seminar 7 - claudia racca Flashcards
cells in the secondary and tertiary visual cortex receive input from…
what are the 2 pathways from V1
dorsal or ventral pathway
which pathway is at the top and which at the bottom
dorsal at the top
ventral at the bottom
dorsal stream
- spatial awareness
- visually guided behaviour
ventral stream
- recognition and discrimination of visual shapes and objects
- perception and recognition of faces
dorsal pathway goes to…
ventral pathway goes to
in V5/MT (medial temporal in temporal lobe) most cells are…
direction selective
respond more to the motion of objects than their shape
beyond area MT there is MST (medial superior temporal in parietal lobe) where the cells are important for…
directing eye movements
motion perception
patient is unable to focus their attention onto objects on the left side
hemineglect typically results from damage to the right parietal lobe
balint’s syndrome
the parietal lobes are damaged on both sides of the brain resulting in the loss of the dorsal stream to direct attention
what is simaltagnosia
a symptom of balint’s syndrome
the inability to recognise multiple objects presented simultaneously (one on top of the other)
MT lesion: akinetopsia
profound motion blindness and struggle in performing the activities of daily living
(e.g cross the stress - can see cars but not how they are moving)
area V4 receives input from V1 blob and interblob regions
area important for shape and colour perception
clinical syndrome in humans caused by damage to area V4 - partial or complete loss of colour vision
area IT (inferior temporal lobe)
major output of V4
receptive fields respond to a wide variety of colours and abstract shapes
neurons in IT are selective for complex patterns e.g
visual agnosia
can copy drawing but not able to name what they are drawing
cant recognise or name objects
inability to recognise faces
they see the faces but cant put a name to the face
caused by lesion in the right inferior temporal lobe