Seminar 1 Flashcards
What is development?
Growth of humans throughout the lifespan, from conception to death
Psychoanalytic theories focus?
Importance of unconscious mind and childhood experiences
Sigmund Freud’s contribution to developmental theories?
Psychosexual stages
What is libido?
Pleasure seeking drive driven unconsciously
What are the psychosexual stages?
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Puberty /Genital
Oral Phase
Stimulation of mucus membrane of the mouth
Pleasure gained from excretion of faeces
Erotic pleasure from genitals
5 years to puberty with inactive psychosexual desires.
normal heterosexual development
Oedipus complex
Unconscious desire to kill his father and sleep with his mother (ID)
Electra complex
Reversed for girls, desire to kill mother and sleep with their father. Girls believe that they have penis envy since they already got castrated.
Erik Homburger
Trust vs. Mistrust (their caregivers)
Autonomy vs. doubt (developed self sufficiency by eating and pooping by them selves)
Industry vs. inferiority (develop competence and master new skills)
Identity vs. Role confusion (develop personal identify and sense on self)
Intimacy vs. isolation
Generativity vs. stagnation
Integrity vs. despair
Learning Theories
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Social Learning
Classical conditioning
Pavlov’s Dogs