Sem 1 - N - Retroperitoneal structures - List of stuctures, urinary tract, kidneys, ureters, adrenal glands Flashcards
What does retroperitoneal mean?
Retroperitoneal means a structure that lies posterior to the parietal peritoneum - it is only covered by peritoneum on one surface
Retroperitoneal structures can either be primary or secondary retroperitoneal What is the difference?
Primary retroperitoneal structures have developed posterior to the peritoneum and have remained that way Secondary retroperitoneal are structures that did not originate posterior to the peritoneum however by the end of developed are posterior to the peritoneum and are seen that way in the adult
Name the primary retroperitoneal structures? (clue KIA) Name the secondary retroperitoneal strucutres? (clue (DAD PR)
Primary retroperitoneal structures KIA - * Kidneys (+adrenal glands), * IVC, * Aorta Secondary retroperitoneal structures DAD PR - * Descending colon * Ascending colon * Duodneum (2nd,3rd,4th parts) * Pancreas - except tail * Rectum (upper 2/3rds)
Why is the lower 1/3rd of the rectum not retroperitoneal?
The lower 1/3rd of the rectum sits inferior to the peritoneum and is therefor described as infraperitoneal (subperitoneal)
Where do the suprarenal glands (adrenal glands) sit in relation to the kidney? At what vertebral level is the hilum of the kidney?
The suprarenal glands lie superioromedially to the kidney The hilum of the kidney is at the L1 vertebral level
What is the approximate length and width of the kidney? What rib level and what vertebral level do both kidneys sit at?
The kidney is approximately 10-12 cm in length and 6-8 cm in width Right kidney Sits at L1-L3 vertebral level and is protected by rib 12 Left kidney Sits at T12-L2 vertebral level and is protected by ribs 11 and 12
What are the anatomical relations of the right kidney? (anterior and posterior)
Anteriorly - suprarenal gland, 2nd part of the dudodneum (descending), liver and right colic flexure (hepatic flexure) Posteriorly - diaphragm, rib 12, quadratus lumborum, psoas major, transversus abdominus, sobcostal nerve
What are the anatomical relations of the left kidney? (Anterior and posterior)
Anterior - Suprarenal gland, spleen, stomach, pancreas, left colic flexure (splenic flexure), jejunum Posteriorly - diaphragm, ribs 11 and 12, quadratus lumborum, psoas major, tranversus abdominus, subcostal nerve
The kidney tends to have a red-brown smooth outer capsule What are the structures found in the hilum of the kidney?
Renal vein anteriorly Renal artery posteriorly Ureter inferiorly Also lymph and sympathetic fibres
What is the function of the kidneys? What are the layers from peritoneum to kidney?
Function of the kindey is to filtre blood to create urine * Visceral peritoneum * Paranephric fat * Renal (deep fascia) * Perinephric fat * Renal capsule * Kidney
What level does the renal arteries come from the abdominal aorta? Renal artery variation is very common What is normal and abnormal variation?
The renal arteries come from the lateral aspect of the aorta at L1 vertebral lvl Normal renal artery variation is when there is more than one artery entering the hilum Abnormal renal artery variation is when there are accessory arteries entering the superior or inferior poles of the kidney
The kidney has darker areas and lighter areas, what is the difference?
The darker areas of the kidney are the renal medulla The lighter areas of the kidney are the renal cortex
How does urine travel from the collecting ducts in the medulla to the ureter?
Urine travels from the collecting ducts to drain directly via papilla into a minor calyx Multiple minor calyx join together to form a major calyx and these join to together to form the renal pelvis The renal pelvis is continuous with the ureter which drains to the bladder
Important to be able to label an axial CT Start with the arrow at 1oclock
Starting at 1oclock yellow arrow Abdominal aorta Left renal artery Left kidney Left Quadratus lumborum Vertebrae Right Psoas major Right kidney Right renal vein IVC
What happens to the renal arteries as they approach the hilum of the kidney and then as they enter the hilum?
The renal arteries usually come from the lateral apsect of the oarta at L1 They divide into anterior and posterior branches that divide into segmental branches as they enter the hilum of the kidney