Sentence Practice 7 Flashcards
New Pali Course Book 1
- Ahaṃmayhaṃ puttassa assa§ adadiṃ.
I / my / [to] son / horse / gave
I gave the horse to my son.
- Tvaṃ amhākaṃ gāmā āgacchasi.
you / our / village / come You come (from) our village.
- Mayaṃ tava hatthe passāma.
we / your / hands / see
We see your hands.
- Mama puttā giriṃ āruhiṃsu.
my / sons / mountain / climbed
My sons climbed the mountain.
- Tumhākaṃ sunakhā magge sayiṃsu.
your / dogs / [on] path / slept
Your dogs slept on the path.
- Amhaṃ mittā coraṃ asinā pahariṃsu.
our / friends / thief / [with] sword / struck
Our friends struck the thief with the sword.
- Tumhaṃ dāsā arīnaṃ asse hariṃsu.
your / slaves / [to] enemies / horses / took away
Your slaves took away the horses to the enemies. Alt: Your slaves took away the enemies’ horses.
- Coro mama puttassa maṅayo coresi.
thief / my / [of] son / gems / stole
The thief stole my son’s gems.
- Isayo mayhaṃ gehe na vasiṃsu.
sages / my / [in] house / not / dwelt
The sages did not dwell in my house.
- Kavi tava puttānaṃ dhammaṃ desesi.
poet / your / [to] sons / doctrine / preached The poet preached the dhamma to your sons.
- Amhesu kodho natthi.
[in] us / anger / is not
There’s no anger in us.
- Tumhe vāṅijassa mayþre kiṅittha.
you / [of] merchant / peacocks / bought
You bought the peacocks of the merchant.
- Mayaṃ bhūpatino mige vikkiṅimha.
we / [of] king / deer / sold
We sold the deer of the king.
- Gahapatino putto maṃ pahari.
[of] householder / son / me / beat
The householder’s son beat me.
- Adhipatino dāsā mama goṅe pahariṃsu.
[of] lord / slaves / my / oxen / beat
The lord’s slaves beat my oxen.
- Ahaṃ tumhākaṃ vīhī na gaṅhiṃ.
I / your / paddy / not / took I did not take your paddy.
- Dīpī gāmamhā na dhāvi.
leopards / [from] village / not / ran The leopards did not run from the village.
- Tumhe ahayo na māretha.
you / serpents / not / kill Y
ou don’t kill the serpents.
- Mayaṃ atithīnaṃ odanaṃ pacimha.
we / [for] guests / rice / cooked
We cooked rice for the guests.
- Kapayo maṃ āhāraṃ yāciṃsu.
monkeys / me / food / begged
The monkeys begged me for food.