in trip within 12
hours or place the associated trip
system in trip within 12 hours. For the
failed instrument, a half scram
automatically occurred satisfying the
requirement of TS, Condition A,
FW A.2. As long as the half scram is
inserted on RPS channel A, the plant
can operate indefinitely in this
condition until the instrument is
restored to operable status at which
time the half scram can be reset.
ATWS RPT function is not provided by
this same instrument. This function
remains operable
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The plant is in MODE 5 with core reload in progress per N2-FHP-13.3 Core Shuffle with the following:

0800 - Annunciator 875111, SPENT FUEL POOL LEVEL HIGH/LOW alarms
0800 - Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) level is 352 ft 9 inches and steady
0802 - 2SFC*AOV33A and B, SFP NORMAL MAKEUP are open and SFP level begins to rise
0815 - An irradiated fuel bundle is being lowered into the core
0816 - A malfunction of the Refuel Bridge causes the grapple and fuel bundle to rapidly lower the last 4 inches into the core
0817 - Annunciator 603209, SRM SHORT PERIOD alarms and clears 5 seconds later
0818 - SRM count rates are rising steadily

Which one of the following actions is required to be taken and what is the reason for that action?

A. Declare an Unusual Event because excessive SFP leakage is occurring.
B. Evacuate the Refuel Floor because an irradiated fuel bundle has been dropped.
C. Initiate Boron injection to the core because an inadvertent criticality event is occurring.
D. Remove the fuel bundle within 1 hour because Shutdown Margin is not within LCO limits.

References Provided: None

C is correct. Inadvertent Criticality is
occurring with SRM count rate rising
steadily. Per N2-SOP-39, initiate SLS
A is incorrect. SFP level is being
recovered by the normal makeup
valves, 2SFC*AOV33A and B. An
Unusual Event (UE 1.5.1) declaration
is required if SFP level cannot be
restored and maintained above the low
water level alarm.
B is incorrect. Grapple lowered 4
inches and there is no indication that
the bundle is no longer grappled. A
dropped fuel bundle event is NOT in
D is incorrect. Removing fuel bundle
does not restore SDM per the LCO.
Mode 5 actions require immediate
suspension of core alterations and do
not provide a 1 hour completion time.
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Which one of the following Radiation Monitoring events requires that you assume the role as Emergency Director (ED)?

A. A coolant leak at one control rod HCU causes the local ARM to indicate yellow on DRMS.
B. When changing a TIP the general area ARM goes offscale high until the TIP is in the transfer cask.
C. During LPRM removal, one local ARM goes upscale before the LPRM is lowered and submerged ten feet.
D. A fuel assembly dropped onto the reactor core causes an automatic containment isolation.

References Provided: None

D. A fuel assembly dropped in the
reactor cavity causing containment
isolation means that fuel assembly
damage occurred. The perforation of
fuel cladding caused high radiation
levels on the refueling floor due to
gaseous release. When radiation
monitors 2HVS*RE14A or RE1 48
actuate, a secondary containment
isolation results.
Per EAL 1.4.2: Valid Rx Bldg above
Refueling Floor Radiation Monitor
2HVR'RE14A or 2HVR'RE14B,
Gaseous Radiation Monitors (Channel
1 ) isolation due to a refuel floor event,
the event is classified as an alert per
EPIP-EPP-02 and EAL.
Per EPIP-EPP-02, 2.1: Upon initial
declaration of an emergency, assumes
the role of SSS/Emergency Director
(SSS/ED) and functions as the
SSS/ED until relieved of those duties
by the on-call EDlRM, other SRO, or
the emergency is terminated.
Declaring an alert requires assuming
the role of the Emergency Director.
Per N2-SOP-39 discussion 5.4.2: See
EPIP-EPP-02, Attachment 1, 9.1,
Other for event classification following
a dropped fuel bundle or other events
which have the potential to have
caused damage to fuel bundles.
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The plant is in MODE 3, following a planned shutdown. The shutdown was achieved using N2-OP-101C Section G.2.0 Reactor Shutdown by Mode Switch to Shutdown Scram (Soft Scram), with Feedwater Level Control in Manual. Reactor Water Level is being controlled at 150 inches and stable.
THEN …… Reactor water level lowers to 95 inches due to an equipment failure resulting in the following:

