Sense Organs; Smell Flashcards
Taste and smell are chemical senses because they arise from interaction with molecules
Olfaction is the sense of smell
The nose contains 10-100 million receptors for olfaction contained within a tiny area (5 cm2) called the olfactory epithelium.
The olfactory epithelium contains three types of cells:
1. Olfactory receptors
2. Supporting cells
3. Basal cells
Olfactory receptors
Neurons attached to olfactory hairs. Respond to chemical stimulus of odorants by producing an action potential
Supporting cells
Provide physical support, nourishment and help detoxify odorant chemicals
Basal cells
Stem cells that continually divide to produce new olfactory receptors (live 1 month)
- Olfactory glands in the connective tissues supporting the olfactory epithelium produce mucus that is carried to the surface by ducts
- The secretion moistens the olfactory epithelium and helps to dissolve odorants
- Inflammation of the nasal mucosa inhibits olfaction (i.e. rhinitis)
Smell sensation
- Sense of smell involves the Olfactory nerve (CNI) (unmyelinated –slower)
- Nerve axons extend through about 20 olfactory foramina in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to the temporal lobe.
- Olfactory bulb olfactory tract olfactory area in the temporal lobe
- Some of the axons of the olfactory tract project into the limbic system (relation between smell and emotion).
- Sense of smell may also affect appetite and our moods
- The sense of smell in humans is less than many animals
Smell sensation; Adaptation
- Like all the special sense, olfaction has a low threshold and only a few molecules need to be present for us to detect a smell
- Adaptation: Decreased sensitivity to odours occurs rapidly. Olfactory receptors adapt by 50% in first second. Odours seem 80% less powerful after a few minutes of exposure
- Prevents smelling bad odour e.g. working new a foul odour gets to the point where olfactory adaptation is 100%
- The aim of adaptation is to protect from danger – if the scent is not a danger it re-calibrates to be able to detect for other smells which might indicate harm
Olfactory cells
The olfactory epithelium contains three types of cells:
1. Olfactory receptors
2. Supporting cells
3. Basal cells