Sensation and Perception Flashcards
physical processing of environmental stimuli by the sense organs
physical energy (light/sound) converted into form of energy the brain can understand
making sense of the stimuli
- psychological process of interpreting sensory info
ex: identify gas leak in house, song reminds you of a specific friend
absolute threshold
smallest amount of stimulation needed for detection by a sense
signal detection
how we measure absolute thresholds
*method for studying the ability to correctly identify sensory stimuli
false alarm
indicating a sound was heard when one wasn’t played
correct rejection
correctly identifying a sound when one wasn’t played
differential threshold or JND
just noticeable difference
Weber’s law
states that noticeable differences is proportional to the magnitude of the initial stimulus
* the bigger the stimulus, the larger the difference
bottom-up processing
building up to perceptual experience from individual pieces
top-down processing
experience influencing the perception of stimuli
sensory adaptation
decrease in sensitivity of a receptor to a stimulus after constant stimulus
ex: weight of clothes, scratches of glasses
we see light that bounces off an object and into our eyes
- enters eye though pupil
- light passes through lens
lens that light passes through
- light is transacted, or converted into electrical signals by cells called photoreceptors
rods- see in dim light (at night)
cones - see colour and detail in brighter light
passage of light
optic nerve -> through thalamus-> to primary visual cortex
primary visual cortex
info about light orientation and movement begin to come together
damage to these areas result in the loss of ability to perceive stimuli
ventral pathway
pathway of visual processing
- the “what” pathway
dorsal pathway
the “where” pathway
- processes location & movement
dark adaptation
adjustment of eye to low levels of light
light adaptations
adjustment of eyes to high levels of light
- large number of rods and cones are bleached at once, causing us to be blinded for a few seconds
- red light doesn’t bleach rods
trichromatic theory
proposes that colour vision is influenced by 3 different cones responding to red, blue, and green
opponent-process theory
theory proposing colour vision as influenced by cells responsive to pairs of colour
- our cones send info to retinal ganglion cells that respond to :
- red-green
- blue-yellow
- black-white