  • HPCS initiates
  • HPCS Diesel Generator fails to start
  • HPCS secured per N2-OP-33, Section G.1.0, Shutdown to Standby Following Initiation
  • Operators restore level control to the normal band 160 to 200 inches and are controlling Reactor Water Level with Feedwater Level Control in Manual

Which one of the following is the correct reporting requirement for the above conditions?

A. 4 hour report. NO LER is required.
B. 4 hour report. LER is required within 60 days
C. 8 hour report. NO LER is required.
D. 8 hour report. LER is required within 60 days.

References Provided: 10CFR50.72,10CFR50.73

B. 4 hour report. LER is required
within 60 days.
1 OCFRS0.72(b)(2)(iv)(A): 4-hour
report is required if any event that
results or should have resulted in
ECCS discharge into the reactor
coolant system (HPCS injected into
the reactor vessel) as a result of a
valid signal except when the actuation
results from and is part of a preplanned
evolution during testing of
reactor operation (not pre-planned).
lOCFR50.72(b)(3)(lV)(A): 8-hour
report is required if any event or
condition that results in valid actuation
of any of the systems listed in
paragraph (b)(3)(iv)(B), except when
the actuation results from and is part of
a pre-planned evolution during testing
of reactor operation. EXCEPT when
reported under paragraphs (a), (b)(l),
or (b)(2), the licensee shall notify the
NRC as soon as possible and in all
cases within 8 hours of the occurrence.
Because a 4-hour report is required
the 8-hour report is not required. 4-
hour report because there was
injection into the reactor vessel.
RPS Actuation is part of a
preplanned sequence
(shutdown by scram reactor
mode switch to shutdown, &
low level scram signal is
expected during this event)
and not reportable.
1 OCFR50.73( b)(3)( IV)(A): LER is
required if any condition or that
resulted in manual or automatic
actuation (automatic actuation
occurred) of any of the systems listed
in paragraph (2)(iv)(B) (HPCS is
included) EXCEPT when:
The actuation resulted from and was
part of a pre-planned sequence during
testing or reactor operation (not preplanned),
OR .
The actuation was invalid (it was
invalid) AND occurred while the
system was properly removed from
service (system was in standby) OR
occurred after the safety function had
been already completed (system was
in standby).
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With the plant at 100% power, with the following:

  • N2-SOP-97 is entered
  • Both RPM-EPAs 2RPMACB1 B and 2RPMACB2B tripped
  • 2RPM-MG1 B is not running
  • Power source selector switch is swapped from NORM to ALT
  • When performing the actions for resetting of RPM-EPAs, the operator is required to manually defeat the overvoltage protective function for 2RPMACB1B and 2RPMACB2B because the voltage on the bus is above the overvoltage reset value
  • 2RPMACB1B and 2RPMACB2B are reset and closed

Which one of the following is the correct COMPLETION TIME to restore at least one of the EPA breakers to operable?

A. 1 hour COMPLETION TIME because a scram logic bus is inoperable
B. 1 hour COMPLETION TIME because a scram solenoid bus is inoperable
C. 72 hour COMPLETION TIME because a scram logic bus is inoperable
D. 72 hour COMPLETION TIME because a scram solenoid bus is inoperable

