sensation and perception Flashcards
bottom-up processing
begins with the sensory receptors and then goes to the brain
top-down processing
processing the sensory information by interpreting it through perosn experience and expectations
selective attention
the ability to focus on just stimuli we decide is important
cocktail party effect
when we are able to focus on just one thing in an overcrowded place
inattentional blindness
when we are extremely cocnentrated on a particular part that we miss something completely obvious in our surroundings
Change blindness
we are so focus on one thing that we fail to notice little changes in our environment
three steps of all sensory systems
recieve, transform information into neural impulses, deliver to the brain
the rpocess of translatting physical energy into electromechanical one
absolute threshold
the minimum stimualtion needed to detect a stimulus
difference threshold
the minimum stimulus difference a aperson can detect
perceptual set
set of mental tendencies and assumptions that infleucne our sensory interpretation
sensory adaptation
temporary resistance to a stimuli, we become less sensitive to it
long-lasting resistanece to a stimuli
the distance from one peak to another, determines hue and color (light waves)
the height of the wave, determines intensity (light waves)
visual information journey
cornea - pupil - iris - trnasparent lens - retina
the lens adjusts its thickness and curviture to focus on something far away or close to us
How does retina process light?
it covnerts light particles into neural impulses nad sends those to the brain
blind spot
where the optical nerve leaves the eye
retina’s outer regions, eable seeing in balck and white
in and around fovea (retina’s central focus area), enable to see colors and details
trichometry theory
every color is composed of three primary colors, the eye has the rceptors for only these three colors
color blindness
a person doesn’t see a certain cloro becuase they are missing on or more types of cones
opponent-process theroy
color vision depends on sets of opposing retinal processes (red-green, blue-yellow, white-black)
an image that is reatined in the eye after a stimula has ceased
parallel processing
our brain multitasking while processing visual information