Sentence Practice 1 Flashcards
New Pali Part 1
Narā suriyaṃ passanti.
men / sun / see
The men see the sun.
Goṇā pāsāṇe tiṭṭhanti.
oxen / [on] rock / stand
The oxen stand on the rock.
Manusso gāme carati.
human being / [in] village / walks
The human being walks in the village.
Sakuṇo rukkhe nisīdati.
bird / [on] tree / sits
The bird sits on the tree.
Buddho dhammaṃ bhāsati.
Buddha / doctrine / says
The Buddha says the doctrine.
Ahaṃ dīpaṃ āharāmi.
I / lamp / bring
I bring the lamp.
Mayaṃ goṇe harāma.
we / oxen / take away
We take away the oxen.
Saṅgho gāmaṃ gacchati.
community / [to] village / goes
The community goes to the village.
Tvaṃ sīhaṃ passasi.
you / lion / see
You see the lion.
Bhūpālā asse āruhanti.
kings / [onto] horses / climb
The kings climb onto the horses.
Devā ākāsena gacchanti.
gods / [through] sky / go
The gods go through the sky.
Assā dīpesu dhāvanti.
horses / [in] islands / run
The horses run in the islands.
Tvaṃ pādehi carasi.
you / [with] legs / walk
You walk with the legs.
Tumhe hatthehi haratha.
you / [with] hands / carry
You carry with the hands.
Mayaṃ loke vasāma.
we / [in] world / live
We live in the world.
Sunakhā vānarehi kiḷanti.
dogs / [with] monkeys / play
The dogs play with the monkeys.
Puriso mañce sayati.
man / [in] bed / sleep
The man sleeps in the bed.
Varāhā ajehi vasanti.
pigs / [with] goats / live
The pigs live with the goats.
Sīhā sakuṇe hananti.
lions / birds / kill
The lions kill the birds.
Sunakhā gāme caranti.
dogs / [in] village / walk
The dogs walk in the village.