References Provided: Tech Spec and

B. Per SOP-97, 5.6, RPS Scram
Solenoids - Alternate Power: When
using alternate power to supply the
RPS Scram solenoids, bus voltage
may be too high to reset the
overvoltage trip relay on
2RPM*ACB2A(B). If any tripped EPA
breaker cannot be reset and turned ON
due to voltage on the bus exceeding
the reset value, shift supervision shall
determine which of the following
methods is best, considering present
plant conditions, to facilitate resetting
the affected breaker(s):
- Manually defeat the overvoltage
protective function at the breaker(s)
UNTIL load on the bus is reestablished
by resetting the half scram
(Preferred method). This will require
entry into TS, Condition A,
with one EPA breaker defeated on
one bus (72 hour completion time)
OR Condition B, with both EPA
breakers defeated on one bus (1
hour completion time). TS 3.3.1 .I
also applies with a 1 hour completion
- Lower bus voltage by adjusting the
load tap changer for the transformer
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Core shuffle in progress, with the following:

  • The next step requires movement of the fuel assembly at core location 25-24 to core location 55-34
  • Before latching the next step, SRM A and SRM C are declared inoperable

Which one of the following describes which SRM must be restored to OPERABLE status and why?

A. SRM A because it is in the quadrant from which the fuel is removed
B. SRM C because it is in the quadrant into which the fuel is being moved..
C. SRM A because it is in a quadrant into which the fuel is being moved.
D. SRM C because it is in a quadrant adjacent to a fuel move quadrant.

References Provided: Core Map

D. is correct because 3 SRM's must be
OPERABLE to complete this particular
fuel move. SRM D is in the quadrant
form which the bundle will be removed.
SRM B is int he quadrant to which the
bundle will be moved. SRM A or C are
adjacent to either of the above
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The plant is operating at 100% power, with the following:

  • I&C is ready to perform N2-ISP-MSS-Q003, Quarterly Functional Test and Trip Unit Calibration of Main Steam Line Low Pressure Instrument Channels. This test performs channel calibration of the Rosemount Analog Trip System Master Trip Units (MTU) for Main Steam Line Low Pressure instrument Channels 2MSS*PIS1020A-D (B22-N676A-D)
  • 2MSS*PIS1020A MTU Trip calibration starts AT 0800

Which one of the following describes the correct implementation and basis for entry into the associated CONDITION and REQUIRED ACTION of Tech Specs?

A. Entry must be logged as of 0800 because associated function does not maintain isolation capability.
B. Entry must be logged as of 0800 because Safety Function Determination Program requirements are not met.
C. Entry may be delayed until 1400 because associated function maintains isolation capability.
D. Entry may be delayed until 1400 because separate entries are allowed for each channel to be tested.

References Provided: None

C. At 0800 when the channel
calibration begins, the channel is
inoperable. Per TS Surveillance
Requirement note, “When a channel is
placed in an inoperable status solely
for the performance of required
surveillances, entry into associated
Conditions and Required Actions may
be delayed for up to 6 hours provided
the associated Function maintains
isolation capability. "
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The plant is operating at 100% power, with the following:

  • Power Control provides notification of unstable grid conditions with imminent loss of off site power

Which one of the following actions is required?

A. Per SOP-3, immediately scram the reactor and enter SOP-101C.
B. Per SOP-70, immediately scram the reactor and enter SOP-101C.
C. Per SOP-3, start and run Div 1 and Div 2 Diesel Generators ioaded.
D. Per SOP-70, start and run Div 1 and Div 2 Diesel Generators unloaded.


D. Per SOP-70, start and run Div 1 and Div 2 Diesel Generators unloaded.

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Upon completion of a 400-day run and shutdown for a refueling outage, control rod withdrawal using control rod sequence A2UP for has been commenced the subsequent startup. Control rods in RWM Step 1 are being withdrawn.

  • The last control rod movement was withdrawing control rod 50-1 5 to position 48
  • RO selects control rod 10-1 5 and the following are observed:
    > Select Error and WITHDRAW rod block are indicated on the RWM display.
    > WITHDRAW BLOCK status light is ON (Rod Select Module).

Which one of the following is the correct action in response to the above conditions?

A. Bypass the RWM and continue control rod withdrawal. Additional staff is not required to be stationed.
B. Bypass the RWM and station an additional RO or SRO to verify control rod movements before continuing control rod withdrawal.
C. Fully insert the withdrawn control rods in reverse order using RMCS. Continue the startup after repairing the RWM hardware failure.
D. Fully insert the withdrawn control rods by a manual reactor scram. Continue the startup after correcting the RWM BPWS error.

