Sem 2 - S - Infratemporal fossa and T.M.J - Fossa Boundaries/contents, TMJ strucute/ligaments/function Flashcards
What is the infratemporal fossa? What muscle is the infratemporal fossa found deep to?
The infratempora fossa is the space beneath the skull - between the skull and the ramus of the mandible
- The infratemporal fossa is found deep to the masseter muscle
What are the boundaries of the infratemporal fossa? (anterior, posterior, superior, medial, lateral)
- Anterior - posterior surface of maxilla
- Posterior - styloid process of temporal bone
- Superior - infratemporal surface of the greater wing of sphenoid bone
- Medial - lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
- Lateral - ramus of the mandible
What is the fissure formed between the pterygoid process and the maxilla? What passes through here?
The pterygomaxillary fissure The third part of the maxillary artery, the pterygopalatine part passes through this fissure to reach the pterygopalatine fossa
What are the contents of the infratemporal fossa?
- * Medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
- * Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve and branches (CN V3 and branches)
- * Maxillary artery and branches
- * Pterygoid venous plexus
- * Chorda tympani
- * Otic ganglion
Contents of infratemporal fossa Medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, mandibular nerve and branches, maxillary artery and branches, pterygoid venous plexus, chorda tympani, otic ganglion
State the attachment, function and nerve supply to the lateral pterygoid muscle
- Attachment -
- Upper head from the infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone,
- Lower head from the lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
- Inserts into the neck of the mandible & articular disc of TMJ
- Function -
- Bilateral pulls the neck of the mandible forward with the articular disc (protrusion),
- Unilateral helps in lateral chewing with medial pterygoid, and depressed mandible
- Innervation - Nerve to lateral pterygoid from anterior division of CN V3
What is the attachment function and nerve supply of the medial pterygoid muscle?
- Attachment -
- Superficial head from the tubercle of the maxilla,
- Deep head from the medial surface of the lateral surface of pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
- Inserts into the medial surface of the angle of the mandible
- Function - assist in elevation of the mandible, assists in lateral chewing of mandible with medial pterygoid
- Innervation - Nerve to medial pterygoid from main trunk of CN V3
Contents of infratemporal fossa Medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, mandibular nerve and branches, maxillary artery and branches, pterygoid venous plexus, chorda tympani, otic ganglion
What are the branches of CN V3?
- Main trunk -
- Meningeal nerve and nerve to medial pterygoid (gives branches to tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini)
- Anterior -
- Deep temporal nerves x2, nerve to lateral pterygoid, masseteric nerve (motor)
- and buccal nerve (sensory)
- Posterior division-
- Inferior alveolar nerve (giving mylohyoid nerve)
- Auriculotemporal nerve, lingual nerve
Contents of infratemporal fossa Medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, mandibular nerve and branches, maxillary artery and branches, pterygoid venous plexus, chorda tympani, otic ganglion
Talked about the muscles and mandibular nerve and its branches Lets talk about the maxillary artery
- What is this artery one of the terminal branches of?
The maxillary artery is one of the terminal branches of the external carotid artery along with the superficial temporal artery
The maxillary artery can be divided into three parts What are these three parts? Where does the maxillary artery run?
Can be divided into manidbular part, pyterygoid part and pterygopalatine part
Maxillary artery will run in infratemporal fossa and pass between the upper and lower heads of the lateral pterygoid muscle to go into the pterygopalatine fossa via the pterygomaxillary fissure
The first and second part of the maxillary artery lie within the infratemporal fossa The maxillary artery then passes through the pterygomaxillary fissure and the third part lies within the pterygopalatine fossa
What is the mnemonic to help remember the branches of the maxillary artery?
* DAM, I, AM, Piss, Drunk, But, Stupid, Drunk, I, Prefer, Must, Phone, Alcoholics, Anonymous
State the branches coming from the mandibular part of the maxillary artery? (5 branches) (DAM I A)
- * Deep auricular artery
- * Anterior tympanic artery
- * Middle meningeal artery
- * Inferior alveolar artery
- * Accessory meningeal artery
State the branches coming from the pteryoid part of the maxillary artery ( 5 branches) (M Piss Drunk(x2) But)
- * Masseteric artery
- * Pterygoid arterial branches
- * Deep temporal artery (anterior and posterior)
- * Buccal artery
State the branches coming from the pterygopalatine part of the maxillary artery (6 branches, but mnemonic has 8 available because includes 2 branches from infraorbital artery) (Stupid Drunk I Prefer, Must Phone Alcoholics Anonymous)
- * Sphenopalatine artery
- * Descending palatine artery
- * Infraorbital artery
- * Posterior superior alveolar artery
- * Middle superior alveolar artery
- * Pharyngeal artery
- * Artery of pterygoid canal
- * Anterior superior alveolar artery
Anterior superior alveolar and middle superior alveolar are branches of the infraorbital artery
State all the branches of the different parts of the maxillary artery again
- Which are branches of the infraorbital artery?
- What is the terminal branch of the maxillary artery?
DAM I AM Piss Drunk But Prefer Stupid Drunk I Prefer, Must Phone Alcoholics Anonymous
- Mandibular part -
- Deep auricular, Anterior tympanic, Middle meningeal, Inferior alveolar, Accessory meningeal
- Pterygoid part -
- Massteric, Pterygoid arterial branches, Deep temporal(x2), Buccal
- Pterygopalatine part -
- Sphenopalatine, Descending palatine, Infraorbital, Posterior superior alveolar, Middle superior alveolar, Pharyngeal branch, Anterior superior alveolar, Artery to pterygoid canal
Which are branches of the infraorbital artery? What is the terminal branch of the maxillary artery?
Infraorbital artery gives off anterior and middle superior alveolar arteries Terminal branch of maxillary artery is the sphenopalatine artery