Semester 1 Final Flashcards
peripheral nervous system
networl of nerves that connects the CNS to other parts of the body
contains sensory and motor neurons
somatic nervous system
controls voluntayr movement of the bodys skeletal muscles
automatic nervous system
controls glands and internal organs
heartbaeat, difrestion, hormomes, ect
sympathetic nervous sutem
fight or flight
perepares body for crisis
parasympatheitc nerocus systme
rests and digest
returns body to normal after crisis
central nervous system
made up of the brain and spinal cord
painful symtpoms when someone suddenly stops using whatever substance/behavior they were addicted to
diminished psychoactive effects after repeated use of a substance or activity requiring larger doeses to create desired effects
psychoactiev drugs
chemicals that change perceptions, moods and behabiprs
drugs taht calm neural acticity and slow body
alcohol, sleep aids, opiates, marijuana
reduces rem
memory disrptoin
sleep aids
induce sleep or reduce anxiery
morphine, heroin, codeine, dentanly
promote endorphins
temporarily excite and arouse bodily functions
caffenine, nictoine, ococaine,
substances that change a persons perception of reality
lsd, pcp. wjeed. shroom
case studies
examines one idividual or group in depth
naturalistic observatoin
observing and recodring behavior in a natural ocurring situtation
cant interact wiht enviro
cant determine cause and effect
asks people to report their behavior or opinions through questionaires
not always jonest
cant determine cause and effect
positive correlation
when 2 variables increase or decrease togehter
negative correlation
when 1 increases, the other decreases
method where a researcher manipulates variables to see if it influneces other vriables
only way to determine cause and effect
psyhoanalytic persepctive
unconcious mind, motives, unresolved conflicts
oast experiences
evolutionary persepective
appriaches human cognition, emotions, and behavior through the effects of evolution
sociocultural perspective
ways apersons social experiencs and society effects them
behavioral perspective
leanring how the environment effects behavior
congtive perspective
how info is aquired, processed, stored and untilixed
biological perspective
looks at genetics, inheritance, family, history, neurvous system, immune sutem, and biologu
lookst at individuals as a whole system through observation of behavior
operational definiton
defining a concept by how you plan to measure it
frontal lobe
judgement, planning, reasoning, problem solving, personality
moral judgement
develops last
contains motor cortex, brocas area, and prefrontal cortex
Brocas area
involved in speech production
brocas aphasia
difficultuy in producing speech
pariatal loves
processes sensory signals
helps with spacial orientation
contains somatosensoty cortex
temporal lobes
involved in hearing, language processing, and memory
connected to limbic system
stores long term memories
wernickes area, right fusiform gyrus
wernickes area
involved in the comprehenion and understanding of written adn spoken language
wernickes aphasia
difficulting expressing and understaind written and spoken words
occiptal loves
processes vidual info from eyes
detection of external stimuli via the 5 senses and the transition of this info to the brain
process of organizing and interpreting sensory info tso that it makes sense
bottom up processing
starts with stimulus, travels through senses and analyzed by brain
top down processing
using knowlefge, experence, or context to understand adn interpret sensory perceptions
absolute threshold
the wekest amount of a stimuls a perso can detect half of the time
differnce threshold
min amount smth needs to change before a person notices the change hald go the time
recpetors in the retina that detect color and fine details
in forvea
recceptors in the retina that enable black and white and peropjeral vision
trichromatic theory
explains that rhere are 3 types of cones in teh retina
when stimulated in combo, they can produce the perception of color
opponent processing theory
neurons work in pairs to help process color vision signlas
brrains create after images
color blindess
caused by impaired finctioning to cone pairs
nerve cells
recireb, cary and pass on to next neuron
reciebe messages from other cells
cell body whih maintains the helah of the messsage
spreads the message to other neurons
myelin shath
fatty tissue that perotects axon and speeds up electricla impulses
axon terminals
form junctions with other cells
motor neurons
control muscle movements and allow for involutary movements
connect sesnory and motor neurons to integrate sensoru infor
sensory neurons
nerve fibers that reciebe stimuli from seonsry organs and send messages to brian for processing
mirror neurons
fires when a person performs and action or observes someone else performing that same action
a substance that activates the receptors for certian NTs and mimics/strenghtne the effect of that NT
heroin, oxycodine, cocane
a substance that attaches to the receptors for certain NTs and blocks them frm having an effet
biologicl rhythm
series of bodily functions regulated by internal clock
cicradian rhythms
biologucal rthythms that occur every 24 hrs based on light
4-6 times a night
lasts 5-10 min
brain wves slow
heart slows, body relaxes
10-30 min
rapid burst of brian waves
breathing regulates, body tem drops, new memories form
20-40 min
slow brain waves
muscles relaex, body sttarts physical repaors, short burst dreams
hard to eake up
10-50 min
active brain waves
body is relaxed, eyes moev rapidyl
sites, sunds, and story line of dream
latanent content
unconsiuss drives and wishes, symbolic meaning of dream
dream consolodation theory
the brains way of fonsilidating memories and events while sleep
lucid dream
know you are dreaming while you are asleep
thinking- the mental activites of aquiring, storing, retrievign and using knowledge
mental image/best ex of a concept
a mental grouping of similar obects, people, events, ect
framework that helps us organi conceps/protpypes
convergent thinking
narrowing down the availavle problem solutions to determine the single best answer
divergent thinking
using creativity to consider many options
step by step method thay guarantees a solution
mental shortcuts that allows us to mae juegements and sovle problems quickly