References Provided: TS (including Table, Rod Movement Sheets for the first twelve
rods of sequence A2UP.

Sequence A2, RSCS Group 1 / RWM
Step 1: Control rods in this group are
withdrawn in the following sequence;
02-39, 58-39, 58-23, 02-23, 18-55,42-
55, 42-07, 18-07, 10-47, 50-47, 50-15,
10-15. Control rod 10-15 is the 12th
control rod.
B. The RWM is inoperable. Although
the control rod selected is the next
control rod in the control rod sequence
and is a control rod within this RWM
step (group of control rods), the RWM
has incorrectly restricted movement of
this control rod. Since the RWM was
functioning correctly, the supposed
error is that the control rod sequence
package is not loaded correctly into the
RWM. Therefore, the RWM
recognizes the selection and attempted
control rod withdrawal as an out-ofsequence
rod movement and enforces
a Select Error and Rod Block.
This requires declaring SR
not met and the RWM inoperable.
With the RWM inoperable, suspend
control rod movement except by scram
EXCEPT if the following can be
satisfied: Determining that more than
12 control rods are withdrawn per TS,RAC.2.1.1 (12rodsarenot
withdrawn) OR that no startups with
the RWM inoperable have occurred in
the last year per TS, RA
C.2.1.2 (met since 400 day run and
then shutdown for a refueling outage),
control rod withdrawal can be
continued by bypassing the RWM after
completing TS RA C.2.2. Since
N2-OP-95A, Section H.l .O requires
additional personnel in the control
room for the startup be assigned
specifically for verification of control
rod movements, TS RA C.2.2 is
Sequence A2, RSCS Group 1 / RWM
Step 1: Control rods in this group are
withdrawn in the following sequence;
02-39, 58-39, 58-23, 02-23, 18-55,42-
55, 42-07, 18-07, 10-47, 50-47, 50-15,
10-15. Control rod 10-15 is the 12th
control rod.

During the performance of the N2-ISP-ISC-002,CHANNEL CALIBRATION, for the Reactor Vessel Water Level Low Level 3 function of Reactor Protection System, the as-found and as-left values for instrument 21SC*LIS168OC are reported by I&C:

  • As-found 157.70 inches
  • As-left 159.49 inches

Which one of the following describes the operability of this instrument upon learning the as-found value and after completing the calibration and an instrument drift evaluation?

A. Upon learning the as-found value the channel was inoperable. After calibration the channel became operable.
B. Upon learning the as-found value the channel was inoperable. After calibration the channel remained inoperable.
C. Upon learning the as-found value the channel remained operable. After calibration the channel remained operable.
D. Upon learning the as-found value the channel remained operable. After calibration the channel became inoperable.

References Provided: TS (all, no bases)

A . Per TS Table 3.3.1 .I-1, Function 4,
the allowable value is 35l7 .8 inches.
Per ARP 603105,21SC*LIS1680C trip
set point is 159.3 inches.
Because the as-found value (1 57.70
inches) is not within the allowable
value, the instrument must be declared
inoperable. After the calibration is
complete, the as-left value (1 59.49
inches) is within the allowable value
and is considered operable. The asleft
value is also more conservative
than the trip set-point justifying this
instrument being restored to operable
Per the TS bases for RPS
Instrumentation, upon learning the
allowable value is exceeded, the
instrument is inoperable. Provided the
instrument as-found value is below the
allowable value it is operable even
though it may be above the specified
trip set point. Provided the as-left
value is below the allowable value it is
returned to operable status.

The plant is preparing for refueling, with the following:
a The first fuel shuffle is scheduled to start as soon as N2-OSP-RMC-W@002, Reactor Mode Switch Functional Test of Refuel Interlocks, is complete (in about
4 hours).

