Sem 2 - H - Gluteal region & hip joint (articulation, capsule, ligaments, arteries)- Hip bone, femur, gluteal muscles/nerves/vessels Flashcards
What are two other names for the hip bone? Which bones make up the hip bone?
Hip bone - innominate bone and os coxae Ilium, ischium and pubic bone make up the hip bone
What muscle attaches in the iliac fossa? What does the iliac crest connect? Which two bones surround the obturator foramen?
Iliacus arises in the iliac fossa Pubic crest connects anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) Ischium and pubic bone surround the obturator foramen
What lies immediately below the auricular surface of the ilium? What does the auricular surface of the ilium articulate with?
Just below the auricular surface of the ilium is the greater sciatic notch
The auricular surface of the ilium articulates with the sacrum to form the SI joint
What are the gluteal lines and which surface of the ilium do these lines lie on? What does the meeting point of the three hip bones form?
The gluteal lines are on the lateral surface of the ilium and divide up the ilial surface
- Posterior gluteal line
- Anterior gluteal line
- Inferior gluteal line
The meeting point of the three hip bones forms the acetabulum
What forms the greater and lesser sciatic foramen?
The greater and lesser sciatic foramen are formed by sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments
Sacrospinous ligament - ischial spine to sacum
Sacrotuberous ligament - ischial tuberosity to sacrum
Hip joints lie more lateral than the knee joint Femur therefore needs to angle inwards as it moves downwards What is this angle known as and what is the measurement of this angle?
The femur needs to angle inward as it moves downwards - this angle is known as the angle of inclination
Angle of inclination is the angle between the long axis of the femoral shaft and long axis of the femoral head/neck - 125 degrees
So that the femoral head is able to insert into the acetabulum, there is a torsion of the femoral neck This torsion is known as femoral neck antversion (antversion means rotated forwards) What direction does the femoral neck anteversion cause the femoral head to face? What is the angle of anteversion (torison)?
Because of the femoral neck anteversion, the femoral head will face medially, anteriorly and superiorly
Angle of antversion is the angle between the transverse axis of the femoral condyles and axis of the femoral head and neck - the angle is approximately 12 degrees
What is the tuberosity that lies on the lateral aspect of the superior part of the linea aspera and what muscle forms part of its attachment here?
The gluteal tuberosity is at the lateral aspect of the superior linea aspera - gluteus maximus forms part of its insertion here
What are the muscles of the superficial and deep gluteal regions?
Superficial gluteal muscles -Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus, tensor fasci latae Deep gluteal muscles - piriformis, superior gemellus, obturator internus, inferior gemellus, quadratus femoris
What is the attachments of the gluteus maximus muscle?
The gluteus maximus attaches at the posterior sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament and ilium behind the posterior gluteal line and 3/4 of its fibres insert into the iliotibial tract, and 1/4 of its fibres - the deep fibres - insert into the gluteal tuberosity
What is the function of the gluteus maximus? What is its nerve supply?
The gluteus maximus is the main extensor of the hip and assists in lateral rotation of the hip Its is innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve (L5,S1,2)
State the attachment, function and nerve supply of the gluteus maximus
Attachment - Posterior sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament &ilium behind the posterior gluteal line into the iliotibial tract (3/4 of fibres) and the deep fibres into the gluteal tuberosity of femur (1/4 of fibres)
Function - Main extensor of the hip and assists in lateral rotation of the hip
Innervation - Inferior gluteal nerve (L5,S1,2)
What is the attachment of the tensor fascia latae?
Attaches from the anterior iiac crest and anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and inserts into the iliotibial tract
What is the function and nerve supply to the tensor fascia latae?
Function Tenses the iliotibial tract and fascia latae as well as supporting the femur on tibia during standing Innervation - Superior gluteal nerve (L4,5,S1)
State the attachments, function and nerve supply of the tensor fascia latae
Attachment - Anterior iliac crest and ASIS to the iliotibial tract Function - Tenses the iliotibial tract and fascia latae and supports femur on tibia whilst standing Innervation - Superior gluteal nerve (L4,5,S1)
If completely reflecting the gluteus maximus, what muscle will be seen and what muscle lies deep to this?
If reflecting gluteus maximus, will see the gluteus medius with the gluteus minimus lieing deep to the medius
What is the function and innervation of the gluteus medius and minimus?
Gluteus medius and minimus abduct the hip and medially rotate the hip Innervation - Superior gluteal nerve (L4,5,S1)
What is the attachment of the gluteus medius?
Gluteus medius attaches to the ilium between the posterior and anterior gluteal lines to the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter of the femur
What is the attachment of the gluteus minimus?
The gluteus minimus attaches between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines to the anterior surface of the greater trochanter of the femur