Sentence Practice 8 Flashcards
New Pali Course Book 1
- I sold my gems to a merchant.
ahaṃ / vikkiṇiṃ / mama / maṇayo / vāṇijāya
Ahaṃ vāṇijāya mama maṇayo vikkiṇiṃ.
- We gave our oxen to the slaves.
mayaṃ / adadimha / amhaṃ / goṇe / dāsānaṃ
Mayaṃ dāsānaṃ amhaṃ goṇe adadimha.
- You bought a sword from me.
tvaṃ / kiṇo / asiṃ / mayā
Tvaṃ mayā asiṃ kiṇo.
- (You) don’t beat monkeys with your hands.
tumhe / na paharasi / kapayo / tumhebhi / pānībhi
Tumhe tumhebhi pānībhi kapayo na paharasi.
- The leader brought a lion from the mountain.
adhipati / āhari / sīhaṃ / girimhā
Adhipati girimhā svhaṃ āhari.
- The monk preached the doctrine to you.
muni / desesi / dhammaṃ / tava
Muni tava dhammaṃdesesi.
- We gave food to the serpents.
mayaṃ / dadimha / āhvraṃ / ahønaṃ
Mayaṃ ahīnaṃ āhāraṃ dadimha.
- The slaves of the householder carried our paddy.
dāsā / gahapatino / hariṃsu / amhaṃ / vīhiṃ
Gahapatino dāsā amhaṃ vīhiṃ hariṃsu.
- You did not go to the sea.
tvaṃ / na / gaccho / udadhiṃ
Tvaṃ udadhiṃ na gaccho.
- There are no gems in my fist.
natthi / maṇayo / mayi / mu¥¥himhi
Mayi mu¥¥himhi maṇayo natthi.
- The poet’s son struck the dog with a stick.
kavino / putto / pahari / sunakhaṃ / ya¥¥hinā Kavino putto ya¥¥hinā sunakhaṃ pahari.
- Our sons learnt from the sage.
amhaṃ / puttā / uggaṇhiṃsu / isinā
Amhaṃ puttā isinā uggaṇhiṃsu.
- Your monkey fell down from a tree.
tava / kapi / pātesi / rukkhamhæ
Tava kapi rukkhamhā pātesi.
- My dog went with me to the house.
mama / sunakho / gacchi / mayā / gehaṃ
Mama sunakho gehaṃ mayā gacchi.
- A serpent bit my son’s hand.
ahi / ðasi / mama / puttassa / hatthaṃ
Ahi mama puttassa hatthaṃ ðasi.
- The leopard killed a bull on the road.
dīpi / māresi / goṇaṃ / magge
Dīpi magge goṇaṃ māresi.
- My friends looked at the lions.
mama / mittā / olokesuṃ / svhe
Mama mittā sīhe olokesuṃ.
- We did not see the king’s sword.
mayaṃ / na / passimha / bhūpatino / asiṃ
Mayaṃ bhūpatino asiṃ na passimha.
- I did not go to the deer.
tvaṃ / kiṇāsi / mayūraṃ / kavinā
Tvaṃ kavinā mayūraṃ kiṇāsi.
- Thou buyest a peacock from the poet.
tvaṃ / kiṇāsi / mayūraṃ / kavinv
Tvaṃ kavinv mayūraṃ kiṇāsi.