  • Following the first fuel shuffle, the in-vessel servicing window includes the replacement of 10 control rod blades
  • Maintenance informs you the monorail hoist load cell on the refueling bridge must be replaced
  • The estimated time to replace and calibrate the load cell is 12 hours

Which one of the following is the impact of the monorail hoist load cell problem and the correct action based upon this impact?

A. Starting the first fuel shuffle must be delayed. Although this load cell does not support testing of the other hoist interlocks, this load cell must be operable prior to starting fuel movement.
B. Starting the first fuel shuffle must be delayed. Place the surveillance on hold until this load cell is operable and can be used to support testing of the frame mounted and main hoist interlock checks.
C. The first fuel shuffle can start at the scheduled time by deferring (NA) the monorail hoist checks. The monorail hoist should be tested at a later time to
support fuel support removal for control rod blade change out during the in vessel servicing.
D. The first fuel shuffle can start at the scheduled time by deferring (NA) the monorail hoist checks. The monorail hoist should be tested at a later time to support double blade guide movement for control rod blade change out during the in-vessel servicing.

References Provided: None

C. Refueling interlock checks are only
necessary for the equipment used
during the actual fuel movements,
which include the refueling
bridge/trolley and main hoist and the
associated support systems such as
air. The monorail hoist is not used to
move nuclear fuel and does not have
to be tested. The monorail hoist and/or
frame-mounted hoist are used to
remove and install control rod blades,
not the main hoist, therefore the
monorail hoist should be operable from
those activities. Since the cells
containing the control rod blades to be
changed out will have no fuel,
movement of these control rods is not
considered a core alteration, however,
it is prudent to ensure that equipment
being used (i.e., the monorail hoist,
frame-mounted) is tested properly prior
to its use. If the load cell was not
operable, any control rod blade
restrictions to its removal (Le.
snagged) would not be noticed and
interrupted (Hoist Jam) with an
inoperable load cell and could result in
equipment damage and/or personnel
injury. The process for control rod
blade change out includes using the
monorail hoist to remove the Fuel
Support Piece, the Frame-mounted
hoist to remove the old control rod
blade and then insert the new control
rod blade, and then the Fuel Support
Piece is reinserted into that location
using the monorail hoist.

The plant is operating at 100% power, with the following:

00: 00 on May 1 : SGT A and SGT B are declared inoperable
00: 55 on May 1 : Recirc flow is lowered for a plant shutdown
08: 00 on May 1 : Reactor mode switch placed to shutdown
09: 00 on May 2: Average RCS temperature is lowered to 199°F

Which one of the following is the implication of the above actions?

A. The power reduction was NOT initiated within the specified time.
B. The plant was NOT placed in Mode 2 within the specified time.
C. The plant was NOT placed in Mode 3 within the specified time.
D. The plant was NOT placed in Mode 4 within the specified time.

References Provided: T.S.


B. The plant was not placed in Mode 2
within the specified time.
With both SGT trains inoperable, TS
LCO 3.0.3 applies.


The plant is operating at 100% with the following:

09: 00 on May 1 : Per TRSR the last satisfactory channel check for Reactor water continuous conductivity recorders and conductivity was 0.8 umho/cm
09: 00 on May 4: Per TRSR RCS A Loop & WCS filter continuous conductivity recorders are declared inoperable
12: 00 on May 4: Conductivity measurement reported at 1.02 umhos/cm at 25°C

  • SRO determines entry into TRM 3.4.1 CONDITION B is required prior to 12:00 on May 5 because Required Action A.2 cannot be completed

Which one of the following describes the SRO determination regarding the TLCO?

A. SRO correctly applied the TLCO. CONDITION B applies to REQUIRED ACTIONS A.1. A.2 and A.3. COMPLETION TIME for ACTION A.2 is not met.
B. SRO incorrectly applied the TLCO. Application of TRSR 3.0.2 allows an extension of CONDITION A.2 COMPLETION TIME to 30 hours prior to entering
C. SRO incorrectly applied the TLCO. CONDITION B only applies to REQUIRED ACTION A.3. REQUIRED ACTION A.2 is addressed by TRSR
D. SRO incorrectly applied the TLCO. CONDITION B should be entered at 12:00 on May 4 because TRSR cannot be performed.

