in collection, abstinence of ___ days
2-7 days
methods of collection
Coitus interruptus
Condom method
best method of collection
method of collection which is not reliable or aka the withdrawal method
Coitus interruptus
the condom method uses non-lubricant-containing rubber or _____ condom
polyurethane condom
specimen should be delivered to the lab within ___ of collection
1 hour
in collection, you should take note of the time of this three
specimen collection
specimen received
liquefaction time is usually takes ___
10-30 mins
specimen should be kept at what temp
reasons for seminal fluid analysis
Fertility testing
Post vasectomy semen analysis
Forensic analysis
most common reason for seminal fluid analysis
fertility testing
post vasectomy semen analysis is done how long after the procedure
2 months
composition of semen
5% spermatozoa
60-70% seminal fluid
20-30% prostate fluid
5% bulbourethral gland
site of spermatogenesis
seminiferous tubules
seminiferous tubules are also known as
site of sperm maturation
propel sperm to ejaculatory ducts
Vas deferens
spermatogenesis and sperm maturation takes ___ days
90 days
provides nutrients for sperm and fluid
seminal vesicles
secretions rich in ____ = for sperm motility
acidic fluid contains ___, ___, _____ and other enzymes
Acid phosphatase enzyme (ACP), zinc, citric acid
Prostate fluid , for _____ and ____
Coagulation and Liquefaction
secretes thick alkaline mucus, neutralized acidity from the prostatic secretions and vagina
bulbourethral gland
stages of sperm maturation
- Spermatogium
- 1° Spermatocyte
- 2° Spermatocyte
- Spermatid
- Spermatozoon
Semen Appearance: Gray-white, translucent (with musty of bleach odor)
Semen Appearance: Increased white turbidity
Infection (increase WBC)
Semen Appearance: Red or Brown coloration
Semen Appearance: Yellow coloration
medication, abstinence, urine contamination
Semen normal volume
2-5 mL
Semen increased volume means
↑ abstinence, hyperspermia
Semen Decreased volume means
incomplete collection, infertility
Semen Viscosity Normal
pour in droplets
Semen Viscosity Abnormal
> 2cm long threads
Reporting of Semen Viscosity:
watery = ?
Reporting of Semen Viscosity: gel like =
Reporting of Semen Viscosity: may also be reported as ___, normal, or ___
slow, normal, or high
Semen pH normal
Semen ↑ pH = ?
Semen ↓ pH = ?
↑ prostate fluid