References Provided: TRM: T3.4.1 and TRM Table

C. is right. Condition B of TLCO 3.4.1
applies only if the required actions and
associated completion times of A.3 are
not met. If there is a problem with the
continuous conductivity recorder TRSR
3.4.1 .I takes affect.
A and D are wrong because
CONDITION B only applies to A.3.
B. is wrong because CONDITION B
does not apply if A.2 is not done and
TRSR 3.0.2 is irrelevant in this

The plant is operating at 100% power, with the following:

  • A single Division 1 Drywell Pressure ECCS initiation instrument fails downscale requiring corrective maintenance
  • The SM declares the Division 1 Drywell Pressure instrument inoperable

Which one of the following describes the ACTIONS required by Technical Specifications?

A. Declare CSL and A RHS subsystems inoperable immediately and trip the High Drywell pressure channel with a COMPLETION TIME of 24 hours.
B. Declare CSL and A RHS subsystems inoperable within 1 hour and trip the High Drywell pressure channel with a COMPLETION TIME of 24 hours.
C. CSL and A RHS subsystems remain OPERABLE and trip the High Drywell pressure channel with a COMPLETION TIME of 12 hours.
D. Declare CSL and A RHS subsystems inoperable immediately and trip the High Drywell pressure channel with a COMPLETION TIME of 12 hours.

References Provided: Tech Spec and 3.5.1

A. is correct because the definition of
OPERABILITY requires all support
instrumentation to be OPERABLE.
Therefore CSL and A RHR are both
declared inoperable. The completion
time of 24 hour applies to 1 .c. in Tech
B: is incorrect because the trip function
C: is incorrect because CSL and A
RHR do not meet the definition of
OPERABLE. Also the completion time
for channel trip is 24 hours.
D: is incorrect because the completion
time is 24 hours.

A core shuffle is in progress. Which one of the following conditions meets the Fuel Handling Procedure (FHP) criteria for stopping fuel movement?

A. Last performance of the Refueling Platform Interlocks Test was completed fortyeight (48) hours ago.
B. A fuel assembly is lowered four (4) feet into a core location when it is recognized that this is the incorrect location.
C. The fuel assembly nose piece is lowered to two (2) feet above the core top guide before establishing the correct orientation.
D. A fuel assembly is moved to the spent fuel pool and the rod block interlock light clears when the bridge is clear of the reactor core.

References Provided: None

placement of a fuel assembly in the
core in a location other than that
specified by the fuel movement
instructions. This includes partial
insertion of a fuel assembly into the
reactor core.
Per FHP 13.3 Attachments 5, criteria
for stopping fuel movement, a fuel
loading error requires stopping fuel
A. This interval for this surveillance is 7
C. It is acceptable to lower the fuel
assembly before establishing the
correct orientation; however, the
correct orientation is to be established
before lowering the fuel assembly into
the assigned core location.
D. This is correct operation of the
refueling interlocks. The rod block
interlock light is lit when the refueling
bridge is over the reactor core and the
main hoist is loaded. When clear of the
reactor core (proximity switch) the rod
block clears.

A plant startup is in progress with the following:

  • Reactor power is 14%
  • Containment Purge is required to reduce oxygen concentration to within Tech Spec limits
  • Standby Gas Train A has just been declared inoperable

Which one of the following identifies the required containment purge outlet flowpath?

A. Simultaneously from the Suppression Chamber and Drywell through 2GTSSOV102, the 2 inch purge valve.
B. Simultaneously from the Suppression Chamber and Drywell through 2GTS
AOV101 the 20 inch purge valve.
C. From the Suppression Chamber first through 2GTSSOV102, the 2 inch purge valve.
D. From the Suppression Chamber first through 2GTS
AOV101, the 20 inch purge valve.

References Provided: None

C is correct. N2-OP61A Precaution
and Limitation D.12.0 prohibits
simultaneous purging from the DW and
SC to prevent establishing a
Suppression Pool bypass leakage
pathway. SR and N2-OP-
61A D.3.0 allow purging with only one
GTS subsystem operable provided that
2GTS*AOV101 (20 inch) valve is
closed. Suppression Chamber purge
should be performed before Drywell
purge to minimize chance of DW SC
vacuum breaker opening, per N2-OP-
61A E.2.18 Note 1.

The plant is experiencing an event, with the following:

  • Plant conditions justify the declaration of an ALERT
  • Before an ALERT is actually declared, plant conditions improve and now plant conditions only justify the declaration of an UNUSUAL EVENT.
  • Plant conditions justifying the declaration of an ALERT are no longer present.

Which one of the following describes correct actions to properly classify the event and notification in response to the above conditions?

A. Declare and report an UNUSUAL EVENT; circle “Unusual Event’‘ in block 4 of the notification fact sheet. In block 8 of the same notification fact sheet, state that conditions for an ALERT were momentary and the time/date of its termination.
B. Declare and report an ALERT by circling “Alert” in block 4 of the notification fact sheet. Submit a separate notification to indicate the change in classification to an UNUSUAL EVENT by circling “Unusual Event“ in block 4 of the notification fact sheet.
C. Declare and report an UNUSUAL EVENT; circle “Unusual Event” in block 4 of the notification fact sheet. No mention of the momentary ALERT and its termination is required in this notification, nor in any preceding or subsequent notifications to this one.
D. Declare and report an ALERT by circling “Alert” in block 4 of the notification fact sheet. In block 8 of the same notification fact sheet, state that conditions for an ALERT were momentary and the timeldate of its termination, and current conditions only justify an UNUSUAL EVENT and the time/date of its declaration.

- PART 1 (ensure the procedure number and revision in the footer of the fact sheet is removed - blacked out)

A. IF: An EAL has been met or
exceeded, but the EAL threshold or
emergency condition no longer exists
prior to making the emergency
declaration (Transitory event), THEN:
Classify current conditions (UNUSUAL
EVENT) and declare the emergency, if
necessary. Make notifications required
for the declared emergency in
accordance with EPIP-EPP-20. Notify
State, County and NRC of transitory
event (even if no emergency is

Given the following conditions:

  • An ATWS concurrent with a LOCA has been in progress for twenty (20) minutes
  • Reactor power is 15% and steady
  • Reactor pressure being maintained 800-1 000 psig
  • Suppression Pool water level is within the TS limit
  • Suppression Pool Temperature is 130°F and rising 5°F per minute
  • RPV water level is -75 inches (Fuel Zone) and lowering 5 inches per minute
  • EOP-C2, RPV Blowdown, has iust been entered

Which one of the following is the correct emergency classification won entrv into EOP-C2, RPV Blowdown, assuming the correct classification is initially made based on the stated conditions?

A. Continue at an ALERT
C. Reclassify from an ALERT to a SITE AREA EMERGENCY
D. Reclassify from a ALERT to a GENERAL EMERGENCY

References Provided: Unit 2 EAL Matrix

B. Before the low RPV water level
occurred, a Site Area Emergency
should be declared because of the
Failure of RPS, including RRCS, to
bring the reactor subcritical. Upon
entry into EOP-C2, RPV Blowdown,
the classification should remain at a
Site Area Emergency until after an
evaluation it is determined if low
pressure systems are capable of
restoring and maintaining RPV water
level. Escalation to a General
Emergency is based on actual or
imminent substantial core damage or
melting with potential loss of primary
containment. These conditions are not
present at this time because adequate
core cooling is still assured by
presence of the mechanisms for
adequate core cooling. Also, General
emergency is based on not being able
to maintain within the HCTL. The
HCTL is not exceeded and is not the
reason for the blowdown, the margin
to the HCTL will increase substantially
as rector pressure is rapidly lowered
from the blowdown.